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Okay fine, here's another one for ya, our NEW YEAR SPECIAL!

DISCLAIMER - Great film but bit of a controversial reaction from one of us.. for a change

but we like open discussion and differing opinions here at ASWT, that's what makes this community special!

This is our last uncut release now until the new year as we are taking a week break for Christmas but we will back very soon with all sorts of new years updates

Thank you for a wonderful 2023, can't wait for 2024!





Steffi K.

My favorite movie ❤️

Diane Furlong

You sneaky boys! I’m watching one of my favorites, Single all the way. Then I see the notification that you just added another one of my favorites, My Policeman. Thanks Alex and Josh

Nikki Hearn

This is a heartwrenching movie, it reminds me of Fellow Travelers in a way. Its not as complex as Travellers, but it touches on similar subjects. Complicated era and suppressing your wants to "fit in" with societies expectations. 🫠🫠 Harry as an actor is superb, he will go far! Plus he's a bit of eye candy, which helps! 🍬

Mark Heidel

Happy Hoilidays and see you in 2024 ❤️💋

Annika Gestrin Lindelöf

Thank you!!! I love this film even though its also heartbreaking. 💔 Harry is fantastic along with the rest of the cast. I wish you a fantastic holiday. Thank you for making my days better and giving me company to rewatch my favourite series. I have a tip for you: also about the 80- ties. Swedish series " don't ever wipe your tears without gloves. " It's also from a book a famous Swedish ( gay) author. Very very good and sad. 😊🩷. https://www.imdb.com/title/tt2399776/?ref_=ext_shr

Diane Furlong

I’ll be back later today to watch. Going to see Wonka in the theater Enjoy Your Holidays Alex and Josh and Thank You for all that you do!

Jini McClelland

Thank you Your position isn’t controversial …I agree. 👍🏻 beautiful movie and acting… tragic. But yes, I wish it’d have been more about Tom & Patrick’s experience, not just how it all affected Marian. Her story is tragic & sad and a part of it but…yeah.. like Alex, I’m having trouble articulating. Love you guys. Happy Holidays & new year! ❤️❤️

Jenny Lukan

I’m really curious how you would feel about Man in an Orange Shirt and how you would compare Lucy from FT, Marion, and Flora from Man in an Orange Shirt. The presentation of the bearding wife in all three is different and their choices are different but they can definitely be compared. I like Man in an Orange Shirt better than My Policeman because you see the effects of the choices made in the past on the future generations.

Marion Riederer

Thanks for watching one of my favorite films!

Dd44🩷💜💙 (edited)

Comment edits

2024-02-10 03:35:15 David Dawson (who plays Patrick) is such a good actor I love him. Plus gay actors playing gay roles is always good. I actually thought Harry did well in this. There tension and chemistry is just off the charts. I never liked Marion but I’m glad she did the right thing at the end even though it was long overdue. I’ve been waiting for you guys to react to this the first time I watched it I bawled my eyes out.
2023-12-22 18:32:18 David Dawson (who plays Patrick) is such a good actor I love him. Plus gay actors playing gay roles is always good. I actually thought Harry did well in this. There tension and chemistry is just off the charts. I never liked Marion but I’m glad she did the right thing at the end even though it was long overdue. I’ve been waiting for you guys to react to this the first time I watched it I bawled my eyes out.

David Dawson (who plays Patrick) is such a good actor I love him. Plus gay actors playing gay roles is always good. I actually thought Harry did well in this. There tension and chemistry is just off the charts. I never liked Marion but I’m glad she did the right thing at the end even though it was long overdue. I’ve been waiting for you guys to react to this the first time I watched it I bawled my eyes out.

Dennis Rhoberts (edited)

Comment edits

2024-02-10 03:35:15 David Dawson stole the show with his performance, in my opinion, but I thought Harry did a great job as Tom. There’s room for improvement, but I found this to be his best acting so far. My critique: I would have loved to see more of Tom’s perspective in the flashbacks. Like Marion said, they all ruined each other. A bit more focus on Tom and Patrick’s relationship & internal struggles would’ve better reflected that. I also think that would’ve been a great addition to make the ending of the film seem less like it was about Marion being an angel. She did the right thing in the end, but she far from made up for the damage done. Btw, I would LOVE to see you two watch “Saltburn” at some point! 😂 It’s just been released for streaming. Probably my favorite film of 2023.
2023-12-22 19:08:30 David Dawson stole the show with his performance, in my opinion, but I thought Harry did a great job as Tom. There’s room for improvement, but I found this to be his best acting so far. My critique: I would have loved to see more of Tom’s perspective in the flashbacks. Like Marion said, they all ruined each other. A bit more focus on Tom and Patrick’s relationship & internal struggles would’ve better reflected that. I also think that would’ve been a great addition to make the ending of the film seem less like it was about Marion being an angel. She did the right thing in the end, but she far from made up for the damage done. Btw, I would LOVE to see you two watch “Saltburn” at some point! 😂 It’s just been released for streaming. Probably my favorite film of 2023.

David Dawson stole the show with his performance, in my opinion, but I thought Harry did a great job as Tom. There’s room for improvement, but I found this to be his best acting so far. My critique: I would have loved to see more of Tom’s perspective in the flashbacks. Like Marion said, they all ruined each other. A bit more focus on Tom and Patrick’s relationship & internal struggles would’ve better reflected that. I also think that would’ve been a great addition to make the ending of the film seem less like it was about Marion being an angel. She did the right thing in the end, but she far from made up for the damage done. Btw, I would LOVE to see you two watch “Saltburn” at some point! 😂 It’s just been released for streaming. Probably my favorite film of 2023.

Cadu (edited)

Comment edits

2024-02-10 03:35:15 Thank you for all the great content this year guys. Cant wait for what is to come in 2024. Have a lovely holiday week
2023-12-22 19:27:35 Thank you for all the great content this year guys. Cant wait for what is to come in 2024. Have a lovely holiday week

Thank you for all the great content this year guys. Cant wait for what is to come in 2024. Have a lovely holiday week

Chris Metzger

"But can he tickle the pearl", I nearly choked! Did you notice that the actor who played older Tom was Lucy's father in FT? They were actually good at making the switch from My Policeman: Patrick's story, to My Policeman: Marion's story. Just like Lucy in FT, Marion made a choice to stay with her husband even when she knew he was in love with a man the entire time. The scenes where Marion was leaving Tom was nearly parallel to Lucy leaving Hawk. Yes, there was love, but there was never desire. Patrick/Tim was always there no matter how hard Tom/Hawk tried to pretend he wasn't.


I’m a little surprised that no one has mentioned that older Tom is the same actor as Senator Smith (Lucy’s dad that committed suicide) in Fellow Travelers. Linus Roache is popular in the States as he was prosecutor on Law & Order and was in Homeland. In fact, i didn’t even realize he was from England until My Policeman came out and I started watching press about it. Merry Christmas everyone!!! ❤️🎄🎁

Christopher Shaw

I loved “My Policeman”. A beautiful, sexy yet heartbreaking story. I would love to see you guys review the three “The Falls” movies. They are low-budget but very good. Especially the second film.


The book delves way more into things than the movie. In the book, Tom’s sister even tries to warn Marion that maybe she shouldn’t pursue Tom because she’s not his type or something along those lines. I lost all respect for Marion when the truth came out. Her doing that and causing Patrick to end up in prison was horrific, and it could’ve easily led to him being killed in there. I love Harry Styles (have loved him since One Direction 😂) and I think out of all 3 movies he’s done, this one is my favorite of his. This movie is heartbreaking but everyone in it was so good.

Diane Furlong

I understand what you’re saying Alex, but the story is being told through Marian’s eyes. She’s in a similar situation as Lucy from Fellow Travelers was. Now, this is my opinion but I feel all three characters are victims in this movie much like the characters in Fellow Travelers were victims. Interesting parallels between these two shows.


I very much get what Alex was saying, but I think the way that I rationalise this film is by deeming it to be HER story. I think if you watch it from the perspective of it being about a relationship between two men, then Alex is very much correct in asserting that they give too much weight to Marion's perspective and motivations. But I don't think it was intended to be about Patrick and Tom - I think it is about Marion and the way she has navigated her life.

Chris Mackenzie

Marion reminded me to much of Theresa May... Probably why I didn't like her.


I didn’t hate this film as others have I don’t think he’s as bad as people say he is. Also regarding Marion’s POV it’s called “My policeman” the film is as much about her as it is about Patrick.

Dan Tackett

Having watched My Policeman months ago, then your reactions to Fellow Travelers, I was looking forward to your perspective on this film. Such similar stories: the awful conditions in the 50s in both the US and UK, the time shifts, the “forbidden” love triangle. And Linus Roache acting in both. Thank you for the early Christmas gift, guys! I’m excited about your upcoming film festival and the reactions that you’ll share in 2024. Your insights and lovely banter make Patreon membership well worthwhile.

Jacqueline Hahn

In direct contrast to their conversation in the prison, where Marion says to Patrick "Nobody won!", I think this film ends with all 3 of them winning. Tom finally gets to be himself, Patrick gets Tom and Marion gets to be free of a marriage she has always known be a sham, but hasn't been able to walk away from and leave Tom alone. I really like this film, it's beautifully done.

J Cun

Ever thought about going back even further? Loved to see your reaction to Weekend. With all the Andrew Haigh hype with the release of All of Us Strangers, his Weekend really is great. In the states you can find it for free on Tubi. Highly recommend for a “throw back” reaction video.

Lindsay Faulkner

Alex’s thoughts are really interesting about the perspective and sympathies of the characters, the original story was written by a woman, I feel like you picked up on that without even knowing it.

Chelsea George

This was the first time I'd actually seen this movie. I thought it was a great story but I agree with Alex so far in that I'm not liking that it's from the perspective of Marion who had very homophobic views in the 50s and ruined Patrick's life. I had to skip through the part where his diary is read in court, I know he's a fictional character but to me it was such a violation. Clearly, Marion then got to see the fallout of her actions, Tom lost his job and Patrick imprisoned and beaten. I don't know what to think of her actions in the present, it all seemed a bit too little too late, perhaps it was Patrick's stroke that put things into perspective for her though? The ending where Tom embraced Patrick had me in tears though, anyone else? :D

Domenic Cieri

Linus was also the main character in “The Priest”. It was a great film about a young gay priest during the seventies set in Ireland I think.

D.A. Rowley

Good movie, but I think I would have preferred to see Tom's point of view and his love for Patrick. Less Marion more Tom and Patrick working through their relationship. To me Marion was or should have been just a side character and not told from her point of view. They still could have shown how in the 50's the non acceptance and how gays were treated. The entire time whenever Marion came on screen it really bothered me as I felt her character was just a means to an end and really did nothing for the story. The story was about or should have been about these two men in that time facing the hardships of that time, much like Fellow Travelers. I don't know maybe I am influenced by FT and so be it but that is a far more interesting story than Marion's point of view. Gee, can you tell I had a problem with the Marion character....LOL

Steven Jump

With all the comparing this to Fellow Travelers, I'm amazed you did clock that Older Tom is played by Linus Rosche who played Senator Smith. Lucy's dad who killed himself. I beg you guys to react to Linus's 90's film Priest. It's really good. He's a closeted Priest who here's a disturbing confession. Don't worry Alex, I disagree with you a lot! Josh, if you keep playing with your hair you are going to void the warranty!

Crystal Pritchard

This reaction makes me wish I’d known less about the movie the first time I saw it. Watching you first watch Tom with Marion and recognizing that something wasn’t right between them and then discovering that the whole time Tom was also with Patrick, made me realize how brilliantly this film was constructed. Not to defend Marion, but I do think there is a little bit of belittling what she, and other wives of gay men, would have experienced. These women married to men who deceived them and could never love them and there’s something particularly lonely about being with someone who doesn’t see you, or doesn’t love you the way you need. It’s far more lonely than being on your own. So while I agree that what Patrick experienced is worse than what Marion experienced, her loneliness and unhappiness would’ve been soul crushing as well. Imagine being in a room for your whole adult life and being invisible to the one person who is supposed to see you and understand you.


I agree with Alex to some extent, however maybe we don't fully understand now how many people, as they were told to believe homosexuality was something that could be get rid of, stayed with their partners and believed their love/devotion/etc could change them and that there was a co-dependency of some sort maybe similar to what people might have when they are partnered with people that have addictions or mental health challenges. I think also the weird after-feeling that this movies gives is maybe conveying those circumstances where none of the three could truly "win" and find lasting happiness.

Tina Stellato

Another book comes to life!!This was also Harry’s rl story with Louis Tomlinson of 1D & all the beards their management forced on them!! If you listen to any song written by 1D, & their solo albums and especially their later songs you will see their tragic love story. Their management and Simon Cowell kept them apart using beards 💔😡😭 just a side note: Louis was in Venice when Harry was filming this movie

Alanna Smith

i liked the book so i had an idea what the movie was about but i like how you both had different perspectives

Jenna Swatt

One thing that was left out from the book is Marion’s own internalized homophobia. The book opens with Marion as a child kissing her female friend while playing in their room. She is met with confusion and rejection. There is also a deeper relationship between her and her teacher friend during the events in the story. Tom’s internalized homophobia is clearly shown but I think the movie does a disservice to Marion, and her possible queerness being over looked. Definitely adds a layer to complicate things even more 😳 Love this story and love your take on the movie’s interpretation 💕


Not a fan of the movie for many many reasons. But I think you highlighted the most important point, why did this story need to be told from the woman's perspective? I also feel the emotion is heavily affected by how they cut around Harry's performance.

Arya P

Lol please... Harry and Louis were never together and every "proof" you've seen has been manipulated, edited, photoshopped... How old are you?

Meral Gattan

I would really love to see you guys react to the movie Firebird its based on a true story and its SO DAMN GOOD 🥺

Tina Stellato

Really what does my age have todo with the fact that I truly do miss their music! I’m 53 years old and have listened to their music since day 1 on XFactor. I’m also a very proud mom of a bullied bi daughter!!! So I do know a thing or two!!!! Really didn’t think that antis had a place here, so sad 😞


Interesting fact. Linus Roache is the son of William Roache, better known as the character Ken Barlow in Britain’s longest running soap opera . He was in the very first episode and he’s still in it. As an actor He had ambitions to be a big Hollywood star but instead his son picked up that torch and ran with it. 😀

Gina Lipkin

I would love you to see 'Cable Girls" this time period in Madrid, based around connecting calls by cable and then the first phone boxes, there's lesbians, transexuals, and gay love, there's murder of a bully, and a group of friends who take on the world

Gina Lipkin

Dark and tormented times, very little joyful times, made it harsh viewing, so much to live through in those times, but I got through it with your help

Gina Lipkin

Best wishes for the festive season, do what you enjoy


spoiler alert movie is so good😩

Louise Poole 🍂

I may get shot down for this but I have to agree that I dont like the lense this films looks through in regards to Marion. It almost seems like they're saying 'look at this poor woman and what these awful men did to her, look how unfullfilling her life has been and how lonely she is' then at the end ending on a shot of her, and her departure speech making it seem like she's sacrificing again and 'letting' them be together. Even when she did wrong by reporting Patrick its like they tried to say 'but she only did it because you betrayed and humiliated her'. I'm not sure if I'm explaining my thoughts very well but there was just something about it that grated the wrong way for me.

Yasmin Khoshnood

I've never liked Simon Cowell and wouldn't put it past the music industry to keep them closeted. They'll do anything to make money. It's so sad. I agree, this film must have resonated with Harry somehow in order for him to do the film. I really liked this film and am proud of Harry for doing it when he could just conform and do straight roles. Tina, thank you for supporting the LGBT community.

Yasmin Khoshnood

I also wish it was more from the perspective of Patrick and Tom rather than Marion. They all suffered, she wasn't the only victim. They all were of societal circumstances.


Tom is a character who only knows silence, except when he is himself with Patrick. It’s been reenforced in him because of the attitudes of that period in time, from his cultural working class background and job, so we only get a glimpse of his true self when he is in a scene with Patrick or when Patrick writes about him. This mystery is one of the keys to telling their story in this movie and keeping the tension across the timelines. We mainly only hear the perspectives of Marion and Patrick. We don’t really know what Tom is thinking - it’s only revealed when we seen him with Patrick. He remains an adored, mysterious love interest to Marion and Patrick, but that silence keeps him from truely revealing himself beyond Patrick. A key moment that is repeated in the movie is when they see the painting of the storm. Tom is a swimmer and on his first visit to the gallery finds the picture of the storm at sea, which is one of times we get a revelation of what is going on within him. He talks to Patrick about sensing the waves and how strong they are, like swimming in rough surf. A little later in time (though we see this scene first thinking that it the first time Tom had been to the gallery), the three of them visit the gallery and Patrick explains the painting to Marion in a similar way to how Tom explained it to Patrick. Listen to how they talk to each other in code throughout the early part of the movie as they describe that paintings and what they mean to them. Patrick’s painting is the raising of Lazarus, which is his story of being brought back to life by his new friend, following the loss of his lover. This painting is in the Brighton Museum and the rest of the interior backgrounds were filmed in London. If you are interested in art and want to see the gallery for yourself, then visit The Wallace Collection (Hertford House, Manchester Square, London W1U 3BN).

Sara Nissen

I finally got around to watch this movie, and I really like it. It's well done and beautiful and tragic, and I don't mind it being told from Marions perspective, and I don't excuse what she did, cause even if she was understandably hurt(being with someone who didn't love her quite the way she wanted/needed, and sadly had to hide himself), she shouldn't have reported Patrick. So I can understand your thoughts Alex, about this movie giving you mixed emotions in parts because of the perspective in which it was told, her homophobia etc, which she tried to make up for, even if it could be seen as "a little too late" in some sense.

Stephen Bertram

Admittedly I am late in watching your review of MP. I generally liked the movie although within the representation of Tom and Patrick’s relationship and especially in the intimacy scenes it seemed that David Dawson was able to inhabit his character with a deeper sense of gay/queer identity. That fact in amongst so many others is why I loved Fellow Travelers so much. Both Matt and Jonathan deeply inhabited their roles and it showed in every scene. Regarding MP; including the perspective of Marion’s experience does show just how difficult it was from a family experience. I can speak to that as one of my maternal uncles lived that same life in the 1950’s; gay, spent time in federal prison for it, was in a marriage of convenience that was difficult at best and tumultuous at its worse, one that ended in divorce after some twenty years, all of which is still effecting parts of my extended family. The best part though of so many gay/queer movies like MP and FT is that they are living documents of a time when we individually and collectively struggled to find ways to live an authentic life amongst the backdrop of a very hostile world. Sadly not so different than today here in the US.

Beatrice Thomas-McCandless

Thank you for this reaction. The book goes into more depth 9f Tom's struggle with hishhis sexuality and his and Marion's early interactions. Patrick and Tom had more interactions than the movie. Harry wanted this role and approached the director for this part. Grandage wanted an all gay cast also. Harry is better in this than DWD. This movie was his choice unlike the others. This is close to his own experiences in the music industry forced closeting. Sadly he knows ehatbit feels like. The book is better due to more details.

Beatrice Thomas-McCandless

The book by Bethenny Roberts was based on a real story. Also, I saw this movie in the theater and the ending hit the audience, you could hear people crying and it took a few minutes before they left. I agree with your take on Marion.

Jamir Blue

I am late, I know but I can understand the issues with Marion’s character. There were issues and I do think I should read the book but I think it was a decent movie. There is a full circle moment in the movie though, because we kind of start with Marion and end with her so it wraps up ok. I mean she could have been better about why she brought him there, etc.


For me the film did a good job of showing everyone’s perspective. You could see the hurt that Marion felt and the anger and the turmoil of people at the time and her need to try and put things right (whether she managed that or not is another matter). Then you saw the love that Patrick had and the want he had and the struggle he had in a world that didn’t accept him. Then the desperation that Tom felt for companionship and also how much he was torn. Obviously in todays standards Marion did a horrible thing BUT we have to think about at the time. When you’re brought up with the idea of sexuality having right and wrongs and things are illegal, she was ultimately betrayed by her husband and she thought that it was this disgusting abhorrent thing. But you see that she did grow with the time and she was trying to make amends and let Tom have the love of his life. I think they left things out, like they could’ve tried to show more of future Tom and Patrick slowly connecting again. It kind of felt like she went bye bye and Tom just went okay which to me is kind of just lazy writing. I liked the film, unfortunately, I don’t think Harry brought to life the full turmoil that was going on in Tom’s mind. I do think it’s really lazy casting when you just choose someone for their name. There are so many big name actors that could’ve played that part and done it more justice. He was good but I think there would’ve been better choices. Emma Corrin did a fab job, the guy who played young Patrick was incredible and Rupert Everett was astonishing, he portrayed so much very little. Overall I liked the film and it’s one I might watch again but probably isn’t one I’d gravitate to.

Heather S.

Me: Might be time for the fan Josh: *whispers* Do we need the fan? 😂 🪭 👮‍♂️

Ronja kaspara Moum

You should realley watch the miseducation of cameron post☺️ and this movie is absolutely fantastic, loved your reaction😊

Ronja kaspara Moum

I never cry over movies but this one along with you’re reaction was just amazing and heartbreaking ❤️‍🩹