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Sometimes the only thing worse than not understanding a thing - is understanding it.



Ovalson Iyvn

Yeah she seem to have a point since this arc seem to be winding down any idea on what the next arc is going to be in your opinion that is?

Chris Shaffer

I imagine in a long-term committed relationship, the Centipede's Dilemma becomes an issue.




Love is not something that can be quantified or measured. You can be mad at someone you love, you can be angry with them, you can want to punch them these things do not mean you don't love the person. They can mean that you might need to reign in your temper some but it doesn't mean you don't love them. Trying to measure or understand love is like trying to understand sentience. You can't measure it, you can't see it, you can't even really describe it objectively. Love is love.


I do know a couple who say the reason they've stayed together so long is because the tease and make fun of each other. All in good fun but still.

Tazer Silverscar

I get the way Sabrina feels though. It's uncertainty and doubt. Something I go through on a daily basis (for different reasons, but it's still there).


Why ask why ?


Focus on your Amiga, your sweet husband, daughter and stop asking why...just be happy.