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and Lucy and Tim finally meeting! So much happening in this episode...




Skip this if you don't want to hear a wild theory or wait until you watch more episodes to get the full meaning of my wild theory. In the Episode 6 reaction, Alex mentions that Tim goes from God, to Hawk, to God. Also Josh makes an analogy with Tim being treated like a guy owning a special car. I'll start with Josh's analogy and give my twist on it. Instead of a car, Tim is like this really fast motorcycle. When Hawk "rides" him, he feels the wind, the speed, the danger, and this excites him. But he hides this motorcycle because his wife thinks he'll get himself killed. She doesn't want him to ride the bike. In fact, Hawk doesn't tell Lucy he has this motorcycle, because he knows how she'll react. Instead, he drives a mini-van. The minivan is safe. It transports the family go baseball practice or piano lessons or to picnics with the whole family. But the minivan is truly boring. He drives it for the family's sake. But it's not like riding that bike. Hawk's wife has no idea the motorcycle exists, but she suspects he's riding a bike. She just doesn't know just how much Hawk loves that bike and how bored he is with the minivan. To her, the bike is danger. It risks leaving the family without a father if there's an accident. Lucy wants assurances Hawk is not riding a bike. He promises he truly loves driving the minivan. She pretends to believe Hawk. Back to the other bit. Alex says Tim is with God, then Hawk, then God. Alex is trying to understand this back and forth. I want you to extrapolate this idea of God vs. Hawk further. I had a wild theory which I wrote in a different forum. It has to do with how Tim views God and Hawk. Initially, Tim can't reconcile being in love with God and being in love with Hawk. These are two separate and incompatible beliefs in Tim's mind. Tim can't both love God and Hawk because believing in one means lying in the other. If Tim believes he loves God, than his love for Hawk is wrong, and vice versa. Tim thinks his relationship with Hawk is sinful, but he also questions if it really is a sin. He confesses, in an earlier episode, "but how can love be wrong?". My wild theory is that Tim once thought God and Hawk as incompatible. But he changes his mind, at least for a time. Tim decides his love for God and Hawk is compatible. I don't just mean compatible. I mean *equivalent*. Tim comes to think of God and Hawk as the same. His love for both are equivalent. This is how he convinces himself to be with Hawk and still believe in God because--and here's the kicker--he believes Hawk *is* God. It's a twisted view that doesn't fully work, but I think it sheds light on Tim's actions. Of course, Hawk has no clue that's how Tim thinks. He just wants sex with Tim. Think of it from Hawk's perspective as if Hawk were God. Tim worships Hawk. Hawk treats Tim as his property, and Tim offers himself willingly to Hawk (body and soul). Tim's perception of his relationship with Hawk is not so different from his relationship with God. Yeah, crazy idea.


Sorry for the multiple posts. There's a lot to react to in an hour long video.

Jacqueline Hahn

I totally disagree that Hawk isn't suffering. I think he's suffering most, out of all of them. He truly loves Tim, always has, but cannot bring himself to say it out loud, to admit, mainly to himself, who & what he is. Somewhere inside he's still the boy who disgusted his father. He lies to himself, tells himself it's just sex, and until he meets Tim it probably was, but he has a lie to live. A marriage that is only skin-deep happy, a career that could come crashing down any day, if his cruising & cottaging was to become public. Kids he really does love, but who he doesn't quite know how to be a father to. I wonder if Jackson was so troubled because he was gay too. I wonder if that's what he meant when he says to Hawk " I think there's something wrong with me". As Hawk says later, Jackson always knew his father was lying, and later that the one thing he wanted was not to become his father. On the surface Hawk has it all, but the one thing he craves, he can't have. When Tim goes into hospital, Hawk doesn't just visit him, he stays with him, sleeps next to him, kisses him, lies with him in his arms in full view of everyone's else on the ward, and despite the tragedy of the situation, never looked more complete & content & at peace with himself.