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Whenever I see some Sci-Fi show or movie where some high-tech future guy is able to plow through some 1980s computer or mainframe with huge tape reels with no effort, I think "No way. You just have to watch a child of today trying to figure out an Apple II or Commodore 64 to know life doesn't work that way."



Sleepy Dave

THIS!!! This a thousand times!!!! We are SO very spoiled by today's standard of video games. I recall the old days of going through $20 in quarters in one outing at Aladdin's Castle in the local mall.


Welcome to the concept of "NINTENDOHARD!"

Viro Veteruscy

We all gained tiger blood back then >w> https://youtu.be/94Y6y1MOoEo?t=97

monstersquishy .

I think Sabrina would have been around Tabitha's age when galaga was new

Glenn Sellers

Don'tcha love when modern youths play games we old folks played LONG before they were even imagined? BTW Eric, you gotta remember, Hollywood don't remember the past like us older folks do. Most of us actually had to LIVE that time period while they were in diapers at best. LOL.

Kenneth Chisholm

"And that's how video games made their money back then: making it so hard that you'll want to keep dropping quarters to keep trying."

Tazer Silverscar

Cheap enough that you can get far on very little if you know how to play, but hard enough that you'll waste money just trying 🤣


Q video game blues



Wild Card

Oh that was fun to watch. Yeah, old school games were a LOT harder than they look like.

Wendell Hong

Old school video games were hard and they were also endurance tests. Also, as computers get more advanced they get easier to use. Probably the best Sci-Fi example was when Scotty having traveled to the past in one of the Star Trek movies tired to use a mouse to give a computer commands.


It's a bit sad that she never saw her dad play those games. Maybe both girls will search their under jaw after a few minutes.