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The first five chapters are in your Commission Lovers folder! The original post left off the line breaks, which is an issue I'd forgotten about ever since I moved to folders...

Power and Obsession

Written by Wizalex
Edited by HarmonyMotion

Chapter 1: Photo Opportunities

The scream had come from at least three blocks away.

With only the slightest hint of panic, J-Girl’s senses quickly honed in on the source - a girl, plummeting from a ten-storey building!

Storms! Just don’t go too fast. Don’t mess this up, Jaime.

Windows rattled in the wake of J-Girl’s supersonic flight, bringing her to the rapidly descending form within seconds. It seemed to be going well until Jaime took a proper look at the girl. She almost dropped her when her hands started vibrating.

She’s… so stunning…

The blonde-haired, dark-skinned heroine attempted to compose herself, adjusting her hold on the windswept vision of brilliance in her arms. The girl was tall. So very tall. J-Girl’s ascension into a superhero had given her a hefty boost in height - she knew that she was a fair few inches over six foot now - but this girl was even taller than that!

Hells, it’s happening again. Just calm down, idiot. If you drop her, you’ll be responsible for more deaths. Put her down and get out of here.

Slowly descending to the ground, perhaps taking a bit longer than she should have, J-Girl took in the appearance of her latest rescuee. Long black hair whipping erratically in the tumultuous winds. Eyes so dark that Jaime could get lost in them. Gothic makeup, the eyeshadow slightly mussed up by the biting breeze of the free-fall.

Jaime felt dizzy just holding her.

Oh, Hellfire! What’s happening to you?

The air around Jaime’s body was getting too tight, too heavy to breathe. Her vision blurred. The world slowed. Fortunately, she was still flying so managed to shrug off her newfound inability to use her legs. Keeping a sombre, serene smile on her face, so as to not betray her emotions, she tried to wait out the rushing heat running through her body.

It wasn’t abating.

Now Jaime’s eyes were refusing to obey her. Her sight regained, she could only focus on the impressive mounds on the chest of this astonishingly perfect girl. Her own boobs had also received a glow-up in her transformation, but again this girl already had her beat. Jaime self-consciously adjusted her posture, raising her own breasts off of the chest of the girl, too focused to notice the glint of a camera lens in the distance.

Just, put her down. Then you can run away. Like you always do.

When Jaime finally reached the ground and settled the girl, she didn’t even land. She didn’t ask the girl for her name or number, as much as she wanted to. Instead, she flew off with the intent to continue patrolling the city.

What she ended up doing was flying immediately back to her apartment and discovering masturbation, fantasising about the most attractive girl she had ever seen.

The resulting localised earthquake was reported later that day.



Thanks HarMo for the help with editing this! Hope everyone enjoys it and looks forward to the next part!