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Day 51.5

The force of her wonderful breath finally dissipated. I gathered my limbs as I continued to soar through the air. I couldn’t believe her precision! I touched town on the soft, dewy lawn, no worse for wear. This defied all logic! She defied all logic. I still couldn’t walk straight due to my angry, throbbing erection. My heart beat erratically as I imagined her unleashing her irresistible, lust-inducing, orgasmically-wrenching beauty upon a crowd of unsuspecting people.

I climbed up the stairs, bow-legged, each step traveled in agonizing arousal. Finally arriving at my room, I stripped off my sweaty clothing and left it in a messy stained heap on the floor. I rushed to the shower and jumped into it ice cold, hoping that it would relieve my unflagging hard-on. It was getting painful!

The cold water shocked me, but it felt great against my aching muscles and sweat-laden body. The droplets splattered on my dick, sending painfully pleasant vibrations down my shaft. Oh my god, I was HUGE! Trust me, all guys know how big theirs is, and I could have sworn this one belonged to someone else.

I gripped my unfamiliar girth and began to pump. I knew I would be disappointing Lady Z, but I couldn’t help it! I pictured her in my mind’s eye, but all I could see was her laughing at me futilely trying, and failing, to achieve my orgasm. And that’s exactly what happened.

I screamed in agony as I continued to stroke, rubbing my cockhead raw. And then suddenly, I heard her voice for real.

“Lady Z!” I gasped in shock as I turned to see her standing in the shower door, fully naked. I twitched again.

“I fucked you up pretty good, didn’t I?” She smiled like the Cheshire Cat. “You are my toy, after all. I decide when to press the ‘On’ switch. Let me help.”

She floated into the cramped, wet space and shoved me with a single hand, slamming me into the shower tile. My shoulder burned in pain while she extended a single, elegant, powerful finger and pressed it against my penis. I struggled to keep my eyes open as the water dripped down my hair and into my eyes, watching what she was going to do to me with that lone finger. Slowly, languidly, she ran it up my shaft, hilt to tip. I throbbed and leaked even more precum at her feathery touch.

“Oops, looks like I need more practice,” she chirped. “How about this?”

God, now even her hand was compelling, irresistible, beautiful. The smooth skin, the long, slender digits, the perfectly manicured nail… I imagined her tracing my lips, tracing a line of fire down my new muscled physique, wrapping around my cock...

She touched me at the base of my shaft again, and it was like my nerves had been set on fire! I immediately felt my balls tense up. I knew I wouldn’t survive this round. She started to move her finger. It felt like she was goading the semen out of me with that lone finger as if it were the pied piper. My erection spasmed as she traveled its length, I fell back against the shower tile, my arms flew out against the walls and clenched, and when she reached my over-sensitive tip… I screamed like a beast as I spurted load after load, followed by choked sobbing from the unbearable pleasure. She giggled.

After an ejaculation that must have taken a full minute, I looked at her in awe. She blew on her finger as if it were a smoking pistol and gave me a wink. I was almost surprised that I didn’t collapse in another orgasm from her little gesture.

Instead, I simply gawked. Yes, I always gawked at Lady Z now; who wouldn’t? But there she stood, water raining down on hair, yet somehow perfectly dry. I must have blasted her with my semen too, but no trace of that remained. The droplets from the shower faucet slid straight down her hair, slipped right off her fingertips, and glided down her body without a trace. I never knew I had a thing for this, but the sight of her perfect, satin skin… is this what it truly meant to be invulnerable?

“You’re… you’re not getting wet?” I marveled.

“More beauty powers, I guess,” she smirked. “Now, hurry up and get clean. I’ll help.”

She extended a single luscious leg, scooped it under me, and flipped me into the air. Catching me with one hand, she manhandled and swiveled me around in the air as she scrubbed me with soap. I yelped as she maneuvered me effortlessly, now lifting me by my throat, her fingers nearly choking me out as she massaged shampoo suds into my hair violently. Placing me directly under the stream of water, she rinsed me off. Then she turned off the water and shook me like a ragdoll.

I tapped the arm that she was choking me with, begging her to let go. My vision was starting to dim. I thought her beautiful, sadistic smile would be the last thing I’d ever see, but she suddenly let go and held me up by my armpits. I gagged and choked.

“Aw, sorry, I have to remember to treat my dolls nicely,” she whispered into my ear as she drew me close. The irony was not lost on me; Lady Z, the blonde superhero with proportions that would put Barbie dolls to shame, was treating me like a plastic toy!

Her eyes glowed red. Visions of myself, blackened and gooey like burnt plastic, or that bust she had turned to slag back in mansion 3, played through my head. I felt a wave of heat trace over my entire body, drying off my soggy hair, leaving my skin perfectly warm. I watched in horror as her lasers traced over my pubic region. It began to sting a bit, but I noticed that she was shaving me down there! Soon, I was perfectly hairless, just like her. It made me surge and look even larger.

“I’ve been playing with combining my new powers…” she whispered, exhaling hotly over my face. “Let me make it up to you from choking you earlier…”

Her feet left the floor as she floated up to meet me, her strong, willowy arms entwining themselves behind and around my back. Her beauty blazed once again, this time in full contact with me. My breath caught in my chest. I felt a shock of pleasure run through my spine where her arms touched my back. The gentle press of her stroking fingers caused my entire body to spasm, radiating ecstasy from the point of contact and spreading throughout my soul. As her legs slipped inside of mine, her smooth, warm, invulnerable skin rubbing against me, I began to buck, spraying arc after arc of fluid onto her, only to have it dribble off her body, leaving her completely immaculate. She closed her eyes and leaned in for a kiss; I didn’t mean to be rude, but I couldn’t help it. I simply stared at her luscious lips as they finally made contact with my own. They were too compelling, so smooth, glistening, perfect. A feeling of pure joy and ecstasy flooded my brain when she latched on, thrusting her tongue into my mouth, swatting mine around with her own tantalizing, far more powerful muscle. She exhaled into me, forcing me to inhale her super powered, irresistibly delicious breath. Tears streamed down my eyes as I merely groaned and quivered in her embrace. I humped, rubbing my erection between her legs and against her pubic mound, coming helplessly.

I don’t know when it happened, but the next thing I remembered was floating midair in the middle of my room, back parallel to the floor, Lady Z above me, supporting my entire weight with her arms and thrusting up and down my supernatural erection.

“Are you back with me now?” she licked her lips, effortlessly stroking my throbbing erection with her slick, tight vagina. “I toned down my sexiness so you could actually be conscious for some of this, instead of just a semen machine.” Her eyes gleamed with satisfaction.

I gasped in shock and wrapped my arms around her torso. It was hard for me to lock my arms behind her back, considering how huge, perky, and immovably firm her breasts were. Naturally (or supernaturally), her skin was perfectly dry, no sign of exertion on her, so I was just about able to hold on without slipping.

I looked below me and saw the little pad of paper that had slipped out of my shirt pocket. Oh shit! The note from DNN! My heart began to pound even more fiercely, and not just from being used and fucked into oblivion by Lady Z. I desperately tried not to draw attention to it as I turned back to face her and clutched even tighter.

“Ooh, little fucktoy gets a thrill out of hanging onto me for dear life, does it?” she taunted. She slowly lifted her torso away from me, moving from horizontal to perpendicular, still gripping my cock tightly inside of her. She broke the tenuous grip of my arms behind her back easily.

I flailed and latched my hands onto her svelte waist, heart pounding in fear. At least it wasn’t going to be hard to hide what I was truly nervous about.

“So helpless! Can’t come without my permission, can’t stop from coming around me! I could drop you to the ground like a stone if I wanted! I could fucking lock you in orgasm and throw you to your death, and you wouldn’t even be able to register it as you fell!” She licked her fingers, only her saliva and her nectar leaving any traces on her body. Lady Z cupped her breasts, massaging those impossibly firm mounds and flicking her stiff, harder-than-diamond nipples.

“Lady Z...” I moaned.

Her humping increased in intensity. The rapid movement caused my arms to vibrate painfully as I struggled to hold on. The sight of her jutting bosom wobbling ever so slightly had me completely entranced.

“Oh, oh! I was gonna do it to everyone in DNN, but you handled that interview… so! Well!” She timed her ramming with those last two punctuated words, and then the world stood still for just a moment. Her eyes squeezed shut tightly, and her juices gushed all over me. Even as I knew I was about to come from her rapid rubbing, I stared knowingly at my forearm where my recorder was implanted.

Then she continued.

“My handsome little blogger shut down that question hard! Quick, clever thinking. Not just a writer, and not just a good fucktoy,” she wiggled her torso, then lifted off me, grabbing my enormous cock and teasing it over her outer folds, before burying me to the hilt once again.

“You took a difficult question, and you got the crowd booing the interviewer! If I had an army of toys like you, I’d never have to take matters into my own hands again! I bet you could convince a paraplegic that they could walk! Oh, fuck! Fuck, fuck, yesss!!!! Fuck me, you stupid toy!” she wailed as her folds contracted over my stiffness, hard.

I needed to come so badly, but she was squeezing me too tight! Her legs contracted around my hips, heels digging deeply and painfully into my ass, my erection felt as if it were in a velvet vice, I was dangling in midair totally at her mercy. Even her hair blew back as I felt her body thrum and pulse with power and ecstasy. I was scared for my life, scared of her power, scared of everything she said, and all I wanted was to relieve the pressure in my loins!

She was like a fountain, dripping all of her ambrosia off of my lower body as she came. Her beauty flared in pulses, slamming all of my senses, sending goosebumps through my entire body. The feeling of her, wrapped around my steely erection, shocking pure ecstasy into my penis with her slick, inner grip injecting her orgasmic aura into my member at a regular rhythm… my mind felt like it would shatter from pleasure.

She recovered from her orgasmic trembling in an instant. Her sparkling blue sapphire eyes shot open, her hair spilled back down onto her porcelain skin and devilishly curvaceous body, and she smirked at me. She loosened her inner hold on my penis and flicked away my grip around her waist. My long overdue erection slipped out of her tight folds, getting swiped one final time by her nether lips, triggering my orgasm. I roared as I came. I wasn’t aware of what was happening, but suddenly I bounced off the floor, a sharp pain shooting through my tailbone which I had landed on. Lady Z followed my descent and was still floating above me, stroking my firehose of an erection with just the silky sole of her foot. I tried to turn into a fetal position to hide from the orgasmic torture she was performing on me, but she pinned my body down with her other foot, her beauty burned hot as the sun again, and her foot and toes became irresistible to the touch. She rubbed my shaft and squeezed my angry, worn out cockhead with those powerful toes. My ragged body continued to seize and twist, and my aching balls felt totally empty.

But I continued to orgasm.

I screamed myself hoarse while she just laughed at me. I was utterly drained, but I couldn’t. Stop. Coming!

Finally she relented, waiting until I finished the dregs of my voluminous sticky release all over my own chest and face as she kept me pinned.

“Clean yourself up,” she floated off me and ordered as soon as I finished. “I’m going to go rinse off.”

I looked at her from my prone position. The only evidence of our tryst was her own ambrosia glistening and dripping down her pink folds and supple thighs. Meanwhile, I was sore, exhausted, soaked by her love all over my lower body, my own jizz covering my upper half.

“You… rinse?” I gasped, too tired to speak properly.

She shrugged and floated toward my bathroom.

I moaned as I grabbed a towel to wipe my torso off. I rubbed my hand around my pelvis, scooping her sexual juices into my hand. Oh my god I wanted to lick it so badly! But I wiped my hand clean and wobbled over to that little piece of paper from DNN. I could still hear the shower running.

Collapsing in my desk chair, I slid the little note with the contact info under my mousepad. Suddenly, I felt her hand on mine. Fuck! Damn her beauty and her speed! My overworked heart felt like it was going to burst! The little slip of paper was visible to my puny eyes, so surely Lady Z had noticed it. Was my desk too tidy? Did this look too suspicious? I broke out in a cold sweat. Too unlucky (or maybe she controlled this too) to be killed by pleasure, surely I was going to die painfully if she found out about this!

“Ooh, I see you have my pictures up,” her eyes only on my monitor as she forced me to scroll around my computer. I could feel her breasts pressing against my shoulder, her fragrant scent wafting off of her, unaffected by her rinse.

“I can hear your heartbeat, little toy. You don’t have to worry. Why don’t you show me how you masturbate to my pictures?”

I would never have guessed that I’d be relieved that a girl—no, the most objectively powerful, indisputably irresistible beautiful girl the world had ever witnessed—had merely caught me looking at her nude photos and pleasuring myself to them!

“How about this one?” She maneuvered the mouse and double clicked it with my finger.

A close up image of her perfectly painted lips was on full display. The caption read, “How about a kiss?” I was sitting in my seat, still covered in my own semen, and once again I began to straighten out. My penis was so sore! How could it betray me like this?!

“Go ahead. Nothing to be ashamed of,” she said in a playful voice as she floated back to get a good view as she fingered herself. “Show me how you come for me. It fucking turns me on.”

I lost control of myself. The more I stared, the harder I grew. My mind was devoid of all thoughts but for the picture of Lady Z’s lips on the screen. The little slip from DNN was completely forgotten. I began to pant and drool, staring at her perfect pink lips. I stroked myself, ignoring how raw she had rubbed me, how painful it was, and began to lean in toward the computer screen and puckered my own.

No. Not now. This was something I only did in private!

I leaned closer.

No way. My body wouldn’t listen.

Closer, eyes closed now.

Not in front of Lady Z, please!

My lips hit the screen, mirroring hers on the still photo, and I began to lick and press my mouth against her digital one. All the while, I humped my hand, unable to stop the budding pressure, imagining and feeling her perfect lips swallowing mine.

It was inevitable. I came all over myself.

Lady Z laughed at me through my entire orgasm. She was still shaking with mirth when my head hit the desk, too drained of energy to do anything but pass out.


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