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It's looking like Tabitha might have to take over the job of reining in her mother from now on.



Viro Veteruscy

Well damn... *gets Endora more drinks* I'm interested in seeing how far this goes. Also Hell's not that bad, have my ticket right here for all the NSFW art I've done >w>


Sounds like my mum, but my mum didn't drink LOL.

Alx Porrini

Three red wines. Gotta give her some vodka and see what happens.


Wow, this could actually go in a number of interesting directions! I also like the bartender continuing to serve that drink in panel three as if they're not talking about him right there. Nice touch there.

Lord Chaos

I own a piece of the place and they are more than welcome to stay.


Little Danielle with the Olive is hilarious. She's still at the breast feeding stage right?


*looks at news feeds* Pretty sure we’re in hell now.


Yes, God would have something to say, Tabitha.


The more I read about ZigZag the more intrigued I become. She is a complex soul. I don't mean that as a it is colloquially considered but rather she seems to be a deeper multifaceted character who has her head on a bit straighter than most. It would be interesting to get to the core of why she is tenable and yet vulnerable


Oh Endora, you sweet summer child.


spike her drink and will see if she starts asking more FUN QUESTIONS than that idiocy while Tabitha RECORDS IT!

Wendell Hong

I still think there's another adults only story that's happening just off panel of this one.

Glenn Sellers

Well, in a VERY old song, a singer named Tom T. Hall says, "Vodka puts my mouth in gear." So, maybe we DON'T want to give her some vodka.

Glenn Sellers

I believe Eric touches on that in the original Sabrina-Online webcomic. Zig had a rough child(kit?)hood. So, after an intensive vetting process, she latches onto anyone whom she considers a friend. She's also VERY protective of children, especially children of her friends.


I am well acquainted with original comic. I believe the depth of my musing was missed. This was a reflection of thought on what makes Zig tic. She has the sense of honour to keep her word to her own hurt even when the other party has not been honest. Are these traits bestowed by EWS or her creator? So that takes us to is it a meta nature vs nurture and are they plug n' play concepts or deeper backstories/musings from the mind of EWS?

monstersquishy .

i keep wanting to call Danielle Michel. lol

monstersquishy .

Also random question, who created zig zags back story? was it Max or Eric? Which back story is considered to be most true?

monstersquishy .

I noticed zigs shoulder strap is down the whole time lol


The basics of Zig's backstory was from Max, which I try to follow as closely as I can, though some details probably differ here and there.


Danielle is mimicking my reaction to olives.