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Chapter 10 - Eva Takes Two

Emma and Sara always greeted each other with a kiss on the cheek now, no doubt trying to recreate what Eva had done to them. It’d been two weeks! Would my friends ever be the same again!?

My thoughts drifted as we sat through our AP Biology class. It wouldn’t even matter if I paid attention in class now; there was no way my grades could match hers. I had fantasies of Eva simply going away, leaving me the sole scholar at the school again. Or being exposed by a teacher or a student for her devastating sexual manipulation. Would her existence at this school take away my chances at scholarships?!

Maybe I could be the one to expose her. But… she appeared to have frightening superpowers! Had that been a dream!? I barely saw it in our day to day interactions. Would she seriously just reveal them so casually to three high school girls? Maybe I’d been seeing things; she was so hot that day, I was so jealous about Robo, and she had me so twisted with desire as she permanently dominated and transformed my friends… maybe I just made it all up in my head.

Speaking of twisted with desire, there sat Rachel, one of the fiery redheaded girls on the cheer squad. I was surprised she was in this class to begin with, considering her bitchy friends weren’t around. She blocked my view of Eva, thank god.

Actually, what was it with Rachel’s hair? She had been so proud of those fiery curls, but I realized that she had been straightening it for the past few weeks. And there were some blonde highlights! She was constantly running her hand through it. Her other hand… oh my god, she was twirling her fingers through a single lock of Eva’s hair!

I looked at Emma and Sara again, who were staring dreamily at the back of Eva’s head. I could see them closing their eyes and puckering up for a kiss again, clutching their cheek where this goddess had touched them. If Mrs. Pawel noticed any of this errant behavior, she didn’t mention it. I looked at her. No… even she was constantly looking at Eva.

Oh my god. How many people had Eva mindfucked already?!

When class ended, I watched in despair as Emma and Sara went ahead without me, trailing eagerly in Eva’s footsteps with Rachel in tow.

Outside of the classroom, I saw Jessica, head cheerleader and Queen Bitch of the entire school. We regarded each other venomously.

“Hey Jess.”

“Hey, nerd,” she spat back at me.

“Whatever. How’s your little Rachel doing? Looks like she turned full lesbo. What’s wrong, you sluts tired of eating dick?”

“Fuck you! You still have that crush on Eric? Not that you ever had a shot, but I saw Eva blow his mind in the boys locker room. As if a swimmer like him would ever go out with a mousy nerd like you. Good luck trying to get some of that now.”

What!? No way! When did that happen!? I had grown up with Eric. We were basically neighbors, and I had harbored a crush on him forever. But Jess didn’t say that she or any of hers stole him. She had mentioned Eva, so it’s not like I could say Jess was lying for sure. In fact, she almost certainly wasn’t. Eva was taking everything away from me. I could feel the tears welling up in my eyes. Jess just revelled in my pain with a triumphant look. Thankfully, the perfect opportunity for a retort passed by.

“Yeah? Well looks like your boyfriend isn’t too interested in you anymore.”

Steve was in the throng of people following in Eva’s footsteps. I think he was fingering his dick through his pants pocket.

“What!? Oh fuck! Steve! Steve!!!”

“Good luck, bitch!” I shouted after her.

Jessica chased after him, leaving me alone to my tears. Fuck her. She deserved it. Steve didn’t even look back at her.

But now, what was I to do…? I almost wished Eva would just wipe my mind blank with a little kiss on my cheek, like she did in my nightly dreams now.

No. No, I am the smartest girl in school. Was. Am. I can beat her somehow! Even as I lust over her body. Even without Emma and Sara.

I’ll figure something out. I have to!


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