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Here is the eighth patrons-only Dispatch. Topics include: Jacobinism in England, Napoleon as a sailor, and the memoirs of General Bennigsen.

You can register your place at the symposium here: https://www.historysymposium.com/annual-conference/ 

Don't forget to leave any questions for the next dispatch below. And once again: thank you for your support!


George Arnault

Great dispatch, and I’m really looking forward to the symposium! My question is this. We’ve heard multiple times about the rivalries within the Marshalate. Murat and Ney, Davout and Bernadotte, etcetera. Did any of these rivalries extend down to the rank and file, or did the soldiers overall see themselves all as members of the Grande Armee more so than members of any individual corps?


Dear Ed In the Dispatch series could you please talk about how intelligence was conducted in the Napoleonic era? For example: - How did French and a coalition intelligence agencies differ in terms of their complexity and efficacy? - What were the greatest successes achieved by intelligence agencies in this period? - Was any progress made in the espionage and counter espionage techniques? - How was coding and decoding of secret messages done at that time? Thanks a lot for this great project of yours and congrats on reaching 100 episodes!! Max