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TRS - Casefile #0080

EDWARD: Diableret asks: Do you like ice cream?

(pause) Are you serious? Completely, utterly, and straightforwardly serious? I thought the question about pets were... You are serious, aren't you? Ladies and gentlemen on the internet - let me be frank for a minute. I am a genius. Call it hubris, call me overconfident, but I have the numbers to back it up if you care to dispute my claim. And not just any genius, either - I am the Riddler. The man with the questions, the information broker of Gotham, and the smartest criminal to ever knock over a bank in the Good Ol' U S of A. Sending me questions about food is like devoting your life to ending war because you hate recruiting ads. Congratulations however, are in order - I actually have no response to this. Therefore, if you'll pardon the quote: "everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul."



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