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Here is the sixth patrons-only Dispatch. Topics include: Napoleonic medicine, weapons manufacturing, and some physical comedy from General Dąbrowski.

Don't forget to leave any questions for the next dispatch below. And once again: thank you for your support!


stink nasty

hi first time long time. for next dispatch: I'm working my way through the Andrew Roberts biography (christmas present) and i came across a passage i enjoyed about political caricature in the age of napoleon and the french expatriate press. do you have any opinions on roberts, or other biographies? do you have any fun facts about napoleonic caricature or jean-gabriel peltier? he seems like an og french pervert.


Hey just wanted to say that I’ve been hardcore binging your stuff. I listened to all of your episodes over the course of a few weeks. I’ve bought a few books to follow along for the remainder of the podcast. So thank you!


At this point in the narrative, what was Napoleon's propaganda machine like? In his early days, he wrote his own reports for publication. At this point, did he still write his own propaganda, review it personally, leave it io trusted aides, or leave it for unaffiliated yet friendly press? And if you have time, how had this changed over the years? Thank you!


Question: What was the popular opinion of Napoleons regime in France and their allies at this point in the narrative? Long time listener first time question asker. Love the the stuff, keep it coming!!


You mentioned the Grande Armee spending another Christmas away from home in the last episode. What were Christmas celebrations like for common soldiers at this time, and in what ways would it be different for those of higher social positions?