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Having children affects different individuals differently



Lord Chaos

Rock his world.


Yes, I remember that Amy and Thomas were also quite energetic when they first had a chance alone after Timmy. Sabrina was quite eager as well, if I recall. They’re creatures of habit.


Some things never change.

Joel Kreissman

After that litter I’d suggest at least one of them got their tubes tied


'too precautions' should be 'took precautions'?




26 more kids, coming up !


Man of Steel, Woman of Kleenex

Dave Barrack

My question about worlds with anthropomorphic animal characters is this; Given that nearly all the characters are "full blood" single species (skunk, squirrel, fox, whatever) with only a few notable exceptions like ZigZag, but, so many couples are mixed genus and their kids are skuncoons and wolfchillas and foxquirrels etc, how is it that the current generation are all "purebloods" and not 32 genus mashups by now? If the comic took place following their kids around, every couple would be intraspecies, and their kids would have 4 different genuses in them. Was there some sort of Inquisition level puritanical movement about "keeping the lines pure" that suddenly fell away? Or when two mixed-genus parents have a kid, does one of the four bloodline assert itself like a dominant trait? Yeah, I know it's a comic about toon animal people, I just like thinking about the extended socio-anthropology of a world like this. Like, do people tend to vote for hereditarily carnivorous presidents during wartime? Is a genuses dietary legacy remotely a factor? Do herbivorous girls get a thrill from dating carnivorous guys? Stuff like that.

Ovalson Iyvn

Interesting question I sometime thought of something like that my self and wonder who could be next?


not afraid for 10 or so MORE KIDS POPPING OUT?


I know I don't dig into it too deeply, as it becomes too easy to fall into a spiral you can't pull out of. I sort of imagine the majority of 'pure-breds' comes out of societal bias, acting along Sabrina's mother's preferences even if they don't advocate it. - and there's probably a lot of individuals in this world that appear to be 100% cat on the surface, but is actually 1/32 dog by ancestry.

Wild Card

Cue a second litter conception.

Ovalson Iyvn

Honestly I thought the next arc could come full circle in the current comics.



Ovalson Iyvn

Yeah that how many are their in the current Sabrina online story arcs.