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Here it is... our tearful unedited reaction to episode 9 of SKAM Norway season 3.

Honestly we were in bits after this one, but it was SUCH A GOOD EPISODE.

Bring on the finale!


Josh & Alex xox


Diane Furlong

Good Morning/afternoon Alex and Josh, I enjoyed the YouTube reaction. I’m ready to see the rest of the episode. I have my tissues ready! Thanks for Everything Guys! You’re Da Best!

Sara Nissen

Aww Alex sending you both a hug. Yes at least for a first time viewer you might need tissues watching this episode, but even if I've watched this over 5 times already, I can still get emotional about it, because it's so well done. Nils Bechs singing and the music(The singer at church) really emphasises the feeling of the church scene and the scene where Isak runs to find Even. The text from Even was so sad and beautiful, and when Isak reads it the 2nd time, I think, he realises the seriousness of it, and that makes him run. When I watched this episode the 2nd time, I understood, that it might actually not be the bench that Even means, when he says, that he'll be waiting, where they first met, because they first met at the bathroom, where he took all the paper towels/napkins and then realised, that Isak might need some as well. I love the support he gets from the people around him, and I love that it's Magnus Who gives the really good advice in this episode, so we see that side to him as well. And I love the ending, where Isak tells Even, that he is not alone, cause I really feel like he needed to hear that.

Diane Furlong

Geez, Guys!!!! The music made the emotions hit home even harder. No dialogue uttered for the last few minutes except “You’re not alone”! 🥲🥲🥲 Well Done! On a different note, Josh that’s a cute doggie on your bed peeking out around your right shoulder. Not sure if he’s on a pillow case or a stuffed pup but he’s cute. Thanks so much for posting these uncut versions Alex and Josh!

Stephen Young

I think you guys missed that Even's text was meant to be interpreted as a suicide note. The Romeo + Juliet imagery was very much there to lead to that conclusion, but as Even said in the previous episode "'You think its a Romeo + Juliet reference but its really Pretty Woman" where Isak saves Even right back after he "saved" Isak by pulling him out of the closet.


Hii if you want more Isak and Even even though the last season of Skam is about Sansa Isak and Even is in season 4 a good amount and I would recommend seeing season for if not for Patrion then for you guys.😊

Sara Nissen

Yes! If they don't want to film reactions to it/have so much on their plate, that they don't have time, then they should deffinately at least watch it on their own time.

Stephen Young

Sana's season is sooo good! Honestly they should watch the whole series since its fantastic although the first two seasons wouldn't necessarily be on brand for LGBT representation (except for Isak's thing with Eva in Season 1 there's literally none). I honestly hope they consider watching some of the 'Isak' seasons of some of the remakes.

Sara Nissen

They made a poll on youtube, where last time I checked SKAM France got a high procentage of votes, so if they follow that poll, we might have that as one of the next, and so many has recommented Druck(The German version), so if they follow those, they'll get to that as well.

Stephen Young

You can see Isak piecing together Even's love of 'epic' love stories (where someone dies), the line about depressive episodes following manic ones from the wiki page and the scenery from Romeo + Juliet as he takes a second look at the message (and subsequently rushes out to find him and is devastated to think he missed him). Tarjei Sandvick Moe (Isak's actor) does a fantastic job with portraying those small (and big) emotions and nuances in this season. The "O Helga Natt" scene actually won the Norwegian equivalent of an Emmy for the actors and the show and the actors for Even and Isak both won one in the their own right for the season.


Evan texts Isak the lyrics to Cherry Wine by Nas ❤️ A call back to the first time they hung out at Evan’s place. But the chaos of that stream of texts is supposed to show Evan is still manic.


The characters in skam had social media that posted as the characters. If you’re looking for a very short but sweet additional serving of Evan and Isak there’s a 2 minute clip that Evan’s character posted for Isak’s birthday that’s so cute it almost hurts. No particular spoilers but you may want to wait until after the last ep. https://youtu.be/L8ypu3Vi23g

Kim Engel

That last scene gets me every time. It’s just a shame that I can’t experience it for the first time again. Thanks for sharing your reactions with us 💜

Kim Engel

💯 Also you need to see the season 3 bloopers, even you don’t react to them


I thought that text message was a suicide note. My heart was in pieces. And it still was when he found him. This episode!!!!


I read it as a suicide note and I can’t even express what I felt.

David Gadd

Thank you again for your open, vulnerable, heartfelt response, while also asking "how does this make me think? How does this make me feel?" When I see Isak holding Even gently, looking him clearly in the eyes and saying "You are not alone", I remember being 17, in high school, and going home in tears after high school graduation because of unrequited love towards a sensitive but straight friend of mine. And then I remember 2 decades later when I met my husband, who held me with all of my fears and vulnerability and just loved me. Memories of waking up in bed together in those early days where I just felt completely safe and happy with him. (And soon celebrating our 22nd anniversary.) There has been just so MUCH suffering in the gay community, in the LGBT community, from lost intimacy, And often because (for so much of history) there was no path forward, no possibility, and so nothing but loss. But now the laws of the land have been changing in many, many countries of the world. Love and intimacy are possible, and legal protection and human rights support that love, in more and more places. And now Isak and Even, and Wilhelm and Simon, and Nick and Charlie, live in a world where there is another way forward. They can tell us new stories of hope. Isak and Even, and all the hopeful viewers of this show, can find love, and choose to build a life together. How lucky we are. And how much work it took to get here.


Wow! Great episode and awesome reaction! That joke at the end was stellar!😂😂😂




"What the fuck is happening!" 🤣 you could say that again! This is such an emotional episode. The ending scene is 💯, so beautiful. Even is "dark" sometimes because he is dealing with a recurring severe depression. If you have bipolar disorder there's a lot going on inside your head and the negative thoughts are always there in some way regardless if you're ok, happy, manic or depressed (that's my personal experience anyway). They're not always the same and of course not always so intense but it's not as if the thoughts you have while depressed disappear completely when you are not depressed. And yes, Isak did call Magnus mother crazy. Nothing lost in translation there. Just like he called his own mother crazy. He needs to learn and educate himself and it's so lovely that he has so cool friends that support him and help him. Note that Isak has a shirt with "The Scream" on it (by norwegian painter Edvard Munch) - that painting is a symbol of anxiety, which is exactly what Isak has here. Skam is full of symbols and references, everything has meaning. I love Julie's writing (the dialogue is 👌!) and attention to detail.


that Holy Night scene won like a Norwegian "Emmy." Can't emphasized enough how big this show was in Norway, also important to understand, they used social media throughout the season to tease things, like "extras" of texts, and video blogs. They aren't included in the show, so you actually miss just a bit of the relationship not having those. Season 4 is about Sana, and Isak and Even are in every episode I believe, just minor, but after you finish the season, there is on youtube an extra 2 minute Birthday Video of them you should react too for fun. (its an "extra" that lines up into season 4) but its just like an update on them basically.

Chris Metzger

I've been searching, but I can't seem to find Skam here in the US, so I've been watching along with you boys for the first time. It's kinda nice to be teary-eyed when you are, laugh when you laugh, sad, happy, worried, informed, all when you both are. This episode especially was brilliant. I can't wait to watch the finale with you!

Stephen Young

Google "Alllofskam" (3 L's) for a good source for the OG and all the remakes. Happy viewing!


Hey you know what would be cool? If you would give us fans (or patreons at least) a treat and make a react video to some extra Skam content before you move on to another show 🥺🙏😊? I've seen other suggest this in the comments too. There's a lot of fun things to see but these two work very well even if you don't watch season 4 (but watch ep 10 of season 3 first): - the "Even clip" from the final episode of season 4. It's a nice clip and it works great as a "stand alone"-clip. Here's a link to the clip with eng subs: https://dai.ly/x5s6698 (it's about 5 min 30 sec long, in this vid they show the same clip twice for some reason). - the short video Even made for Isak: "The boy who couldn't breathe under water". As you might remember from ep 5 Even joked about calling a film about Isak just that. Link to the vid with eng subs: https://youtu.be/L8ypu3Vi23g Bonus: - the trailer for season 3 (yeah I know you have watched the season already but Skam trailers are NOT ordinary trailers let me tell you, they are 🤯😍💯) Link: https://youtu.be/GiXONSITq_Y - bloopers https://youtu.be/ZNsmiWjiExs I mean, you don't have to, obviously, but it would be fun! 😉😊


I agree with this

Diane Furlong

Well, now I’m a puddle of emotions. I watched this episode when it was first posted this morning. Then I went back and rewatched the YouTube version. Yes I watched yesterday. Could I leave it at that? Oh no, I just rewatched this version and it’s only 10:15 AM here in NY. Now I have to regroup so I can get ready for work in an hour 😂

Laura Ibarra

I agree with this recommendation as well! They are all super short and a great watch

Diane Furlong

I’m in NY and I hadn’t heard of this series before either until Josh and Alex started watching. I wasn’t so sure about it after episode 1 but they urged me to hang in there and I’m so glad that I did.

Laura Ibarra

There are so many great scenes and episodes in this season! I can’t ever fully land on a favorite. I’ll rewatch and think “ah yes! This is my favorite episode” and then I’ll keep watching and land on “THIS is my favorite!” 🙂 great problem to have when you’re watching a show I think. Another great reaction!!! I agree with the comment above of watching the extra footage!


Thanks guys. Still think you’re being a little harsher on Sonja than necessary but agree to disagree. Beautiful episode. Please see Gimsan’s rec above for us patrons.

Jacqueline Hahn

This episode is EVERYTHING! It's just so, so beautiful. From the very down-to-earth way Mags puts Isak straight about being bipolar, to the Baz Luhrmann ending, which was too beautiful for words, but scared the sh1t out of me. When Isak realises what that last text from Even was actually saying, to that music, in that setting...every time I watch it the hair on the back of my neck goes! Also, I don't know if you'll review season 4, but without giving too much away, we find out that the previous year Even fell for the wrong boy and got hurt, badly, which lead him to attempt to take his life. This is also the first time they kiss out in the open, and it's Isak who takes the lead, rather than shying away, as he did outside the café in E8. This season of this series has changed a part of my soul forever! And I agree, watch the extras! They're fabulous. Thanks for this, boys. Look forward to the finale. X

Graham & Ruth May

OMG, Alex. Your facial expressions and emotional responses are going to be the death of me. And Josh’s are right up there too in this episode.


The Nas song they listened to in ep. 2 is The Message. Cherry Wine, in this ep, features Amy Winehouse. That fact, combined w/the lyrics makes its inclusion even sadder to me.

Rosie Dickinson

I agree and you could also include this Gullruten clip too. Maybe with the bloopers. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k1QeX7uHkKI


skamenglishsubs . tumblr . com !!! it has every episode and all four seasons!

Natasha A

Wonderful reaction to a beautiful episode. I have really loved watching you both see Skam for the first time. It’s not available to watch in my country, but I was lucky enough to find the tumbler links. I have watched a lot of reactions, as no one I know in real life has seen it and I want to share the experience with people. Although season four isn’t technically LGBTQ plus content, it does give additional story re Isak and Even and is well worth watching. And it’s Sana’s season, so that’s reason enough lol. Other Skam universe shows are also amazing. I recommend Skam France season 3 and Druck season 3.

Katie Holmes

you also have to remember that the first two seasons of this show were pretty much only watched by scandinavian countries don’t get me wrong it was extremely popular in norway like about 1/5 of the population would watch the show BUT season 3 is when it BLEW up internationally. everyone in the world was watching this show. this is the season that got nominated for norwegian “emmys” and tarjei (isak) was nominated for best actor! this season is what garnered for the tens of remakes across other countries. i remember at the beginning of your reactions that you were like what the hell is going on but now i am so happy that you see what millions of millions of people saw when this show blew up. skam s3 is the BLUEPRINT! there is no young royals without skam. i really do hope you make a bonus video maybe just for patrons of content from this season. i would recommend the bloopers and THE TRAILER OF COURSE also the birthday video that was mentioned. omg there’s also a clip from that norwegian emmy broadcast where the actors got caught on the kiss cam and REALLY went for it.


🥹💛I don’t want these to end! Hoping you might watch the behind the scenes, and Even really did make that video of Isak that they joked about in E5 🫠


I really do hope you watch the 4th season on here but watch all the seasons for yourself. I’ve watch this series a number of times now and each time it blows me away. The dialogue is stunning. Each season tackles very real issues that teenagers but also all people go through and all have lovely dialogue nuggets that feel like real conversations yet unlike any conversations showcased in content portrayed and intended for youth. With the common thread in each season showing accurate portrayals of human error and showing what positive communication and support looks like. With Isak especially we see him struggle with family dynamics, his sexuality, struggling with being truthful, not knowing how to express himself properly and often unknowingly saying things that hurt people, but you see him listen, be open to learn, reflect, and ultimately better himself.

Hugh Campbell

Your comment about Isak arriving at now ~11:08. This is called prescience, I think. You'll see what I mean later : )


this was so nice to watch, like truly i haven't been so moved by a reaction video ever - just like i, too, haven't felt about a show what i feel about Skam, ever - thanks for sharing with us A. and J.! and to add to the list of further Evak content that people are asking for/suggesting, besides the "Isak birthday video" please also check out the youtube video on a certain Skam-adjacent channel where we get some of Even's back story in his own words, i think it's really important (but you'll need to watch s4 too and also browse the media posts to get even more of the details). and i've mentioned before one of my favorite things ever - there's a written scene of Isak and Eskild meeting/interacting initially and their thoughts and circumstances at the time and some Eskild backstory, i for one felt like i really needed that, after i finished s3! OH AND the v short scene with the first time that Even sees Isak... but i'll wait till after the last episode to say anything else about that!

Jacqueline Hahn

That little video is SO adorable! Also look for Evens 1st day at school, which gives a series of snaps from Event's pov. https://youtu.be/lCUaEOB41zI


I didn’t mean it was the same song only the same artist. Yes, Amy Whitehouses inclusion in this song is heartbreaking


I was leaving revealing this incase they decided to watch season 4, as it is part of the season 4 episode 10 story line


I was saving sharing the birthday video in case they decided to watch season 4 as it fits in there. But if you are going to watch it you should watch via this link https://youtu.be/UC9fh2zy6eI This is Evan’s actual YouTube channel where he posted Isak’s birthday video (it’s the only thing on the channel) not a repost. We should always support original creators 😆


I agree Dani :) I just wanted to give them a link to the video with eng subtitles.


Seriously when he said that I was like did ALEX cheat and watch this ahead of time?!? LOL

Stephen Young

It was a suicide note. Julie Andem (the showrunner/director) said that she explicitly meant for it to be interpreted that way and that is why Isak is so desperately running to Evan after figuring that out whereas before he was kinda ok letting him be while he spent time with his parents.

Jacqueline Hahn

I've watched your reaction to this several times now, and I don't think I've seen either of you, but particularly Alex, so quiet as for the last 5 minutes or so of this episode. And that reaction seems to be fairly universal. It's literally stunning...


This episode reaction is still on the top of my list

Mickey Ross

this episode was so beautifully done