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Bet you weren't expecting a treat like this today? 

confused? we'll let the video speak for itself...

Enjoy our dear Patreon Fam


Alex and Josh



Jennifer Fell


Stian Kristoffersen

What a great treat. 😁 Can't wait to watch it later today 😀♥️

Diane Furlong

Wow!!! What a Special treat to find at 5:40 AM!!! Thanks SO Much Josh and Alex!!! Y’all are So Good to Us! 💕

Diane Furlong

Okay 5:58. Here we Go!!

Rob Morris

It was cool watching this given your original YouTube reaction sort of lives rent-free in my head. Comparing the two mentally was really good fun!


Love both the original episode and this new one! As always your reactions are spot on! Well Done and Thank you!

Graham & Ruth May

OMG! I REALLY enjoyed watching you re-watching this episode.🥰 As you said, you noticed and understood so much more of the subtleties of the characters’ emotions and as always, there were so many great points about representation as well as a lot of laughter. I loved how absolutely transfixed you both were throughout the episode and especially during the scene on the dance floor with Tara and Darcy, with Nick watching and then during the kiss between Charlie and Nick. (And Josh, your facial expressions rivalled Alex’s.) Please can we have some more of you guys re-watching Heartstopper episodes and because I am greedy, also some re-watching of Young Royals? Especially some of the season 2 episodes, when you went MIA for understandable reasons and the continuity of your reactions was affected? Loved this! Thank you! ❤️😊

Diane Furlong

Guys, Guys, Guys!!! OMG! First off, THANK YOU for taking the time to do this. I’ve seen your original video Numerous times but this brought me so much happiness. I smiled almost the whole time. I did get emotional during the kiss scene because watching you two literally Melt while watching it brought me to tears. They were happy tears. It’s all so good. With your comments regarding Tao’s Mom accepting Elle, made me think of my Trans friend who I told you about. When my friend made us aware of what was going on I just wanted her to be safe. As I watched her journey I knew that she was going to be okay. As I had never known anyone who was trans (could be a generational thing) my only concern was making sure that I called her by her new name since I knew her prior. It’s second nature now and she’s just Jessica. Thank You, Thank You, Thank You for caring enough to take the extra effort to provide this content. Yes, I’ve said this before and I’ll continue to say it but Josh and Alex you’re two Wonderful People and don’t you ever forget it!!! I’m not sorry for getting all mushy 💕😁🌈


Same, I’m so hungry/ greedy for more HS and YR reactions 🫶🏽

Rosie Carlisle

Wooooo I’ve been waiting for this! ❤️

Hugh Campbell

14:00 You'd think that with age you'd be benefiting from more life experience. One might also become susceptible to ossification, ie. getting stuck in one's ways!

Graham & Ruth May

Also, regarding Kit Connor’s physical transformation, I just thought that it was sad that he felt pressured by ‘fans’ into bulking up so much, rather than doing it because he actually decided he wanted to do it for himself..That’s if what I read about this is an accurate description of his actions. He’s almost unrecognisable as Nick from season 1, which poses some continuity issues too, I guess? He’s had a difficult time with so-called ‘fans’ in general and when individuals start changing their physical appearance to fit in with others’ ideas of what they should look like, it’s worrying.

Adrienne Gosselin

I LOVE seeing the rewatch!!! For all the reasons you guys mentioned, it’s so sweet to see you comment on smaller nuances, now knowing the character arcs

Sarah G

Aww, thanks for this! I loved your original vid, but the perspective of a few months later was interesting...and your faces during the kiss scene are about the sweetest thing I've ever seen :)


I loved this. It was your Heartstopper reactions I first saw of your channel and although I went on to watch reactions by a lot of other people, yours is the only Patreon I joined (by the way, you should definitely tell your viewers how much we love the discord community when you say you have a Patreon). I’d actually love to see both uncut ones and re-reacts and I’d definitely definitely like to see re-reacts of Young Royals. I pretty much just want alllll the HS and YR content I can get.

Diane Furlong

Alex, I agree. Tara’s expression after Nick says “Charlie’s my best friend “ was a very knowing/understanding look. Yes, I’m in the process of rewatching this 🤷🏻‍♀️

Kim Engel

I love that you enjoyed the rewatch. Safe to say that I’ve rewatched this show (and your edited reactions) many times.

Diane Furlong

Same here Kim. I’ve probably seen EP 3,5 and 8 the most because they’re favorites of mine.

Diane Furlong

Suze Heartstopper is where I joined the group too but it was at the beginning of this year.

Hannah Howden

Love this thank you guys for re-doing these!! I think Charlie’s reaction after their kiss has more to do with Charlie’s mental health and the way he thinks other people see him, I think he’s feeling like Nick regrets kissing him and now he’s lost him as a friend because he was too forward. I love Charlie as a character, he knows who he is and deep down he really likes who he is, but at the same time he has 0 confidence that anyone else could possibly like him. He’s internalized so much of the shit he’s received. This season does set him up as developing an eating disorder, he’s really going through it with his mental health ❤️

Diane Furlong

Perfect explanation about Charlie’s reaction. I couldn’t think how to put it in words. Thanks

Hannah Howden

Tbh as much as he’s received so much shit and may have gotten into working out because of online comments, you don’t go that hard unless you LOVE the gym. I can’t weight lift anymore and man I miss it so much 😩 also good for him for channeling hate into something positive


What I always wondered, cause I’m a little bit like Josh when it comes to focusing on the details in a tv show or movie😉: Since Harry’s party was Saturday night…is there Post delivery on a Sunday?! Cause that seemed odd to me… 🤔 („Charlie, can you get the door, please? It’s probably the post man.“)


I would love for you to re-react to especially episodes 5 and 8 🫶🏽

Diane Furlong

I was thinking that the party was on a Friday night? Sorry I just double checked, you’re right Harry says Saturday. Sorry

Heidi D

Firstly, this was a stellar re-reaction Secondly, Alex is slaying that new haircut!


That’s the thing. Harry said; St.George Hotel this Saturday…” I’m sorry I know I’m putting to much into it, but that’s typically me 😅🙈


Thanks guys, that was a lovely surprise . Love your reactions, especially now you’ve fallen under the Heartstopper spell ❤️

Graham & Ruth May

Yeah, true, although exercise can be addictive once you get into it and my concern is why he started it in the first place. But yeah, maybe it’s a good outlet. Following on from feeling that he had been pressured into coming out as bisexual, it just rings alarm bells that he responded to comments about his appearance and playing the character of a rugby player by bulking up to conform to others’ ideas about what that had to look like. I don’t have a problem with it per se.


I watched heartstopper before Young Royals so this is a rewatch for me too. I never realised how much Simon (YR) and Charlie (HS) look alike 😃. I really like that you will mix new and old reactions. My favorite is still Young Royals ❤️ and I can’t wait to see your uncut versions of that show but this is good while waiting. By the way, It looks like both of you cut your hair. It looks real nice 😍.

Graham & Ruth May

Same, Suze. It was the YouTube Heartstopper reactions that made me join Alex and Josh’s Patreon and same, I feel starved of Young Royals content in particular and season 3 is still a long way off. And I think we need fortifying before the inevitable angst of the final season. 😬❤️👑❤️


Yeah! Perfect way to put it. You can see it in what he says to Nick the next day (in Ep 4). "I'm sorry...I don't know what I was doing, and now you probably want nothing to do with me." He thinks he went too far and he screwed everything up. Love the reaction, guys!

Brian Miller

I'd love a rewatch of 5 and 8! Those are my favorites along with this one :) I also just find it interesting... A lot of times when people talk about what is so great about this show, the focus is heavily on the younger generation and that it's good they have the representation. I'm in my early 30s and, don't get me wrong, I'm happy for the younger LGBTQ kids that have this, but my enjoyment has almost absolutely nothing to do with that. It's more of a grief healing thing, along with maybe some wanting to get in touch with the grief again because it is intensely emotional. Just seeing something I never got and seeing a happy gay romance which basically didn't exist a decade or two ago. No one dies or gets AIDS or tragically breaks up because something in the world forces them apart. It's also just over the top cute. Maybe this makes me a bad person, but yeah. I don't think about current young kids at all, I think of young, and to some extent current, me. But again, very happy for the kids :P

Carrie Lindley

If you follow the author Alice Oseman's Patreon daily page posts, or the webcomic on Tapas, that page of the comic was captioned "no post on Sundays". So it was intentional, and meant to be a clue as to who was going to be at the door (when she posted the next page).

L Archibald

I think you’re absolutely right! I really think Charlie fears he’s pushed Nick and subsequently lost his friendship.

L Archibald

I think when I’ve done my multiple rewatches, that I seem to notice the lighting (dark whenever Ben is around, dark when Harry and the others confront Nick, bi lighting often around Nick) and I love the use of consent! Tara and Darcy both give a brief nod before kissing each other at the party.

Curtis Weeks

I think Isak and Even after the first kiss scene do kiss better than this. I mean when they're lying in bed having a philosophical discussion while on too much 'J'. Incidentally, did you notice how Nick and Charlie had a friendly competition leading up to the kiss? They're racing up the stairs. Similarly, Isak and Even had the breath-holding competition. So this is a boy thing, breaking the ice through some friendly competition--friendly play. Also, with the first kiss, Charlie leans more toward NIck to start things off, and with the second kiss, Nick's more all in than before. This is similar to having Even start things with Isak and then Isak taking the lead with the second kiss underwater.


Love this, but when do we get another episode of SKAM? :D

Curtis Weeks

I'm pretty sure I read that his bulking up was in preparation for a new role. There's some speculation that he might indeed be Hulkling in the MCU, although for all we know now it could be some other role. So I don't think the bulking was in reaction to the way he was treated by overzealous fans forcing him to come out publicly.

Joe Lancaster

Thanks guys! Enjoyed this sooo much. Love you both!!

Curtis Weeks

I'm in the same boat. The final four episodes of s3 of SKAM are some of the best in the whole series, and I can hardly wait. Also the sooner they finish, the sooner they can move on to Druck or wtFock s3's, heh.

Graham & Ruth May

Ok, I am basing my opinion on what I read about this, which may not be accurate. I hope you’re right and I’m wrong.

Graham & Ruth May

Yes, Hannah, I agree. Charlie’s eating disorder is hinted at subtly sometimes in just a single shot, quite often in season 1, but it’s only in retrospect that all the pieces come together- but no spoilers for those who may not have read the graphic novels and thus don’t know what to expect from season 2.

Dennis Verner

Really enjoyed this! Thank you guys.


Thank you, Alex & Josh!💜 I can’t listen to clearest blue now w/out shedding a tear or two. Even if it’s pops up on my playlist when I’m trying to work out. 😊

John Walker

Would love you to do more re-watches of Heartstopper episodes - re-watching is half the fun ;)


I’m right there w/you. Not only was my life-timing “off,” so to speak, ☺️ but my upbringing was pretty strict. It’s also why I cling to Smiley because it’s one of a few shows that depicts queer love for grownups. Life shouldn’t end after 18.

Diane Furlong

Consent is , I think, also a sign of mutual respect which is so important in a relationship as well. Well, Ben and Harry are pretty dark characters they need to be dim 😁

Diane Furlong

Dear Self, What would you like to do this evening ? How about let’s finish the day the same way we started by watching this EP 3 re-watch video? Great idea , Diane. Let’s do that! 😂 Yes, I suppose I’m a little crazy. Oh well. Have a good evening/ night everyone.

Diane Furlong

Dang it Josh and Alex! I’ve watched this 3 times today and seeing the sweet, tender expression on your faces during Nick and Charlie’s kissing scene still brought me to tears. My heart is Very Happy!!!

Laura Ibarra

Great reaction as always 🙂 there’s definitely something about watching a second time. The whole Kit situation was so sad. It seems there were some “fans” that were saying he wasn’t big enough to play Nick since in the comic books he’s meant to be a big guy - it’s amazing to me how, the person who created the whole thing, thought Kit was the perfect choice for the characters they created but these so-called fans had to have negative things to say when everyone else thought he played the character beautifully! Then people kept saying that he was queer baiting because he wouldn’t put a label to himself - which he had said he felt it was unnecessary, especially at his age - and it all ended with him going on Twitter and coming out just to shut people up. I can’t even imagine the pressure at such a young age and like you both said, these people clearly missed the whole point of the show


Oh wow, so there’s a whole backstory to it! Thank you for explaining 🫶🏽

Graham & Ruth May

Yeah, agreed, Laura. This is also what I read about so-called fans commenting in a negative way on his appearance as Nick and that pressurising him to bulk up. I hoped that I was wrong, bearing in mind that someone else has commented here that Kit did this in preparation for a new role.

Diane Furlong

One project that Kit’s in is “A Cuban Girl’s Guide to Tea and Tomorrow”. Plus I read somewhere about a Horror movie too but I’m not sure of the title. There’s also some speculation about a pending superhero type role. I get so invested in these characters that I feel protective over them and it’s hard to adjust to seeing them in other roles. I totally understand that that’s the whole idea behind their job but I don’t do well with change sometimes 😂

Laura Ibarra

@ Graham & Ruth - There was a video on YT where he did a workout video with someone popular that I had never heard of haha and he mentioned that the reason why he started going to the gym was the comments made about his size based on what the “fans” thought Nick should look like. Then he moved on to say it’s good for your mental health, which it is, just sad that comments that are NOT good for your mental health were the impetus 🤪

Laura Ibarra

@ Diane - as a counselor and as a mom, I get very protective of these amazing young people as well. I know that Joe Locke has been cast in a super hero show on Disney+ - if I remember correctly it’s a WandaVision spin off. I haven’t heard of a casting for Kit in a super hero role, that’s fun! and I’m wondering when A Cuban Girl’s Guide will be released, I think it’s going to be cute.

Diane Furlong

Laura, A Cuban Girl Is still in pre production according to the site that I was on so I guess it’ll be a while before anything is released. The superhero comment regarding Kit may have been speculation on the person posting. I’m not sure.

Graham & Ruth May

Laura, thanks for sharing this information. I agree. Whatever the benefits, I think it’s concerning that the initial decision was based on so-called fans negative comments and not something he wanted to do for himself. I certainly don’t begrudge him growing up/changing his appearance to suit himself, just wish he hadn’t felt pressured into doing that.

Sara Nissen

Nice that you are gonna rewatch some of the episodes that somehow got lost. Then you'll see, if your opinion has changed on something, remember something you forgot, or if there is somthing you didn't notice first time around. I love how Taos mom is around Elle, it's just so lovely. Alex reaction when he realised what episode this is was funny 😆 And I don't like Harry either!

Diane Furlong

Am I watching again this afternoon?(Paraphrasing Tao from an earlier episode) Well Yes, Yes I am! There’s plenty of worse things in this world that I could be doing. 🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋 It just came to me that we never see Harry alone. The sign of a true Bully who feels free to be so mouthy as long as he had backup.

Professor Wonkadoodle

Speaking of Tara's comments on coming out - about wanting to do it casually, without making an announcement, but maybe just not hide so much - and the discussion you guys had about Kit Connor in this episode, one of the things that makes me saddest about the whole situation is that, prior to the whole internet furor, that's clearly how he was trying to handle it. There was a GQ interview released after he officially came out online, but recorded prior, where he very casually refers to the LGBT+ community as 'we.' He was an eighteen-year-old who didn't much like labels trying to deal with a huge amount of public attention, and it seemed like he was trying to take Tara's advice with it a bit, until the online harassment kept building and wouldn't stop.


I absolutely get this. I’m 41 and had a sixth-form relationship alllll those years ago. It was quite open at school but I got outed to my family by my girlfriend’s parents when they turned up to my house, dragged her out, read our private letters aloud, then made her homeless. Even when they took her back they also took her to the doctor! So Heartstopper has been wonderfully healing for me and tbh I didn’t even realise how much trauma I still had all these years later. I find it really comforting to see all of these young people being themselves and living in a different world but like you, some of that is because I’m projecting it back in time.


I always love with Nick & Charlie that Nick is comfortable leading to a moment (touching fingers, holding hands) but then just needs that little bit of support from Charlie. It’s like how Charlie lets him come to his sense of his own sexuality by himself too. Everything is supportive of self-discovery and trust and consent and being truly ready.

Steve Marshall

I loved this the first time you watched it and I have to say that you are spot on with your 'seeing more in it' the second time around. For some of us tragic's, we watched the show over and over again when it first aired, so by the time you put out your 'first watch' it was really fun getting the vibe of that first time through your eyes. In some ways I think I enjoyed your take on some things that I didn't agree with, purely because it was what was in front of you. Great great great. Please do more. And Season 2 of course when it Airs. Take carexx

Dennis Verner

Have you seen this? https://www.webtoons.com/en/challenge/heartstopper/7-16/viewer?title_no=329660&episode_no=190 Alice is a wonder.

Mark Heidel

Just saw a teaser for Season Two from Netflix and it ended with January 2024

Ryan Walter

I'm glad to see that you rerecorded this one. 1. Coming out is whenever we reveal our sexuality to someone, we like to think of it as being that first big one when you tell your parents but we do it pretty regularly, is just not as scary and anxiety- filled. 2. We see Charlie's dad, Julio, two more times in episode 7. 3. I'm glad you saw the build up and could listen to the conversation leading up to the kiss. In your original reaction you said that Charlie was having a weird reaction. Nick just suggested that the crush he had was on a person who might not be a girl so for Charlie to ask clarifying questions in response to Nick's statement isn't overly unexpected, especially when Charlie has been crushing hard on him. Charlie, of course, wanting to know if he could possibly get the chance to go out with, hold hands with and kiss the guy that he dreamt would be his boyfriend. (Flash back to the first episode, dream Nick: "Charlie, I wanted to tell you that I'm gay too and that I'm in love with you, do you want to go out with me, I want to be with you forever.")

Graham & Ruth May

Hi, Dennis. Yes, I have seen it and it’s great 😊. I expect you already know that Heartstopper 5 is due to be published in November 2023 and there’s to be a volume 6 as well, no publication date yet announced for that.


Just saw that, it's a fan trailer with Olivia Coleman clipped from a different movie of hers, it's just a fan edit with the wrong date.

Mark Heidel

I see that now .. but I beleive that Netflix is going to drop the trailer this week they are teasing it in a One Year Anniversary tick toc. I was fooled because they have the Netflix logo but the "Unofficial" should have been a clue

Dennis Verner

Yes, this page, 7-16, is so typical of Alice's writing and the Heartstopper world. I found it really moving. Can't wait to see it realized in the TV series. Kit and Elizabeth Coleman will knock it out of the park again.

Chris Metzger

Hey Alex and Josh! I just joined the Patreon, and I figured I'd watch this since Heartstopper is what brought me to you boys in the first place. I really enjoyed this rewatch. I hope you'll do more!

Rob Olivier

Gentlemen, thank you so much for this. I can not tell you enough how this brings such joy. Looking forward to more episodes 👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾🥰😎🌈

Jade Coulthurst

A re-watch of episode 4-8 would be great, and great as a wind up to the release of Season 2 so it's fresh in your minds. This was a great video!!!!

Jacqueline Hahn

I think Charlie is so upset at the end of this episode because he's terrified he's moved too far, too soon and has frightened Nick away, that Nick only kissed him because he felt obliged to, and now won't want to have anything to do with Charlie anymore, so he hasn't just lost his crush, but his friend, and he's devasted. It's much the same that's stopping Elle putting the moves on Tap

CindyCinlouky555 Reyn

Y’all talking about coming out reminded me of the scene in Love, Simon where he images his straight friends coming out. I know for myself I just got use to people assuming I’m straight even though I was never straight.

Diane Furlong

It’s almost a month later and I’m Revisiting this today. Episode 3 is one of my favorites and I’m enjoying seeing the rewatch by Josh and Alex.


paraphrasing karamo brown, i think over time as we mature we end up reframing 'coming out' as 'letting people in'. the difference is about where the power is - coming out positions us as asking for approval, while letting others in says we are giving them the chance to support us.

Gary Yeomans

The sound on the video is quite low compared to your own voices over the Mike.

Sarah Moore

Okay totally off topic! Where is your pride yoga mat from?


Gymming aside, we can't expect a strapping 18-year-old to just stop growing. His physiological trajectory to hunkdom was set long before Heartstopper. Plus, his current physique seems a lot closer to the Nick shown in Alice's drawings.

Makayla Hall

Fun fact that no one asked for Cormac (Harry) was only like 16-17 when filming season 1 and was like 17-18 when filming season 2 even more interesting he needed a type of chaperone when he was on set and in a few places in season 2 because of laws and because he was under 18 thought y'all should know that. Also I feel like Isaac is less of a book worm and at this point just is a book. He's read so much that he just is a book.

ser brienne

i love that even on a rewatch you still have the exact same reaction to the first kiss, and it's the same reaction i have even after seeing it an unhealthy number of times. complete silence, you're so enthralled you almost don't dare breathe! an incredible representation by two immensely talented actors. it makes my cold dead pan heart sing!

Sam W

I've watched this episode a couple of times and I've always thought that Nick didn't see himself as running away after the kiss. Think he thought he was protecting Charlie, especially after Charlie saying Nick's friends were intimidating. Also I could be entirely wrong, but seeing Nick basically surrounded came off as really sinister to me, like you could see how this scenario could go in the worst of cases, then seeing Nick try to down play everything to keep the peace. Loved hearing your thoughts and experiences as always!

Jahne Zachary

You could do an entire rewatch of Heartstopper and I’d eat every second of it up. From watching it multiple times it really does feel like First Watch: Initial reaction to sweetness, falling in love with each characters storyline and seeing a big picture of plot. Rewatch: Focusing on the pauses, the silences, their facial acting, their subtle movements and acting choices. 2nd Rewatch: pickup on minute details and gaining another perspective of what the character may be feeling or thinking instead of what “the audience” should be expecting to understand?

Gavin Best

I LOVED 🥰 the complete (almost reverent) silence from you two… as Nick & Charlie shared their first iconic kiss. A kiss that we ALL felt… as well as all the emotions accompanying that life-changing moment for them both. 💙💛

Gavin Best

I agree regarding how they directed that scene 🎬… Nick surrounded by Harry & all those footy guys… the scene lit in a sinister, chilling, toxic-masculinity blue.

Lucky Charm

After watching this episode multiple times, I really wish Harry had not interrupted, so we could have seen the conversation once Charlie asked if he was okay after the kiss.

Silme Elen

Is there a chance to see your full original reaction to this episode?


Ahaha a reaction to yourselves would be hilarious 😂


I’ve rewatched the series a few times. Still have the same joy watching it.

karolina tersa

josh - you are a person that cringe quite a lot. but watching you un - cringing and just melting into during a kiss scene - that's just so cute. it's almost as heartwarming as a show itself <3

Monti Munchi

Heartstopper is made for an endless rewatch. Enjoy and welcome to the club.