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My second full month of Patreon comes to an end 😭

All patrons should be receiving exclusive art in your private DM. Keep an eye out!

This month, I took on a record number of commissions. I've also made the decision to keep the longer-form ones behind my Patreon, where they will be further polished, and potentially illustrated. These stories, like Starla, and another one you'll see next week, will not be publicly accessible anywhere!

In response to Patreon forbidding one of many people's favorite perks from the site, I've started a Discord for y'all to join. And already, some of you are contributing in ways that I never could! I'm so pleased to have you on board with me 😭


Note that if the bot does not assign you a role, you will need to integrate your Discord with your Patreon. If you have already done that, you will need to disconnect and reconnect it. No, I don't know why it's like that.

I did a just-for-fun food blog, which might be a nice change of pace from the constant superpower feats and sex. Or maybe it's not 😊 In any case, I am having fun with it, and it will not detract from the regular content on this page.

I've also scripted a comic, with full-on paneling. It's out of my hands now, but I'm being told it will be done in two months 😊

I'm really excited about next month! A heartfelt thanks to everyone who's been here with me!



I absolutely love the Candace image, hope we get to see more of her :)