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Note: This is the result of hypnotic tits vs permanently sexy clothing!

Dana strutted along the paved pathways of her outdoorsy school campus. All the teen hormones were rampant, students simmering in lust as they watched those scantily clad fitness model, tall as a volleyball player, slide past them on her way to class.

“Is that Dana?!” she heard various classmates whisper. While the new freshman just stared at her in awe.

Her plump lips curved into an upturned smirk. Being hot as hell fucking ruled!

She, like all the other students, marched to her homeroom. Except everyone could see her striking green eyes towering above everyone else, and her breasts being both eye level and larger than most other students’ heads.

Just as the bell rang, Dana strolled into the classroom. Everyone, including Mr. Pine, simply stared at her. Her incredibly strong, feminine body, framed by the doorway and backlit by the morning sun and yet was nothing compared to the sparkling gems of her emerald eyes, absolutely enchanted everyone. Those strong, polished legs, so lusciously long and sculpted, her unrivaled hips, not to mention her matchless abs, each muscle pack ridged and deep, yet still beautifully feminine... and her red top, completed molded to her unparalleled smooth spheres with her nipples not just poking through, but with her pink aureola clearly in view.

A boy in the back of the classroom audibly groaned. Dana had to work hard to suppress a laugh.

Dana spotted Oliver in the middle of the room, with the chair next to him reserved for herself. They had just fucked last night, and even he was drooling for her as the hyper-focused gaze of his eyes never left her tits. She’d definitely have to find out if Oliver had something to do with her transformation.

All eyes were on her as the soft squish of the soles of her shoes tapped across the linoleum floor. Dana sneered at Oliver, giving him a nice view as she swayed her new, far more fertile looking hips with intentional emphasis. She saw all the boys, and even some of the girls who she hadn’t pegged as batting for both sides, shiver and grow intensely uncomfortable with their legs, rubbing them back and forth or covering their crotches as she passed them.

Mr. Pine groaned as his own member surged with blood, feeling an intense arousal that he’d long since forgotten. Dana had always been incredibly attractive, but something about her had changed over summer. It was as if she’d had a second puberty or something like that! The cheeks of her high, tight, and wonderfully sculpted ass resting atop those thick and toned thighs was reigniting his sexual desires. He even wondered if her back was sexy too—he could imagine the long line of her arched back, starkly defining her impressive muscles... but her blue backpack was in the way, thankfully. And he was still a teacher, and she was his student.

“Ahem! Miss Sawyer!”

“Yes?” Dana stopped on the spot and twirled to face her teacher. She thought for sure that he was completely under her spell, just like all those girls she loved to read about.

“What on earth are you wearing!? That is highly inappropriate for the school dress code!” He struggled not to sweat or tug on his collar which was suddenly too tight.

“What.” Dana was equal parts deflated and upset.

“Go to the principal’s office right now! We may just send you home on the first day of school! In all my years, why I never...!”

Dana clenched her fists hard. Then walked out, her face bright red and seething hard enough to appear as if she would boil over like a teapot. Everyone hated to see her leave, but they loved to watch her go.

Back outside of the classroom with all of the walkways empty as the bell ceased ringing, Dana whipped out her phone idly to check the HominyMartian site as she went to receive her punishment.

The Amazonian redhead sat outside the principal’s office, playing with her phone while trying to obscure everyone else’s view of it. The freshmen who had gotten lost on the first day of school (so stupid!) all snuck glances at her, but she paid them no mind. Dana had no use for children.

HominyMartian had updated! A new poll for a power for the latest protagonist of the new story, now titled GTA (Gratuitous Tits and Ass), to have. The powers were... meek, but that was fine with her. They were saucy and sexy, and both were appealing in their small scale ways. Not everything had to be about obliterating planets with an angry glare or a lusty kiss—that could come later.

She tried to put herself in Gemma Thomas Austin’s shoes, as she always did with HM stories. If she were that girl, and HominyMartian wasn’t going to fuck with her by having her shown up by some surprise bitch character, what would she want? To be so sexy that no matter what anyone tried to cover her up with, it would magically warp and conform to the contours of her mesmerizing curves? What good would that do?

Dana licked her lips. This stuff was so absurd, but so undeniably hot! Imagine putting on a trash bag, and having it turn into a scandalous little black dress that looked like it cost a fortune, showing off her fetching, bulging breasts and her outrageously sexy legs? And thanks to Oliver or HM or who the fuck knew that, Dana felt more in touch with this fictional power female than ever. She stretched her legs, extending those long and lean limbs out from her tiny denim shorts and admired them. Fuck. Imagine wearing a $5,000 dress adorned with sparkling, 24 carat diamonds all over it, this very moment. Fuck. Yes. If her current bullshit outfit had all the boys and girls drooling, just imagine how she would look if she’d actually dressed to kill!

The other option was hypnosis via tits. It wasn’t Dana’s favorite—a little too indirect and subtle for her tastes, depending on how the author wrote it. But it did seem more powerful. Perhaps she should vote for it on that basis alone. Make GTA too canonically powerful and flexible with her abilities so that she could overcome any obstacle under the right conditions. And if HM wrote some bullshit that neutralized the leading lady, then they would definitely be getting an angrily worded letter from Dana.

Dana chewed her bottom lip. Why was this so difficult? And it was so close too! She voted for hypno tits. Then changed her mind to outfit warping. More, varied art in gorgeous elegant outfits when it suited, otherwise pornographic lingerie, slutty swimsuits, tube tops, lingeries, and thongs? God, that seemed fun too!

This was the hardest decision she’d had to make in a while. A few tiny beads of sweat appeared on her perfect brow as the look of consternation deepend on her heart-shaped face, looking downright adorable in her little plight. She voted for hypno tits. Then changed it to outfit transformation. Then back again. The bars for the votes continued to flip-flop.

“Miss Sawyer. Come on in,” Principal Taylor poked her head out from her office door.

A startled Dana fumbled the phone in her hand, spamming the votes back and forth a few more times before hitting some other random buttons, causing chaos on her phone due to the site’s shoddy programming. Dana tapped frustratedly at her touchscreen. Fuck! What had she ended up voting for anyway? This goddamn site!

“Miss Sawyer!” Principal Taylor knocked on the outside of her door. “Today?”

“Coming,” Dana relented while hiding her displeasure. She quickly slid her mobile device into her far too small pocket. Hell. Probably should’ve voted for outfit transformation. Fuck female pockets. And now the stupid site was probably frozen.

“So what brings you to my office today?” Principal Taylor asked as she strolled around to her neat desk and sat down into her reclining office chair.

“Don’t know,” Dana shrugged, revealing more of her forbidden areola and nipples from her heaving bosoms as they bounced gloriously up and down.

Sara Taylor stared at those... well, there was no denying it—magnificent breasts with bulging eyes. This girl was a senior in school? It wasn’t just Dana’s size; she looked so ravishing and mature at the same time. A perfect blend between a porn star and a runway supermodel, with the body of a well-trained athlete to boot!

Was she ogling!? Sara had never been interested in women except for a year in college after she swore off boys. But there was something about this young woman sitting before her that was igniting the fire within her loins. She continued to stare at Dana’s breasts until they mercifully stopped bouncing and her nipples concealed themselves once more.

“Ahem,” Principal Taylor cleared her throat, her mind no longer fogged up by sweet, sticky lust. “You’ll be in less trouble if you just tell me, you know.”

Dana sighed. Fucking adults. They both knew why she was there. This little verbal joust of who was in control was just another thing that being superpowered would solve.

“My outfit,” Dana grumbled. “But it’s not my fault! I had, like, a second puberty or something. Nothing fit this morning.”

“This morning? Young lady, that is the worst excuse I’ve ever heard.”

“Well it’s true! You can send me home. Whatever. I don’t have anything to wear. I just came from my Dad’s and he’s out of town now. No idea where my mom is, and I doubt she’ll want to buy me anything.”

Principal Taylor looked at the sultry, sulking redhead and sighed. The gossip among teachers about her attitude with her fellow students and her home life situation certainly matched what Dana was currently reporting. And despite that, she was an above average student and an excellent athlete as well. Clearly. But how could an athlete have such huge, alluring breasts with such deep cleavage?

The sandy haired brunette swallowed loudly before she realized that her thinking had turned to molasses again. God, Dana’s nipples were alluring. Even covered up, Sara could see every detail of those rigid peaks denting her thin red top. Her own pussy felt like it was gushing!

“Ahem,” Principal Taylor cleared her throat again. She pulled her brown eyes back up to Dana’s face before losing control and stealing constant and ever more frequent glimpses at Dana’s crowning femininity.

Dana just crossed her luscious legs and folded her powerful arms underneath her tits, pushing them upward with no particular intent at all.

Sara’s legs wobbled. The sight of Dana pushing up that dramatic cleavage was making her mind feel all fuzzy. She just wanted to swim in that pleasant haze of half conscious, dream-like wonder, continuing to drink in the sight of Dana’s evenly tanned, perfectly shaped orbs.

She steeled her will and shook off the fog again. Going to a little wooden closet, Principal Taylor reached in and grabbed an overcoat meant to cover the whole body down to about the knees. It would probably stop at around Dana’s thighs, but she couldn’t blame the flaming redhead for standing almost a whole foot taller than Sara herself.

“Put this on. And keep it on for the rest of the day. I’ll talk to the other teachers. And find something suitable to wear tomorrow!” Principal Taylor handed over her garment, making a point not to sneak another peek at the shelf of Dana’s breasts.

“Ugh. Do I have to?” Dana wrinkled her nose at the ugly, shapeless thing.

“Young lady!”

“Fine, fine.”

Dana snatched it out of Principal Taylor’s hand and regarded the woman. The school’s dear leader seemed strangely uncomfortable and flushed. Well, whatever. Dana tossed the coat around her back, slid her long arms in, and tried it on for size.

It was clearly too small. The shoulders were far too narrow for her muscular frame, her beautiful limbs far too long to fit in the sleeves. What was Dana supposed to do?! Walk around like a hunchback? She’d rather just go home and fuck around.

And then suddenly, the principal’s overcoat began to morph. The worn, off-white color began to smooth out and even into a lovely pearl as the ill-fitting garment began to stretch and expand to fit Dana’s impressive, unrivaled frame.

The sleeves and the back, stupidly tight to begin with which Dana would have ripped with any normal movement, traced the extravagant shape of her body as its material hugged her bare skin, creeping along her silky, warm flesh with the tender caress of an expert lover. And despite extending and magically conjuring new matter into existence to do justice to Dana’s body, it remained skintight, molding to Dana’s lascivious contours and highlighting her best features, which was all of them, to staggering heights.

The coat covered her bare shoulders and hugged the well-trained muscles of her upper arms, making sure not to diminish the glory of her biceps and triceps as it continued the long journey down her sinuous, lengthy arm only to stop at her wrists.

The flared collar of the coat disappeared, slimming down into an actual dress. Not as extravagant as Dana had envisioned, but she still audibly gasped as she watched Principal Taylor’s outfit morph over her body, synergizing beautifully with her already considerable assets.

Dana shivered as it began to work its way down her front now. Even her far too small getup from this morning was morphing too! Her top turned into beautiful, lacey, intricate, and silky black see-through lingerie, flicking and tickling her hard nipples. Similarly, her denim shorts turned into a pornographic crotchless affair, leaving her bare pussy lips and delectable, inviting pubic mound on display for anyone who was fortunate enough to see the world’s most spectacular wonder.

Then Principal Taylor’s trench coat-turned-dress continued to form over Dana’s body like some sort of futuristic technology, pressing itself against Dana’s absolutely unforgiving, jutting breasts, covering up her nipples and making her “decent” again before sliding down her cobbled abs like water running over a stone path. All of her marvelous muscle was on display even underneath her dress, emphasizing her slender waist before swerving down past her wide, child-bearing hips.

Finishing the outfit by swooping down past those fertile hips, the pearl dress ceased its shifting about halfway down her muscled thighs. Her well-built calves were still on full display... and her trainers which had fit this morning despite her extra height had now turned into a pair of elegant, strappy black high heels.

“Oh my god...” Dana breathed huskily, looking down past the twin orbs of her chest to admire the front of the dress. For a brief moment, she wished it were shorter, and the dress’s hem climbed upward. But she thought better of it, and back down it went like blinds on a window.

She looked at her backside, and the sculpted spheres of her buttocks were probably challenging her breasts for the most perfectly shaped part of her body. Even without a mirror, Dana knew she was a fucking knockout.

And she had clothing transforming power now.

Holy fuck. Holy FUCK!

“Are you dressed now?” Principal Taylor had averted her eyes in order not to fall under the spell of Dana’s breasts. As if to give the young super-fitness-model privacy as if she had been getting dressed from the nude.

“Yes,” Dana whispered, still awestruck.

Principal Taylor looked up to see the stunning teen now dressed as if she were about to go out for a night on the town. From her side profile view, the older woman felt a sharp pang of jealousy as she admired those seductively long limbs and the pair of orbs both on her upper torso and lower rear, two firm, ripe peaches whose sexiness matched the two enormous melons on her chest.

That chest. Principal Taylor felt her mind ensnared once more. How could they look even larger and more alluring when fully covered up than when those perfect shapes were on display!? And thanks to her prior inappropriate ogling, Sara knew that those tits weren’t being supported by some expensive push up bra. No, Dana’s nubile body was simply that naturally appealing. Those incomparable breasts with their mouth-watering nipples needed no such support. To think otherwise would be insulting.

To think... to think otherwise... Sara wasn’t interested in thinking anymore. Her lips were slack, her tongue lazy as it began to slide forward, beyond her teeth to hang out of the corner of her mouth. Her eyelids were so heavy, but she dared not let them shut. Otherwise, she’d no longer be able to stare at Dana’s mind-melting assets anymore.

“Well? May I go now?” Dana finally turned to face Principal Taylor, squared up.

Sara gasped. Dana had already been so staggeringly sexy from side view, but now those nipples were denting the mysterious dress that adorned her goddess’s body, and god, they were a sight to behold! Sara squirmed as molten hot nectar began to drip from her pussy, grinding her thighs together as a single wobbly hand held onto her desk for support.

Dana just stared at her. What the hell was she doing? “Are you okay?”

“M-m-m-muh muh... okay... yesss...” Principal Taylor’s slurred speech turned into a smile. The owner of those perfect breasts was addressing her! Her eyes rolled into the back of her head for a moment as a thin trail of drool escaped the corner of her aging lips.

“Is this a prank? What the hell are you doing?” Dana demanded. And then softened. “Sorry, no offense,” she tried to dial it back unconvincingly.

“I’m... staring... breasts...” Sara admitted. She didn’t want to. She had to be authoritative and set a good example for the students! But those breasts, those titillating breasts that Sara so desperately wanted to rub, to squeeze, to lick, to stare at for the rest of her life... she simply felt compelled to tell the truth. There was nothing left in her lust-addled mind to give any other answer, anyway. Her mental faculties had completely shut down, utterly dominated by nothing but the sight of Dana’s bosom.

“What the fuck!?” Dana couldn’t control her profanity. She covered her breasts with her arms reflexively.

“W-what was I saying...?” Principal Taylor’s body posture began to return to normal. God, why was she so wet down there? What had she been doing? “Dana... you’re... um... sheesh, I feel lightheaded. You can leave. I think I need to...”

Dana raised an eyebrow at the principal and removed her arm once more. Her breasts hit Principal Taylor like a pair of high beams, stunning the older woman like a hapless deer in headlights.

“Guhhh...” Principal Taylor’s lips went slack.

Is this for real? Dana thought to herself. No way an adult, especially the principal who was supposed to be chewing her out, would behave like this in front of her!

Then a light bulb turned on in her perfect head.

“Are you... are you hypnotized!?” Dana exclaimed.

“Hypno... yes... yes... your breasts...” Principal Taylor drooled once more. Both upstairs and downstairs.

Dana looked down at her swells. Oh god, they were compelling. The twin spheres blocked the view of her lower body, but even Dana’s gorgeous green eyes went glassy for a moment as she studied their perfect shapes.

“No way no way no way!” Dana hissed in excitement. She... she’d gotten both powers that she had been fiddling with on her phone before! What the hell was going on!?

Well, first things first. How much could she do?

“Principal Taylor. Are you under my control?” Dana probed.

“Yess...” the woman hissed. Her body was beginning to quaver from searing lust. She wanted to orgasm so badly!

“So you won’t get me in trouble for this?” she experimented.

“I won’t... do... anything... unless you... you want it...” Her legs wobbled like jelly now.

“Sit down,” Dana tested.

Principal Taylor sat.

“You will not speak of this to anyone. Understand?”

Principal Taylor bit her lip and nodded.

“Are you a lesbian?”


“Tell me the truth!” Dana demanded.

“I’m not... but I can’t help myself around you. Around your breasts...”

So saying, Principal Taylor obeyed Dana’s demand for the truth. Her eyes actually slammed shut for a moment as they rolled into the back of her head as she gripped the arm rests of her chair involuntarily while her body trembled in extreme delight. A dark stain formed on the crotch of her business slacks.

“Did you just come!?” Dana asked.

“Y-yes!” Principal Taylor hissed as her wracked body continued to clench and spurt.

Dana just watched as her thrall finished her violent quaking. This was wild! And she was getting wet herself. Fuck, she’d come on her own twice today already. Perhaps it was time to find Oliver.

Principal Taylor sighed in bliss and opened her eyes, only to land right into Dana’s inescapable trap once more.

“Principal Taylor. You are under my complete control. Repeat that,” Dana was still uncertain such a thing was possible.

“I am under your complete control,” she whispered.

“You will obey anything I say and treat me with total respect,” Dana ordered.

“I will,” her thrall droned.

“You will never do anything to reprimand me and get me in trouble. And you will get the teachers off of my back. Whenever they would punish me, you can tell them whatever you want. As long as you continue to obey me and serve me,” Dana’s heart fluttered as she experimented with bolder, more outlandish requests.

“I will.”

“When I take you out of trance, you will remember none of this. Only that you’re very fond of me, and you will protect me while continuing to do your job without rousing suspicion. When we are around other people, you will behave normally.”

“I will.”

“If any teacher or anyone gives you trouble or is plotting something against me, let me know.”

“I will.”

“Did you like coming for my tits?” Dana suddenly changed tack.

“Yes! Yes yes yes!” Principal Taylor startled Dana with her little outburst. But then returned to her pliable, submissive, waiting state.

“Fuck...” Dana whispered, trying to calm her supercharged heart. “When I count down from three and snap my fingers, you will be out of my hypnotic trance. But if we’re ever alone and I push my breasts out at you, you will fall right under my spell once more. Do you understand?”

“I understand.”

Dana walked up to Principal Taylor’s desk and leaned forward, showing off her pendant cleavage as it hung low.

“Three... two... one... awake!” Dana placed her long, slender fingers in front of Principal Taylor’s face and snapped. The little gesture sounded like a cannonball firing.

“W-what happened? What was that loud sound!?” Principal Taylor was speaking normally again. “M-miss Sawyer! You’re... I’m so sorry to have bothered you! I will speak to your homeroom teacher right away! Fear not, you are not in any sort of trouble!”

“Principal Taylor, may I call you Sara?” Dana dared to ask.

“Of course, Miss-miss-misstress... Sawyer,” Principal Taylor replied. It just felt right.

“Sara, do you like my breasts?”

“Oh M-m-miss-miss...”

“Mistress will do fine,” Dana smirked, her lips uneven.

“Mistress, I love them!”

“Go ahead and masturbate at your desk for me,” Dana tested, already certain of the result.

“Yes mistress!” Principal Taylor began enthusiastically, shoving her hand down her pants. She never took her eyes off of Dana’s breasts. Her nether lips, already soaked and sore from her first orgasm, still throbbed under the gravity of her mistress’s control.

“And when I do this...”

Dana ran her fingers under the perfect arc of her bust and leaned forward, making them bulge in Sara’s face.

“G-g-g-g-guhhhh...!” Sara’s lips went slack as her entire body slumped. But she didn’t stop touching herself.

“Oh fuck fuck fuck fuck!” Dana orgasmed on the spot herself. A thick glob of her sweet nectar dripped down her thick thighs, only to vanish once it touched her dress. Even as she gushed, labia twitching as bolts of pleasure from pure domination swished through her nerves, she remained as pristine as if she’d just been given a master makeover.

When she opened her eyes, she could see that Sara was on the verge of coming as well. A sinister smile crept over her lips.

“No orgasming now, Sara. Not without my permission!”

“Yes mistress!” Sara suppressed a whimper, more happy to obey her mistress Dana than to seek her own pleasure.

“And out of trance now.”

Sara sat up once more, embarrassed by the unexplained slickness covering her fingers.

“M-m-mistress Sawyer! What are you doing here? Worry not, you’re not in any trouble with me...” she began once again.

“Shush. Calm. I’m leaving now.”

“Yes mistress.”

Dana turned on her new heels that added another few inches to her already staggering height. She made her way into the hallways as the bell for next class rang. Reigning in the power of her tits, Dana heard the principal’s door latch shut behind her as she smirked while everyone, students and staff included, got a good look at her new outfit and body without falling into a hypnotic stupor.

She could take control of any of them, at any time, just by massaging and presenting her breasts. But for now, it would be fun to do it intimately, one at a time...



Wasn't this series supposed to be a bad girl low plot sex romp? Slow windup?