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Here is the thirteenth patrons-only Dispatch. Topics include: sleeping conditions on campaign with the Grande Armée, cavalry mounts, and Napoleon's sense of humor.

Don't forget to leave any questions for the next dispatch below. And once again: thank you for your support!



I've been reading an article in the financial Times about the history of bond trading. It puts that the UK bond market was pivotal to napoleon's defeat. Is this a subject you are preparing to do a deep dive on at some point? Finance is the hardest subject to make relatable and entertaining but it seems there is no getting around how important it is. How bonds ate the entire financial system - https://on.ft.com/3DKY3kg via @FT

Anastasia Montes

If this is too late, I get that. But I hope it may be included in the next dispatch. Previously in the Narrative, you've mentioned that Napoleon was not a great diplomat because he did not work for a lasting peace, but a peace that would give him an advantage in the coming fights. Was his insistence on a Polish state a part of this? Or am I misunderstanding, and did he break the mold and truly work towards a lasting peace with his new Russian allies?