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Here is the seventh patrons-only Dispatch. Topics include: the French army's flirtation with white uniforms, the backstory of Marshal Kamensky, the metric system, compensation for war victims, and the assassination of a British Prime Minister.

Don't forget to leave any questions for the next dispatch below. And once again: thank you for your support!



Napoleon is often cited as an example for learning leadership or even “self-help”. What do you think are the wrong lessons that folks take away and what are the right ones?


You mentioned Jerome Bonaparte for the first time last episode. I found it interesting that he’s just now coming into the story when we’ve talked at length about his other brothers. What was Napoleon’s relationship with him, or his other lesser discussed siblings while we’re at it?


I was wondering where did the French Army get its horses from (Other than "requisitioning them on the go". Was there private or government horse breeders?


What did Grande Armée-wide communication look like for the average soldier? You mentioned Davout was named Duke of Auerstädt via army bulletin the day after the Battle of Auerstädt. How common were these bulletins? How did soldiers understand/locate themselves within a unit/battalion/corps? Thank you :)