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Jackie Comes Clean, Kevin Watches

Unsure of what to do, Jackie took Kevin’s hand in the unbreakable grip of her own long, elegant fingers, and led them toward the exit. She could feel Kevin responding to her silky, irresistible touch.

Lisa and Marie were waiting outside the haunted house for them. They were having a bit of a friendly spat.

“You totally jumped!” Marie accused.

“Did not!” Lisa faced away.

“You, tall, athletic Lisa, were totally clutching onto my back with your head down, whimpering like a little baby!” Marie continued.

“Jackie! Kevin!” Lisa was thankful for the distraction. “How’d you two do?”

Kevin was the first to reply.

“It was fine, uh, Jackie, she uh…”

Jackie panicked again. She stroked Kevin’s hand with her own silky touch, halting his speech. By forcing him to gasp in unbridled lust.

“Ahhhhh!” Kevin screamed as he surged to full hardness, tingles of furious pleasure tracing through his nervous system from Jackie’s nearly-invisible stroking.

“She what?!” Lisa demanded. Marie stared at the boy whose face was frozen in a grimace. She knew what Jackie had done to her. God knows she’d dreamed about it every day since. Was Jackie really…

“I was terrified! Kevin protected me!” Jackie chimed in, releasing Kevin from the torture of her erotic touch. She looked at him knowingly, getting the message across with just her eyes.

“Uh, yeah… I just didn’t want to embarrass Jackie, that’s all,” Kevin huffed, still struggling to contain his burning lust. He hoped against hope that no one had noticed the conspicuous bulge in his pants. He shifted his legs about, only causing more heavenly sensation as he accidentally ground his erection against the denim fabric while trying to conceal it.

“Yeah girls! I was soooo scared!” Jackie corroborated.

“Ha! Yeah! Typical Jackie! Right, Marie? I wasn’t scared at all!”

Marie was too mesmerized by Kevin’s squirming to argue back. Oh, she longed to feel Jackie’s touch so badly. How could he, someone she’d met just a week ago, be so lucky to receive so much of her attention? She could feel the fangs of jealousy sinking into her soul. She’d known Jackie her whole life! Why couldn’t she get more attention?

Marie… she just wanted…, wanted one more night with Jackie. Just one. Maybe an hour would be enough. She stared at Jackie’s beautiful hand, still intertwined with Kevin, him still huffing from what was obviously arousal.

She wanted to dive right in and grab Jackie’s hand.

The sudden silence was deafening. Lisa’s last comment was left hanging. Marie was writhing in sympathetic lust and burgeoning jealousy. Kevin was simply writhing in lust. And Jackie… Jackie was just holding her breath that Kevin would keep her damn secret!

“Uh, guys?” Lisa prodded. “Did I offend someone?”

“Oh, uh, yeah! I was totally scared!” Jackie confirmed. Of course, her super hearing and just-discovered x-ray vision meant it was quite difficult to get the jump on her now.

Speaking of just-discovered powers… Jackie really wanted some time alone to figure it out.

“Jackie? She wasn’t that scared! She even sa---” Kevin stupidly continued.

Jackie massaged his hand once more and moved at superspeed to whisper in his ear.

“Stop talking and come for me,” she commanded as she gave his earlobe a lusty lick. She reappeared back in her original spot before anyone could register her movement.

“Saaaaaaaahh!” Kevin’s sentence was cut off. His legs wobbled as he flooded his pants with his fluid. Jackie continued to stroke his hand, rendering any speech impossible.

“Okay, girls, Kevin’s gonna take me to a Stack and Shake, like he promised! Just the two of us, okay?!”

“What, already!?” Marie protested. She wanted to be near Jackie more. And was Kevin really… he definitely was! She knew all too well what Jackie was capable of.

“Fine, fine, but don’t get into any trouble, you two!” Lisa was oblivious.

“Yes, mom!”

Jackie spun on her heels and dragged a still spasming Kevin along with her. He wouldn’t be able to move too well on his own for a little while.


“Jackie, oh fuck, I’m so sorry! I thought… I thought I heard you in my ear… it… oh, what am I saying?” Kevin flushed bright red with embarrassment.

“Oh, what’s that? What did you hear?” Jackie smirked, enjoying practicing her expertise over Kevin’s helpless body. Her voice suddenly turned smoky and husky. “Come for me?”

Kevin gasped, sucking in a deep breath. “Fuuuuuuck!” His erection surged back to full hardness in his stained underwear.

“Kevin, I’m going to tell you. Something crazy is happening to me. I’m developing super powers.”

“Developing? Like, I already totally knew you had them, considering what I saw you do! But your friends don’t know?”

“No, they don’t know. This is relatively new. I mean, I guess, I’ve only recently tried things like working out and stuff. I might have always been this way.”

“What do you mean? How can you just gain superpowers?” Kevin asked. “Uh, can you look away? I need to…” He began to reach down into his jeans to wrangle his uncomfortable erection.

Jackie’s eyes glowed as she examined his member through his jeans.

“Jackie! Don’t look!” he flushed in embarrassment. He tried to cover his own bulge.

“That’s not going to stop me,” Jackie grinned.


“You bet. This one I figured out literally two hours ago.”

“Holy fuck!” Kevin surged even harder, knowing that the most impossibly beautiful girl he’d ever met, who’d made him come like never before, also seemed to have powers beyond reason.

“Well? Are you gonna adjust it? Or do you need my help?” Jackie teased.

“Um…” Kevin was truly conflicted now.

“Just kidding! Hurry up and do it!” Jackie looked away.

Kevin was both relieved and disappointed. He tucked his boner back in.

“Um, Jackie, I need to change…”

“Yeah, I know, Kevin. Sorry, you were just so dense back there.”

“If that was my reward for being dense, I gotta tell you, Jackie. You need to find a new incentive structure.” Kevin flashed her a shit-eating grin.

Jackie rolled her eyes. “Come on. I need your help.”


Kevin drove out to a state park after the sun had set.

“Jackie, what are we doing here? Isn’t this where people go, to, y’know… make out?”

“Oh, is it?” Jackie scanned the wide, forested area with her eyes, peering at the windy roads through the mountains. “Oh, you’re right! But it’s like three miles up the road that way.”

“How… how are you so incredibly sexy… and you can do these things to me sexually, but you don’t know these things?” Kevin was flabbergasted.

“Okay, look Kevin, I seem to be able to just pick things up and learn them. Like, really fast.”

“So you’re smart. Hey, I like smart girls. I’m not intimidated!”

“No, it’s not just smarts. I… I started working out, and I just kept getting stronger and stronger. I got hurt, and my body just healed. I gave you a kiss, and you responded, and I just… knew what to do.”

Kevin would have protested, but he had first-hand experience just how well Jackie could kiss. It wasn’t normal to orgasm from a kiss, right?

“So, I wanna see what else I can do. You in?”

“Hell yeah! But what are we gonna do here? I can’t drive inside the park with the toll booths closed. Where am I supposed to leave the car?”

“Okay, don’t be scared now. Just follow me.”

“What do you mean?”

“Kill the engine. You’ll see.”

Kevin did as he was told. Jackie exited the passenger seat, and Kevin got out as well.

Jackie leaned down, put her hands underneath the chassis of the car, and tested its weight. Confirming that it felt light as a feather, and even lighter as she continued to test it, she tilted the whole thing off the ground and got underneath it at its very center.

“Whoa!!!!” Kevin screamed.

“Shh! I’ll carry the car inside.”

“Jackie!!! You weren’t kidding! You’re so…!”

“Kevin! Seriously! Be quiet! You said you were in, right?”

Kevin bit his tongue sheepishly. “Yeah, yeah, okay.”

Jackie strutted forward on her long, slender legs, maneuvering the car so easily with her perfect balance. She hopped over the parking toll bar, flying six feet into the air with an easy push of her toes. Kevin grimaced as he imagined the suspension of his car getting ruined with her landing, but amazingly, Jackie just… floated back to the ground. His car didn’t creak or bounce at all!

He just followed behind her, trying to register what he had just witnessed.

Getting tired of the long walk, Jackie began to take larger leaps, lunging higher into the air, and floating back down. She got to a parking spot far ahead of Kevin, placed his car down, and then zipped back to his position in a blur.

Kevin had lost sight of Jackie, and then in a fragrant draft of wind, she was in front of him again.

“Jackie! Where’d you go!? Where’s my car! You… you can float!?”

“I’m pretty sure I can do more than float,” Jackie smiled. “That’s what we’re here for. Among other things.”



Okay everyone, this chapter needed more connective tissue before I could actually work on the Patreon voted goal. I'm going to continue this branch next week with no poll! But I've left some extra threads dangling with Marie, and Lisa is a blank slate at this point! Something for you all to chew on for future branches! I'll introduce more characters and interactions too!


Awesome! I enjoyed this filler, hmm maybe Marie needs to join in later on 😄