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Attention all SMILEY fans:

Catch our episode 4 uncut reaction now!

Needless to say... you may get an insight into Josh and Alex's dating profiles... who knows!



Ya Fabulous boys



Diane Furlong

Great way to spend a rainy morning before having to go to work at Noon. Thanks Josh and Alex


Yay, need cheering up today. Let’s do this!

Diane Furlong

Great reaction Guys, it’s good to learn about other’s point of view. It’s probably a generational thing for me. I wasn’t very adventurous I suppose. What it all boils down to is for people to do whatever works for them and their prospective partners. And yes, Always be kind. Thanks

Hannah Howden

I think everyone views and experiences sex differently and you kinda just need to do what feels right for you and ditch the shame, whether you’re someone who likes casual sex or someone who wants to be in love first, whatever is best for you is okay, it’s such an individual thing!

Heidi Roush

I think I understood what Alex meant about being able to enjoy casual sex amongst friends and within a community. I think it can be beneficial in a no pressure, no expectation kind of way. I personally prefer the way I feel in a committed, monogamous relationship because I think it takes more effort and I like putting the work in for someone I love.

Sara Nissen

Ramon seems like such a sweetheart, and when we first got introduced to him, I thought 'please don't let Bruno date him just because he is too chicken to do something about the guy he is really into AKA Alex or because he thinks Alex Isn't propper interested' but I'm glad he was honest that he couldn't do it/it was a bit too fast, instead of getting his hopes up. But when Alex came to the office, I had a feeling, that something could happen, so he got the wrong impression, and it did. As for your descussion, I feel you should just do, whatever feels right for you, if casual works for you then alright, or if you wanna wait until you are in love or even until marriage. As long as you both agree to whatever is going to happen/ don't force anything.

Jennifer Fell

Me watching this: I'm obsessed with Josh's top... where can I get one!!? And re sex I think its just important to acknowledge that whilst wanting to be open is fine, it's also fine not to want to be. It's good to identify your own boundaries. Personally I'm less inclined to be open to lots of casual sex because I've found that that makes me feel a bit "disposable". But I also realise that that's just a personal thing. I have no issues with other people doing casual. Also it's probably because I grew up in the 80s and 90s and the AIDS/HIV crisis put the fear of God into me over safe sex etc. We are all a product of our experiences as well as our emotions...


Sex, like sexuality is a very individualized thing. I personally go through waves of enjoying casual sex and monogamous sex, both have a lot to offer. I find sex and intimacy can be a great way of learning new things about oneself, especially if there is no shame involved and you keep an open mind and explorative nature. I have had casual sex with close friends and I found to be the opposite of awkward. It felt like an incredibly safe space to explore without emotions attached. Lots of communication solely for the purposes of pleasuring one another.

Ingrid Machado Pena

Great reaction, guys! Smiley is very good showing different experiences and perspectives but at the same connecting them as human experiences. No right or wrong. That's soooo important!

Laura Ibarra

Great discussion about sex and what it means/can mean … I’m getting ready to have the sex talk with my daughter and I was talking to my husband about feeling slightly freaked out 🤪 I was raised Catholic so the extent of the sex talk was “don’t have sex until you’re married or you’ll go to hell”. I rebelled completely and well, waiting until marriage isn’t exactly how it went haha but now I’m left trying to figure out how to talk to my daughter about sex without the don’ts I was raised with but also, not going in the completely opposite direction? 🤷🏻‍♀️ ANYWAY, your conversation didn’t help me in that department 😂 BUT it definitely got me thinking more


Really appreciated this discussion and this series. I really identified w/what Javier was saying about how everyone gets older, but the hope of someone finding you desirable is there even while you’re ignored if you don’t fit certain boxes (age, physical appearance, race, etc). This show gives me so much food for thought. My religious upbringing pretty much traumatized me about healthy sexual/romantic relationships. 🤷‍♀️