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Well, well, well!

It must be that time of the week again. Our exclusive Uncut reaction to SKAM Episode 4 here on Patreon is now available!

As some of you may already know, this is a big episode and we are very VERY excited to show you our full reaction here!


Alex and Josh

Xoxo <3



I just laughed for the last 10 minutes of the video! You guys are freaking hilarious 😂 I can’t 🤣 I just love your reactions 🫶🏽

Amira Mustapha

Love it 😍 (as usual!) Also, can you share your uncut reaction to Young Royals next? 👀

Mariah Daley

The Norwegian word for 4 is fire. But it’s pronounced like “FEE-rah”.

Graham & Ruth May

Oh yes, please! Take pity on us, guys, it’s a long time until season 3 and I have Covid at the moment so I could do with a helping of uncut Young Royals and your full reactions. 🥺🤞

Laura Ibarra

I love this episode and loved your reaction as always. Alex’s excited 💨 😂 🙌🏾 You’ll definitely have to check that the next one is doing the translations for the texts because it will be really important to understand what’s going on. As for the costume, Isak is meant to be Julius Caesar haha

Laura Ibarra

The texts from this episode … the first one, Even replied that he wouldn’t see him that day because he had forgotten about plans with Sonja - the reply came right when Eskild had made the comment about someone choosing you over their family if they loved you. The one with Sana was from his mom, another long bible verse. Which is what prompted his question about religion

Sara Nissen

At the end of last episode, I kept on thinking 'oh you'll get your wish granted next time.' 😆 Isak is dressed like Julius Ceasar by the way. And though they do something bad; ditching the girls and breaking into a house, I love this episode. The underwater kiss felt kinda magical at first watch, and I always find it funny, when the girl yells "MAMMA!" And they have to get away, as fast as they can. 😂

Mariah Daley

You guys really need better subtitles. The text messages are so important. Usually the conversations that are happening while someone reads texts just kind of add a bit of humor or parallel what is happening with the main characters. For example Eskild telling Noora that if he (William) loves you he will leave his family behind to come be with you parallels what Isak is thinking about when he’s texting Even to try to make plans. Then right after that Even texts back to say he can’t hang out because he has plans with Sonja. It’s subtle, but would have been more clear if they had translated the text message. Another example of that is where Isak and Sana are studying together. He gets a text from his mom and it’s another long religious rant. That is what makes Isak question Sana about her religion, because he has been getting a lot of bible verses from his mom. So he’s probably got a lot of anxiety about how she will handle it if he gets involved with a guy

Diane Furlong

The underwater scene was so beautiful. It allowed them to let their guard down and express their real feelings for a minute.

Hugh Campbell

"Oh, don't do that to a bike." Alex must be a biker : )


Yay! I've been waiting and waiting for this! It makes me ridiculously happy that you react to one of my favorite shows. I like that Skam feels realistic (probably because the writer/director interviewed a lot of teens before she wrote it) - teenagers can be sweet and supportive one moment and mean, stupid or awkward the next. All the quirky stuff Even does also matches his personality so well, he is creative and intense. And Isak is like a grumpy little cactus (but not really though). I actually like their clumsy kissing, they are teens, they are excited and nervous. It makes so much sense that they're not getting it "right" the first time. Anyway, I love how invested you guys are, that you watch everything with such a focus and pay attention to details (Romeo and Juliet!). But please find episodes that have translations for the texts as well! Some of them are really important for the story! (In this episode it was mostly more bible quotes from his mum though...).

Sara Nissen

And Also if you didn't notice, in the comments of episode 3 here on patreon some people suggested to you a link/a way to get I think the best translation for the episodes, so you also get the texts translated, because they are important. Here for episode 4 you've just found a version, where the one Who translated didn't bother to translate the texts. Just so you know. 🙂


Here's a link to all the episodes with much better subtitles! https://mega.nz/folder/H3Q3naLJ#078erAbeoNIUkfiov8wBxA/folder/H6xwyahK


omg please watch a version with better subtitles can't believe there's no translations for a lot of the text messages in this one - they're so important! like the fact that even basically answers he can't hang out because he has plans with sonja and, yes, the messages isak was reading before that conversation with sana were bible passages about being a sinner from his mom - and... 'more biology talk'?! haha. i mean i know that in 2016 people were doing translations on the fly and uploading them so people in other countries could watch the show almost in real time... this must be one of those... but there's better ones out there, i know you've gotten this tip before, look for the mega.nz links on the 'skamenglishsubs' tumblr for instance. or even the dailymotion videos have better translations than this.


also - yup!! shit is most definitely going to go down!! :)) and, you were both right about the existing theories about how homosexuality can be explained from an evolutionary point of view. it's both the point about there being men who could fulfill other roles than the norm, as nurturers etc., *and* the point about some members of society not reproducing as 'population control' although not sure that's the best way to put it... but yeah. i think these are pretty established theories by now. and you'll see this'll get mentioned again (in one of my favorite scenes of the whole show and of all time)! i CANNOT WAIT for your reactions from now on i know they're gonna be so good! :D i love your discussions.


nah nah don't skip the recap


This series makes me honestly cackle sometimes. I’m so used to the angsty heaviness of YR or the fluff of HS, but Skam unexpectedly makes me laugh a lot.

Graham & Ruth May

Thanks for another fun reaction, guys, with some insightful comments mixed in, one of the reasons I enjoy your reactions so much. I always end up laughing especially when Alex descends into hysteria. 😂 I love the uncut versions so much, all the initial chat/adjustments to the equipment/random stuff- it’s just entertaining and funny. Romeo and Juliet is also one of my favourite films.❤️

Graham & Ruth May

Thank you! Getting there gradually…but a dose of Edvin and Omar would definitely complete the cure.🫠❤️

Henrik Schröder

WHO IS SHE?!? Well, the blond girl is Noora, she was the main character of season 2, which is why you're supposed to know exactly who she is, and what she's talking about. But it's fine, this season does a decent job of getting you up to speed on her. As for the text messages, I warned you, I told you, I helped you to a better subtitled version. But this time others already did the nagging so I won't have to. 😘


i also love how you both like sana so much! that was one of the best break downs i've seen of the scene between her and isak where she answers his question about how a smart girl like her can be religious. you explained all the nuances and levels on which that conversation happens, how while they both say prejudiced sounding things they have some valid points... but how important it is that sana doesn't 'back down' here when isak comes at her with the 'religion vs rationality' talk, even though it's not necessarily that she has all the (right) answers right now... but it's the gist of her little speech that's very significant (for both her and isak). and i liked how even though it's quite clear and understandable where isak was coming from asking her that question, you reacted to it the way you did because it *is* quite bold of him to do that... but sana is up for the challenge! i think this conversation shows things about both of them (good traits) and the way they communicate is so different from what we usually see, really useful to think about.


Thanks for such a fun video. Enjoying watching the show along with you and your videos are hilarious!🔴🍆

David Gadd

Thanks again for the sharply-observed commentary. Your intuition and empathy results in a clear and rapid "clocking" of the situations in the episode. What really struck me in this episode is the conflict in Isak between his "brittle" side, his in-authentic, defensive, hiding and conflicted way of dealing with his friends--even his playing games about the breath-holding contest. But then: the actual kiss. Where something in him becomes clear, open, awake, and earnest. He moves forward and connects to Even, and we see: happiness.


yes, this ❤️ and it's also what alex and josh pointed out, skam shows you these things and doesn't necessarily have characters verbalize everything the way it's usually done. i think one of the reasons skam is such affecting and effective storytelling is exactly that. it makes you both think more and feel more. and it also fits better with the type of emotions and experiences specific to adolescence, how they're so raw and not always 'neat' and clear, even to the characters going through them themselves, so it all seems just SO REAL (which is something alex was driving at too i believe)


... as well as specific to a queer adolescent experience in particular

Katie Holmes

yeahhh all i can say about the awkward kissing in the pool is that these characters are supposed to be real like at the time they technically existed outside of the screen (instagram accounts and the fact that the show was released in real time) so i feel like they were heavily directed to be awkward given it’s a first kiss. (i think it gets better from here on out hehe) or you could pull it up to tarjei (isak) also being 17 when this is filmed like he’s obviously not going to be a super passionate kisser just yet lol. but i agree it’s super awkward and just mouths slotting against each other but it’s also realistic. (i simply cannot watch it bc i get second hand embarrassment but that’s just me)

Ryan Walter

There's something about Josh's Northern that's really on point. I think we need a whole video with that. Alex, I first saw Romeo and Juliet at the drive in when it first came out. If you need someone to watch it with just come find me. I think that the chaotic nature of Even and Isak makes it quite the roller-coaster ride. Also I don't think Isak thinks that he and Emma are in a relationship but I think that Emma does. She's like the older less innocent version of Imogen.


Love the Emma/Imogen comparison. Emma annoys me 1million times more, but I can see the comparison. I grew to love Imogen.

Nui Tammakoon

I have seen many reactors reacted to Skam, but you guys are the first who seems to know Baz and his films very well😍 Thanks.

Heidi D

Yeah, it kind of shows you what might be important in the next episode—what to pay attention to! (I’m thinking of one recap in particular, but it’s true of many)

Jacqueline Hahn

"I just farted, I'm so excited!" and Josh's face, is never ever not going to make me laugh out loud.

Jacqueline Hahn

Ok, so after so many R&J references in this series I finally got around to watching the film. Isak & Even are even wearing the same clothes in the pool scene as DiCaprio & Danes!