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Chapter 11

The movers delivered the new furniture to Peter and Piper’s little suburban doorstep. Piper greeted them at the door.

“You boys can just leave the stuff here,” Piper instructed sweetly.

“You sure, ma’am?” The two burly, sweating men grunted. “Moving fee is covered.”

“Oh, I’m quite sure!” She smiled brightly.

They shrugged, relieved at not having to lug stuff in, disappointed not to get to spend more time with this gorgeous creature.

Piper waited for them to trundle off.

“Oh Peeeetey!” she summoned him in a singsong voice. “The furniture’s here!”

A bruised, battered Peter limped toward the door.

“Piper… I… can’t!” he moaned. “It would be so easy for you!”

“Hahaha! I know! But I want you to do it. You think it’ll be easier when I actually break one of your arms as I rip orgasm after orgasm from you?” She mimed the action with her pretty little fast, clenching her hand shut violently over empty air.

Peter grimaced. He swore he could actually hear his bones crunching under those beautiful fingers.

“And we both know I basically control your entire body now, don’t we? Even when I’m not touching you. You just can’t help it.”

Piper cocked a hip and struck a pose, emphasizing her voluptuous curves. With a seductive lick of her fleshy lips and a bedroom glance of her mesmerizing blue eyes, she brought Peter to his full, considerable size. He gasped as his little soldier throbbed in his pants.

And then she blurred in front of him at superspeed, reached for his fully erect organ, and gave it a crushing squeeze.

“ARrrrrrghh!” Peter winced in pain, eyes misting over with tears.

“Fuck yeah, baby. If you ever want me to take care of you like this ever again, then get to work. What are those big, strong muscles good for if you can’t even help your elegant, irresistible wife move in some things?” she taunted.

“Besides, wasn’t this your fantasy?”

“Piper… it’s… it’s just furniture! It’s too much for me!”

“What’sa matter? Realized you bit off more than you could chew, hmm?” Piper smiled wickedly.

Peter whimpered.

“Alright, your beautiful, gentle, generous wife will help you move this oh-soooo-heavy furniture in. How’s that sound?”

She bent down, placed her fingers beneath one side of the heavy, ornate metal stand of the table, and effortlessly lifted the legs off the floor.

Piper tapped her foot impatiently as Peter limped to the other end.

“Okay… one… two…” Peter gasped in pain as he counted down.

“Oh get on with it, Peter. I’m ready whenever you are.” She raised an eyebrow at him as she flexed her arm up and down.

With a loud grunt of effort, he lifted with both arms, struggling against the pain in his body. Waddling backwards awkwardly, in stark contrast to Piper’s easy, sexy stroll, they had to tilt the table to get it through the frame of the door. Piper merely turned her wrist as if it were completely unencumbered.

Halfway through the entrance, Peter lost his balance as the weight of the tilted table overwhelmed him. He bumped into a bookcase, his large, bulky weight sending the whole thing tipping. No! That was...

“Piper! Pi… pick…” he uttered in panic.

Suddenly, the table was out of his hands. Piper manipulated the whole thing inside with her casual grasp, holding it way off its center of mass but showing no sign of strain. She zipped into the house at super speed, and with her other hand, rescued the bookcase with all their personal belongings on it, including a framed picture of Peter’s deceased parents.

But the disaster wasn’t over yet. A pair of clear glass crystal doves, a gift from both their families’ parents as a sign of approval for their union, slid off the bookcase on a one way trip to shatter into a jagged mess on the floor.

“No!” Peter cried, making a heroic leaping catch just like in his glory days on the college football team. Catching it mid-fall, he cradled his most treasured possession in his hands. He didn’t even feel the pain of his rough landing as he slammed into the wall, flooded only with relief at his successful save.

Piper put the table down. A wall of wind buffeted Peter as Piper suddenly appeared in front of him and picked him back up, placing a single, long finger on his lips.

“Shh, there, there. Nice touchdown, baby.” She rubbed his bruising flesh gently. Actually gently.

“Thank you Piper!” he gasped, a few tears trailing down his face. He squeezed the memento tightly.

“I’m almost inclined to be nice to you for a few days.” She grazed the sculpture lovingly as well. “But, no, I don’t think I will,” Piper winked at him.

Peter gulped.


Feeling adventurous for once, Maria finished her light dinner and put on a little black dress. Well, it used to be little before her hard-to-believe transformation. Now it was downright scandalous.

She took a look at herself in the mirror and gasped.

The fabric barely covered her upper thighs! Just how leggy had she gotten?!

And they weren’t just long either. No, they were lethal weapons of mass seduction. She swiveled her hips and took a few steps in front of her floor length mirror. She looked downright confident and predatorial with her sexy gait! Oh god, if her mom could see her, she would absolutely freak!

“Maria Mercedes Michaela Martinez, no puedes salir así!” she heard mama lecture.

Wrapping a thin, black, designer belt around her waist, she marveled at just how narrow that part of her anatomy had become. The small dress hung positively loose around her body without the aid of her leather accessory. It was in stark contrast to her already naturally pre-transformation wide hips, and now slightly broader shoulders. She was the dictionary definition of a perfectly symmetrical hourglass figure.

Speaking of her upper torso, Maria could not stop staring at her own, full, spherical mounds. They were so pert and perky, so luscious to stare at, her considerable cleavage fully on display. Amazingly, she hadn’t put a bra on, but they looked as if she were wearing the most effective, most uncomfortable push-up bra ever. Except that her protruding chocolate nipples were a dead giveaway that she was wearing no support at all.

She massaged those incredible slopes with her hands, admiring her longer, elegant, dainty fingers. As she groped and squeezed gently, she couldn’t believe just how firm they were! And yet, still so very sensitive. She’d always loved having her breasts kneaded and her nipples sucked on, but now… she inhaled sharply as she pinched her far more sensitive nub. God, even her nipples were large! But they were in perfect proportion to her much larger endowment. Maria shot a quick glance at her underwear drawer. No way would any of her bras fit now.

Thank god she had some tape to cover up her headlights. A leftover relic from a Day of the Dead costume she had worn.

Pulling down the top of her dress to reveal her decolletage, Maria traced her fingers along her curves once again. No tan lines at all somehow. No stretch marks, no stray hairs, no fuzz. Just smooth, even, healthy, irresistible skin, covering the best pair of breasts she had ever seen.

Wow. How could anyone resist her now?

Just what had Peter given her?!

Maria toyed with the idea of taking a selfie in the mirror and posting it to her dating profiles. But when she pulled out her phone and unlocked it to the last message from Peter, she balked. First, she had to know what the hell Peter had done to her—not that she was complaining. Second, the way she looked now… maybe she had a shot at him… No! What would mamá say!? I’m not that kind of girl! He was married, happily!

Though, he did seem to be tortured by his wife, not that she’d ever met her. Peter was always trying to do things for her, especially these days. Perhaps she was demanding. Too demanding.

Maria put her phone away. No, she wouldn’t act on these naughty thoughts. Just an innocent little fantasy, showing off to Mrs. Peter Paloma what an easygoing, beautiful bombshell she was, and how she could appreciate a man like Peter. And taking him away from her, making her watch as Mr. Paloma lusted helplessly over his beautiful, exotic, foreign subordinate. And, she didn’t like to play it up, but she was basically nobility in her home country. What did Mrs. Peter Paloma that she didn’t? A large estate with a beautiful hacienda in Mexico City, born to wealth, but still her own, independent, productive woman. There was no way Mrs. Paloma could measure up to the new and improved sex-on-legs, mesmeric seductress named Maria Martinez.

And if Mrs. Paloma was lucky, Maria would let her join in on the fun...

Maria moaned as she writhed in arousal of her pleasant little daydream. She might need another layer of nipple tape at this rate.

No. No, she’d find something more chaste to wear and put in her dating profile. And maybe consult Peter’s opinion on it.

Wrapping an oversized denim jacket over her new, curvaceous, mind-meltingly gorgeous body, Maria hailed a cab and made her way downtown. A small, tan, crossbody bag rested at her flared hips, the strap emphasizing the magnificent swell of her perfect breasts. Her short, strappy, open-toed platform heels clacked with every step.

Maria went to the back of the line like everyone else, but all eyes were on her. One of the bouncers did a triple take as she walked by, and he immediately signaled her to the front. Double checking that they were indeed gesturing at her, she pointed to herself in shock, while all the people around her rolled their eyes at her presumably false modesty.

Yes, the bouncers wanted her.

All the men stared at her in open-mouthed lust as the women drowned in jealousy. This Hispanic bombshell was the embodiment of beauty!

The bouncers took longer than usual to scrutinize a patron, taking the time to drink in her luscious curves. Maria adjusted the strap of her purse, drawing their eyes to her magnificent cleavage, where their gaze lingered longer than could be considered polite. She cleared her throat. They blushed in embarrassment, and let her in with no further issue.

The neon, stylized, swooping logo that read Evening Social greeted her as she turned the corner to the thumping beat of the nightclub, rattling even her superhuman physique.

She made her way to the dimly lit bar. Immediately, two men were upon her, racing to strike up a conversation.

I could get used to this, Maria smirked.

“Can I buy you a drink?” one of the men asked. Maria made a flash decision and chose him. The other one died a little of disappointment and slithered away.

“Why, yes! How about a shot of tequila?” Maria flashed him a comely smile.

His hands were trembling as he paid for the liquor.

“Cheers!” Maria chirped.


They licked the sprinkled salt off the length of their thumbs, downed the bronze-colored booze, and bit into a wedge of lime. Maria wrinkled her nose as she tasted and recognized the cheap stuff, though it somehow didn’t burn going down.

Suitably lubricated now, Maria led her suitor into a crowd of bodies, occasional strobes of light illuminating their path. But Maria could see just fine without it. If anything, the light captured frames of other lucky dancers gasping in awe if they managed to catch a glimpse of her body in her way-too-little black dress.

Swimming in a sea of musky body heat, Maria and her nameless date began to sway to the rapid, amplified pounding of the bass. She closed her eyes and inhaled the scent of lust and arousal all around her, contrasted by the cool air conditioning above.

Her partner couldn’t believe his luck. Not only had he set eyes on the most beautiful woman he’d ever met… she was now dancing with him! She moved so gracefully, the fluid sway of her child bearing hips, the silky fabric of her dress licking at her tight, tanned thighs, the sight of her beautiful, jutting chest, immune to gravity, bobbing and bouncing ever so slightly…

Unbelievably, this gorgeous paragon of femininity took the lead as she pulled him in close! And she was tall too! Her long arms rested on his shoulders, draping over his back, pressing the front of his black button-down against her strong, slender body.

Together, the duo swayed to the rhythm of the rapid beat, her firm breasts pressing into his desire-addled body, stoking the fires of his arousal even further. She traced them along his chest, so hard that he almost yelped in pain. But he couldn’t move her steely arms one bit!

He probably could have ducked out of her embrace, but he was too far gone, drowning in her otherworldly beauty and the feeling of being massaged by her orbs. Realizing that not only were his designer jeans way too tight for him, he was already on the verge of an orgasm! He was absolutely leaking, his suddenly hard shaft bending uncomfortably against the tough material.

He gasped as he surreptitiously tried to adjust himself. Maria sensed his erratic movements just from the slight contact of her arms on his shoulders, her fingers tracing and pressing into his back. Snapping out of her reverie, she looked down at him, into his eyes that were quickly glazing over and beginning to roll into the back of his head.

No way! Was this guy really about to…!

Out of curiosity and fascination, Maria gripped the back of his hair and yanked his head back. His startled eyes snapped open in shock. She wanted to see just exactly what she could do to him. She wanted to see just how profound the irresistible effect her sensuality would have on this weak-willed man.

Pressing her breasts into him and holding him just a bit tighter, Maria was still deciding exactly how far she wanted to go with her drink-buyer. Maybe just a little brush against his groin with her firm thighs? Maybe lean in close for a little peck on the cheek?

But she didn’t have a chance to try any of that. He erupted an instant later as she continued to grind their chests together.

His eyes rolled fully into the back of his head. His face was a rigid grimace of utter bliss. He erupted in his underwear over and over, synchronized to the music and Maria’s overwhelming body rubbing against his.

“Oh my god!” Maria yelled as she let her little puppet go.

The sound of her voice was drowned out by the music. Only the relative darkness of the club and the excessively high volume of trance beats saved her would-be date from public embarrassment. Still, his face turned beet red as his unbelievably powerful orgasm subsided. His lip quivered in shame. Without another word, he made a beeline for the men’s restroom.

Maria headed through the stamping crowd back to the bar. That experience was both exciting and disappointing. Exciting that she made a man lose all control with just a tiniest bit of intimacy, and disappointing because, well. Perhaps he was just particularly lonely or worked up.

Instantly, Maria had three more suitors. She couldn’t help but laugh. The thought that the attention she’d commanded the first time could be a fluke had definitely been dispelled.

Choosing the most muscular one with unkempt brown hair that reminded her most of Peter, they took another shot of cheap vodka and made their way onto the dance floor once again. Maria, quite confident and assertive now, grabbed his hand and led the way, her long legs and pert derriere flexing beautifully, giving him a front row view of her toned, feminine definition.

In the middle of the dance floor, her back turned, she pulled him in close and wrapped his arms around her svelte waist. With her new height, she could feel his insistent erection poking around her thighs, just below the tight spheres of her firm butt.

To his credit, despite his inner sexual turmoil, he did try to escape. But Maria was having none of that.

She grabbed his arms with her own slender, stronger ones, and pinned him tight so he couldn’t escape. Tossing her hair with a little turn of her neck, she looked at him slyly as she leaned her luscious curves against his stiff, angry member.

He breathed in the floral, irresistible scent of her silky hair. As soon as her sculpted rear touched his erect cock, he gasped in pure shock at the heavenly sensation. The air was infused with her delicate perfume. She rubbed him firmly with her butt through his pants, swaying rhythmically against his iron rod…

He came.

His hands trembled as his arms tightened around her. For a few, brief, orgasmic seconds, he experienced true joy as he stained himself.

Maria laughed as she easily broke his involuntary grip. With a little thrust of her rear which had made him lose control so effortlessly, she sent him sprawling to the floor.

She was done with this club.

She needed to find Peter.



Oh my… Maria and Piper might get into a fight at some point!


This was…. wow! Another amazing chapter. Maria and Piper, can’t wait to see what that interaction will be like.