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Day 51

Lady Z had put an appointment on my calendar today. Not surprising, considering how she’d saved my life yesterday. The notification even came with a handful of personal photos; nothing outrageously scandalous, just her normal transcendent beauty and otherworldly glowing eyes, asking me if I was okay and telling me how proud she was of me for how I handled that interview.

I sat there in a daze, just scrolling through her photos, bewitched by her beauty and the mesmerizing jewels she called her eyes, sighing like a lovestruck teenage boy. To get this much love and attention from Lady Z could make any person feel like king of the world.

At exactly 8:33:17 AM, I cleaned and zipped myself back up and left for breakfast. At the cafeteria, I ordered seven and a half strips of bacon, hold the eggs, skip the French toast turned fruit mix, and no two cups of coffee. I had to take my training regimen seriously!

Surprisingly, they had my exact change-of-order plated before I could even finish. Weird. Well, I didn’t think about it further.

After another grueling session of squats, bench presses, dips, pullups, etc. I half hobbled, half jogged back from mansion 3 toward mansion 5. It was a sunny fall day, and I enjoyed the respite of cool breezy air blowing against my face as the sweat dripped off me.

Suddenly, I screamed as a frigid blast literally pushed me off my feet and sent me soaring forward through the air! Thankfully, I landed on my feet and was carried by my momentum faster than I could sprint! Arms flailing, legs pumping to keep up, I finally skidded to a stop, kicking up a plume of dust that I choked on. With my hands resting on my knees, I turned around only to find Lady Z, dressed in a sports bra and a pair of far-too-high, far-too-tight gym shorts, floating a few feet off the floor, smirking at me.

“Hey, I moved our appointment up! I couldn’t wait to see you!”

I gasped for air, not sure if my ashmatic breathing was from her sexually overwhelming appearance, my run, or the fact that she had literally tossed me hundreds of feet with her breath.

“When… when is it?” I heaved out the words.

“30 minutes! Enough time for me to get a workout too!”

“30 minutes!? Lady Z, please, I need a shower! I’m not sure I can even make it back in time!”

“Don’t worry, I’ll give you a boost! Probably’ll save you around 20 minutes! Wait, no, you’ll probably get squashed like a bug if I do that. 15 minutes?”

I looked at her in total fear. “No, Lady Z, I’ll, I’ll sprint as hard as I can!”

“Oh you silly toy! Didn’t I tell you I practice control over my powers? It’s important when I can accidentally break a human with a simple touch, and I just keep getting stronger. Here, let me show you my control.”

Suddenly, something in her appearance shfited. She still had the same ridiculous proportions—the long, lithe legs, the outrageous curves she called her body, a wonderfully toned six-pack, and breasts that went out to there and wouldn’t quit—but something, something, was just indescribable. I desperately longed to taste her, to feel any part of her body at all. It was my life’s goal to suck on her feet, to worship those abs, to squeeze her firm breasts, or massage her tight ass. I wanted to bury my head between her endless legs and never leave. If all she let me do was touch her magnificent arm, it would be enough for me to die happy. Her long blonde hair flowed in the breeze, her eyes shimmered, her alluring lips glistened… my heart ached as she bit her lower lip. Even her scent sent my heart soaring. My erection strained to its very limit and then some, and then some more, twitching in my pants, hot and throbbing. I heard a whine escape my lips. I would do anything for her!

“See?” She taunted me. “You already know I can make you explode just like that.” She snapped her fingers. I wished that gesture would have set me off, but there was nothing. “But look how good my control is, my little fucktoy.”

“Lady Z,  I…,” I managed, before her eyes glowed, cutting off my speech and causing me to moan uncontrollably.

“Now, you’re gonna remain horny until I finally take care of you. And besides, you agreed to this, didn’t you? Consent and all. But I don’t even need your consent,” her eyes flashed darkly

I whimpered, tears rolling down my cheeks, nodding in agreement.

Then, with a little smile, her tone returned to normal and her beauty stopped battering the gates of my orgasm.

“I’ll go run a few hundred miles and press a few aircraft carriers. Meet you in your room in 30 minutes! Ciao!”

Bent in half from arousal, I could only watch as she waved goodbye, kissed the tip of her index and middle finger, lowered her palm, and sent her sweet breath my way. Her little puff sent me soaring through the air, strong and gentle, my arms and legs trailing my torso as I rode the current of her kiss. My erection never flagged. I could not stop my flight. My body was completely under her control, even as she was getting farther and farther away from me. She vanished in a blur.