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The Battle of Eylau was the greatest challenge of Napoleon's career so far. For two days, the French and Russian armies fought with unbelievable tenacity in the worst conditions imaginable. 



How would you compare the bloody awfulness of the Battle of Eylau with other future wars like the US Civil War or the Franco Prussian War? you do a great job of putting into perspective how awful war is.

Samuel Roberts

In a similar vein — is there much scholarship on Eylau as a sort of prelude to (or reverse echo, if you like) the continental warfare of the 20th century? The scale obviously pops out, and sheer number of bodies around to die is one of the drivers of WWI casualties, but some other thematic matches seem to be around — the 14th killed efficiently enough to still be in formation, for example. I was a bit surprised not to find this as a prominent feature of the basic wiki+google light search, but maybe it’s, on the one hand, a minor enough battle that anyone studying it has closer comparisons at hand (19th century continental warfare), or on the other, only well matched in the sort of “fields of dead” sense (where I have a bad intellectual habit of snapping that straight to the Great War).


Can’t imagine being in the front line divisions of Augereau’s Corps and having the snow lift revealing 70 Russian cannon. Horrific. Great episode!! I wonder why Augereau didn’t redress during the advance to ensure his line of match.