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  • growth_spurt_test.mp4
  • test.mp4



Hi! There have been no posts from me for a long time, largely because of my studies at the university. Now I have free time, so expect new posts from me in the coming week with an update of the animation of the tailed Moriko and a sound (and augmented) version of the animation with a pink-haired girl

And now I would like to show you my new character, which I made especially for my future growth animation in the room. Meet Amogus-Chan, hehe. 

So far, I'm testing a model and I'm trying to make beautiful physics for her clothes (so that in the end the girl will outgrow it, yes!)

And also, I quickly made a little animation with this girl for my good friend Shegamamai, who helps me with music. The animation includes car crush  and a bit of growth. I would like to show this girl in the future as a brave and playful character (but by no means an evil sadist!), so the animation with growth in the room should be interesting and different from everything I did next. And, apparently, this will be my first truly nsfw animation...

Download animation: https://mega.nz/file/nAYCACJL#8NziU7zuUH-tQV6C0a_LTGPJ7ELdV7iqm_ekYF09TnE 

P.S. Amogus-Chan - sounds funny, but idiotic and is not suitable for a girl's name. So what do we call her?




Love the growth sounds soooo much


The sexiest sounds, ah.... I wish I could do them well enough. I need more experimentation and experimentation with sound!!

Maxime Boirin

she is not outgrowing her socks