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Valenti had long thought herself invincible, and why wouldn't she? As she arced down into her apartment, she could hear the adulation of men and women alike in response to news-clips of her latest act of heroism, not to mention the passionate appreciation of her more... titillating video productions. Distracted by her own daydreams of universal adulation, she lost focus of her immense power for a brief moment. Her dainty feet splintered the hardwood floor of her balcony before she slowly padded inside, discarding her cape on the couch and moving deeper into the expansive studio before her eyes alighted upon a blonde who currently sat upon the marble countertop that dominated the majority of her kitchen.

The intruder seemed to almost be a mirror of her own appearance; the same voluptuous-yet-fit build and elegant dirty-blonde hair, the same rich brown eyes and flawless pink lips, even the same near-bottomless cut of her outfit. Yet at the same time there were seemingly just as many differences. She seemed to prefer slightly more seductive designs and the colour black, and those same eyes hinted at cruelty and confident assurance.

"What the... Who are you supposed to be?" The heroine asked, a puzzled expression crossing her heart-shaped face as she endeavored to keep her eyes from straying into the expanse of the woman's mind bending cleavage. The perfect, burnished-bronze orbs seemed to have their own gravitational pull which Valenti found even her prodigious willpower unable to resist.

"Me? I'm you, in a way... Smarter, stronger, and of course even more beautiful, but that's something you can see for yourself. More importantly, though, I'm the woman who is about to replace you."

If her body was the platonic ideal of femininity, then her voice was simply orgasmic. Each word bubbled and hummed with erotic promise, to the point where Valenti’s vision swam and blurred for several long moments. She barely managed to steel herself from collapsing in pleasure, shaking her head to free herself from the bewitching effect of this mysterious goddess’s simple statement.

"That doesn't make any sense! I don't know who you are, but I'm sure you've realized who you are fucking with already. Now, I'm going to give you ten seconds to leave..."

Valenti began to count down, the glow of her eyes becoming more intense until they were a pair of all-consuming points of brilliance which illuminated the woman before her. And yet, as she prepared to unleash that focused energy, her doppelganger refused to move, showing no signs of fear.

The light went from merely blinding to truly terrifying in less than a moment. A pair of scintillating, polychromatic blasts ripped outward to strike this goddess in the middle of her perfect stomach. The beams caused her top to go up in smoke in the blink of an eye, but to Valenti’s growing confusion and dismay, the woman looked on nonchalantly even as she absorbed Valenti’s punishing power, her skin glowing brighter and brighter.

Her mirror took a step forward, then another, then a third as she took a long and luxurious stretch that coincided with a satisfied moan. The sound caused the glass in the room to rattle wildly before she stopped for just a moment.

"So you'd like to turn up the heat, would you?" She taunted, her tone dismissive and insulting.

Before Valenti could react, she found herself picked up and carried across the room until she slammed against her bed with enough force to crack the frame. Despite her best efforts, the best she could do was wriggle and writhe under the unyielding grip of the black-clad imposter above her.

"Let... go of me!" She growled desperately.

"I don't think I will, little star. You can struggle all you want, but it will never let you go free. After all, I was designed to be your superior. I don't think I'll kill you, though. Maybe I'll keep you as a pet instead."

Her expression swiftly became a smirk, then she leaned in closer. Valenti could feel her breath, warm with sexual anticipation, and with just the slightest hint of a sweet, irresistible cinnamon scent. To her embarrassment, Valenti felt a wetness manifesting between her legs. The monster above her continued her languid movements, chuckling darkly as she drank in the fearful yet aroused expression now on Valenti’s face while she continued to move in closer.

The hero let out a soft gasp as her dark counterpart’s breasts slowly pressed against her own. To her surprise, and growing terror, they began to yield! Her proud, invulnerable breasts, which could (and had) taken the impact of planet-killing asteroids, were now deforming against another woman’s mere flesh!

Each heartbeat led to another inch of freedom lost until she could feel her ribcage strain against the pressure of the other woman's body. A pair of impossibly-hard points crowned the oppressive orbs above her, seemingly tunneling into her body despite her best efforts to resist.

Then their lips came together, and all stood still. To Valenti, time and space froze for what felt like forever.

The mysterious doppelganger's mesmeric kiss became Valenti’s entire universe. Even in the slight gaps given to allow air between them, the pleasure she felt was delirium-inducing in a way she never thought possible. Her mind shattered from the bolts of ecstasy coursing through her body, overwhelming even Valenti’s superhuman senses and endurance. She all but blacked out as this mysterious goddess darted her devastatingly erotic tongue into Valenti’s own helpless mouth, swirling pulses of pure pleasure through her trembling body, helpless to resist. Her entire spirit crumbled under the inexorable sexual assault.

She was in the throes of an orgasm so powerful that her mind was unable to comprehend it.

"You like my little kiss?" the dark goddess asked with a knowing smile, blasting Valenti with more of her pheromonic scent.

Valenti could only squeeze her eyes shut, shedding a single tear as she continued to come with superhuman force.

Finally, after an eternity of trembling, Valenti remained motionless in her captor’s inexorably sexy embrace, her lower body soaked by her own juices. When her interloper finally broke the  embrace, she looked her dead in the eyes and breathily whispered.

"Now, there is one final test to make sure you understand how things are going here. Tell me, little light, do you know who I am now?"

The fallen heroine took several breaths, desperately attempting to steady herself before she could respond. She finally managed to speak after what felt to her like an eternity, nodding slowly in the process..

"Yes... You are my mistress," she groaned before she let unconsciousness and submission overtake her.

Written by Engineered Sorcery
Commissioned and edited by HarmonyMotion

Image submitted by thero

Models are Marta Meyer (top), Valenti Vitell (bottom)




Nice 🔥