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"You found a challenge for me?" Janna asked. "The last time you paired me up with that male trainer, not only could he not keep up with my casual stroll for more than a few seconds, he spent the whole time staring at my ass! He was worthless, so I treated him like the trash he was. I threw him into the garbage. With one hand. Effortlessly. I didn't want to litter after all."

Janna's manager nervously showed her a picture of who her new trainer would be.

Janna stared at the selfie of the brunette girl.

"Are you kidding me? She looks like a supermodel. What are you trying to do? Turn me on?" Janna gasped at her unexpected admission to the mystery girl's beauty.

"Janna, wait, you have to trust us..."

Janna quickly tried to gloss over what she'd just said.

"You really think she stands a chance against me? Just look at her!"

Her face was a mix between disappointed and I-will-wreck-your-world.

Her manager gulped.

"Just meet her... please."

He knew that if Janna actually got to fight with Galina, he'd be out of her hands. Forever.

"Tch. Fine." Janna agreed. It'd be fun for her to throw her manager into a dumpster too, when Galina ultimately disappointed her.

Janna spent the week training on her own, lifting buses for practice, boxing with the only worthy opponent she'd ever met—her shadow. Her movements became precise and pinpoint accurate. She ripped through punching bags with a single jab. Entire buildings crumbled when she put her pretty fist through them.

This girl Galina stood no chance.

The fateful day arrived. Janna got to see Galina in person for the first time ever.

Oh my god! Janna thought to herself. She's even more beautiful in person! How is that possible!?

Her heart nearly thumped out of her chest as she drank in the sumptuous curves of Galina's tight butt, admiring the perfect, smooth skin of her thighs.

Galina paid Janna no mind at all as she changed into a skirt.

A skirt? This girl was going to box dressed like this!?

The prospect of fighting this impossibly beautiful supermodel didn't excite her. But the vision of loveliness before her? It absolutely thrilled her.

"Well? Are you ready, Janna?"

Janna steadied her lust-filled body and went for the knockout immediately. This girl Galina wouldn't even get off the ropes before Janna could knock her out!

Running in at super speed, she covered the distance, corner to corner, in two steps. She could see Galina didn't even have the reaction time to respond to her movement. It would all be over in one punch.

And then... her fist connected with nothing. Galina had craned her neck to a side.

"Is that it?" she asked.

In panic, Janna threw a hook and uppercut combination. Galina didn't move at all. Janna's two best haymakers landed.

And it hurt! Lord, did it hurt! Galina was far tougher than any punching bag or brick wall! She... she was completely unphased! And Janna's arms were quaking in pain!

"My turn," Galina stated.

Janna didn't see what happened. But when she came to, she was lying horizontal on the floor.

Janna regained consciousness to see Galina talking to her manager. She played dead so she could continue to eavesdrop on their conversation.

"So I can have her?"

"Yes, please! Take her! She's all yours!" he begged.

"I dunno. She's pretty pathetic compared to me. I don't know if I'll have any use for her."

Janna instantly climbed to her knees and prostrated herself before Galina.

"Please! Galina! Take me! Train me! Use me! I'll do anything you say! You're so powerful... so, so... beautiful... I just..." Janna began to openly sob.

"So very pathetic. Fine. I'll take her."

"Oh thank you!"

"Now, you're no good to challenge my physical superiority, slave. But maybe you can do something else for me," Galina licked her lips as she swung her bare legs coquettishly...


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