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Nah, I agree this was more polished, but I didn’t like that. The essence of OG Skam was that it was for teens from a teen perspective. This feels more like a show about a 25+ friendsgroup, the conversations are often too mature. Not that there’s anything wrong with that, I just miss the realistic touch. I also don’t think OG brushed over the bipolar, they just handled it more like teens would.


yeah, no, i only watched it all the way through cause you watched honestly, but i can't with the more melodramatic approach. and skam's charm and perfection to me WAS the fact that it wasn't "polished" and like any other production. polished doesn't automatically mean better especially when it's about very stripped down feelings and honesty, i think in the og the format was actually part of the storytelling. here the format is just the same thing we always see (i know it feels more familiar, but familiar is not necessarily better either). i respect the fact that other people were touched more by the story being told like this, i guess it depends on how you're built or whatever, and occasionally i do think it was an improvement for some of the big points to be clarified/spelled-out (the genius of the og show was that most of them *were* actually conveyed but much more through "showing" rather than "telling") but as a whole these more "in-depth conversations", to me, were very preachy and felt forced, something i never once felt when watching og skam. and that is made worse by the fact that the "showing" in this version is also very exaggerated. i realize most people like this type of acting and it's more familiar but... og skam felt so real to me, a breath of fresh air, i've never felt so close to any characters as i do to sana and isak and even and girl-chris in particular (and i never thought i'd feel particularly close to norwegians :)) ), while this was just a show that i wasn't particularly into. also in this version i like the group of friends theoretically, but the execution is terrible, it's all so forced, it took me out of the story all the time, all those moments of "comedic relief" and the fact that none of them feel like actual teenagers... nope.


With all due respect, I feel that the OG did have that conversation. It was just more hidden because the OG wasn’t quite as polished. I have so much respect for Tarjei because he was a teenager when he did his role.

Cathy Mills

I was recommended on a heartstopper page to come watch Skam OG and France. I started with Norway and I found it was ok but I didn't really connect with any of the characters ( maybe Isak ). I was worried I would feel the same about this one but OMG I absolutely love this series. The chemistry is off the charts and i got a lot more invested with all the character storylines. Love it 😍

Jini McClelland

Belgium (WTFock) is my fave Y’all should watch Robbie & Sander