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Day 62

I awoke with a shock. NO, NO, NO! Was it all a dream? I immediately went to play back my concealed audio recording, but the battery had died. How long had I been out? I checked my phone. Dead as well.

I went to my computer. Two days!? I was out for two days!?

I hurriedly placed my arm over the charger while I frantically searched for news. Senator Kineda was trying to push his controversial bill through the House. DNN was covering it.

DNN! I frantically looked under the mousepad. There it was! I immediately shot them an email from an anonymous email.

“Hello?” I wrote. I didn’t know what else to say. I hit send.

I didn’t have to wait long.

“We’ve seen your writing. We know something is wrong, and we know you know it. Please help us. Lady Z’s borders are well guarded. Anything will help. Look into mansion 4 if you don’t believe us.”

I wasted no time. Well, I wanted to waste no time. My email dinged with another selfie of Lady Z. It was a close up of her perfect torso, her hands cupping those breasts, pinching those nipples… I couldn’t even register the caption. I felt my erection surge, surrounded by the warmth of her firm bosom. I even felt them begin to press inward and crush my penis with immense pressure while my cockhead rubbed against her delicious skin, pumping back and forth. I felt the anticipation of her pursing her lips, and blowing her beauty-breath over my thrusting member. Simultaneously, her natural perfumed scent invaded my mind as I physically tried to lick and kiss her flesh. Immediately, I slammed my ass back into my chair and spent the next few hours incapacitated at my desk.



A Short one this time! 🙂