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Hello. I'm alive. Here is a version of my Moon 2.5 animation with sound and slightly expanded. I have increased the length of the animation to compensate for my "magical" long-term disappearances. In general, I hope you enjoy it.

Download: https://mega.nz/file/7VQjwAKL#EqRLiz0v9Mh3YGEuE3B3CCtzxAtMTbi6G0uZ8mP23OA 

But I'm not sure I like it. Guys, I'm experiencing some kind of strange mental crisis - this animation, in my opinion, turned out to be bad and raw, it dragged on for 2 months (when in fact there is a maximum of 3 weeks of work here) and it makes me very sad and depressed. I don't understand why the complexity of creating long projects increases exponentially, especially when you have to do everything alone. I'll have to think about optimizing my work, how to organize everything in such a way that I don't get stuck in one place for a long time.

So let's try something. I want to distract myself and open up short free animation requests from me for everyone. Guys, if you want me to make a little animation for you - write to me! I will definitely make animations that will be based on the most interesting ideas that you suggest to me. The main condition is that your idea fits into an animation up to 40 seconds long.

Anyway, I will continue to work on my long-promised animations slowly for now, and I will try to publish updates on them in the near future



Simon Germann

I would love to get some more genshin growth since I play the game and love the characters.

Treydep Deparasis

that part where she pulled the stocking was so nutz. I literally said wow. since I have never seen it before I know it must have been a pain to make it look so smooth. thank you for your hard work.