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Oh it was always going to be Lee’s thighs, c’mon... and also you gorgeous people!


Yaaassss! Toned thighs get the guys 😉

Clint Richardson

Question (because I don't know): is it insensitive to mock Miz Cracker dress knowing that it come from her Russian/Jewish heritage? Roast her for the green bodysuit with funnel tits, for sure -- but (as Tim Gun) this concerns me . Edit: #SquidAmidala #AdmiralAckbarSquidPrincess

Clint Richardson

Sure, I guess the video will put the reference into context . Just asking the question considering determining whether something is mocking or merely a reference is subjective.


Shit ... a choice between Our Queen Nina or Lee Dawson ....

Ben Gazing


Stephen Daciuk

I understand your concern comes from a place of love, but it's also a slippery slope. Even when MB are being catty I do not ever personally feel it's from an ugly place. To add, technically while Cracker can claim this is a reference to her Jewish Russian heritage, under your same concern it's technically not HER heritage, since Miz Cracker isn't actually a woman (and I do not believe identifies as transgender, but I could be wrong). Even if sometimes it doesn't seem that way, we have to remember when Mama Ru said we should never take Drag seriously, its supposed to be a safe space where we can love and feel loved. The last thing I ever want is for the MB to feel they have to censor themselves, it's bad enough they had to retire Fabulous Cunt Island.


Lee Dawson shoulda been Blac Chyna