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Chapter 8

Piper awoke at 2:00 AM, full of energy and raring to go. Her eyes shot open, perfectly clear and bright. She could hear Peter’s soft snoring and deep breathing as he slept on the uncomfortable hardwood floor upstairs.

Just how strong was she, actually? She had put her foot through the wreckage of the coffee table so effortlessly, and she was barely squeezing Mark’s hand before his finger snapped. Not to mention how she’d broken Peter’s rib with just her breasts.

She moved from the small living room into the kitchen and dining room, noting with a smirk that this was one of the few rooms without a large, destroyed piece of furniture in it. She reached out and wrapped her fingers around one of the wooden legs of the table and lifted its unbalanced weight into the air effortlessly. That wasn’t a surprise.

Piper needed to try something bigger. She moved into the garage, making sure to tap the garage door opener gently so as not to smash it to pieces. The automatic door rattled loudly as its hinges rolled up, making enough noise to wake the dead. Finally, the grinding noise halted as it clicked fully open.

Piper got into the car, started it, and backed out into the driveway. Her enhanced eyes could see in the darkness as clear as day. Making sure that nobody was around, she put the car into park, killed the engine, and strutted to the trunk.

Still dressed in nothing but a loose top and boy shorts, she placed her right palm behind the bumper. Licking her lips in anticipation, she began to lift. The car groaned as it tilted off the ground a few inches.

Piper grit her teeth and tried to lift it further, her arm flexing hard from the strain as her muscles and veins appeared into view… but to no avail. She used her other arm too, and the car tilted higher until both her arms straightened, but she could definitely feel its weight. There she stood in the driveway, standing at her full height, arms fully outstretched, vehicle balanced on her dainty palms.

She considered moving forward to try and get underneath it and lift the whole thing, but the exertion was getting to her. With a bit of effort, she bent at the waist, slowly placing the car back in the driveway.

Feeling the strain in her toned biceps, she shook them out, marveling at how the fatigue simply vanished after a few moments. Rinsing her grease stained hands out with the hose on the front lawn, she wondered what else she could try. 2:00 AM. Nothing open. Maybe…

Piper went back into the garage and slipped on a pair of sneakers. The chilly night air didn’t bother her mostly bare skin at all.

She stepped out onto the sidewalk, flicked her legs back and flexed her hamstrings, noting just how easily it was to pull her leg higher and higher. In fact, before she knew it, she was doing a perfect standing split, her torso parallel to the floor! She could barely feel the pleasant burn along her thighs and groin. She repeated the feat with her other leg just as easily.

Standing back on two legs now, she jumped in place a few times, noting the lack of wobble in her new, ample bosom, took a deep breath, and… took off in a sprint.

Or what used to be a sprint for her. It was immediately clear that she could keep up this pace forever, whereas before she would have been winded in under a minute. Already she was at the end of the block, houses blurring past. She turned on a dime, her body adjusting to the rapid change in direction with no problem at all.

She pushed herself harder. Car alarms went off whenever she skimmed too near them. She… she was probably breaking the speed limit on this local street! While running! She pushed harder again. Her feet slammed the concrete as she pushed off hard, striding longer and faster.

Piper found herself at the outskirts of town before long. Fifteen minutes. Basically what it would’ve taken to drive. Near the entrance of a state park, she strolled up to the gate, placed her hand on the chest-high barrier, and flipped herself over it effortlessly with a little leap.

Curious just how high she could jump now, she pushed off the earth with the balls of her feet and soared six feet into the air! Piper screamed on her way down and landed in a heap due to shock.

Dusting herself off, she got up, readied herself, and did it again. Straight up, straight down, and she stuck the landing too. This time she really pushed and soared even higher, noted her landing position, and hit it right on the mark, bending her knees perfectly to absorb the shock. She hadn’t even made a sound.

Really getting into it, she looked at the rounded pole of the gate. This would be fine, right? She leapt onto it with a little bound, her parabolic arc perfectly measured, bringing her to land atop the metal on a single foot with her center of mass precisely on point.

Piper tiptoed across the round metal pole, one foot in front of the other like some sort of gymnast or ballerina, giggling all the way. When she reached the other end, she pushed off it and did a triple flip in midair, sticking the landing, where she struck a gymnast dismount pose, thrusting her impressively perky bust out for all the world to see.

Finished with her Olympian acrobatics, she jogged up the hilly trail at a leisurely pace, eyeing a particular large boulder to play with. With trepidation, she cocked a fist and threw it at the boulder full strength. She carved a huge chunk out of the stone, but… fuck, that hurt! She gingerly shook her hand and gave the stupid boulder a savage kick, which took out another huge chunk of its base as her foot ripped through her shoe. She also collected the mother of all stubbed toes for her troubles.

“Goddammit!” she yelled, falling onto her tight, firm rear, causing a plume of dust to spread. She cradled her aching hand and injured, now-bare toes.

Examining her bruised flesh, she gingerly blew on them, marveling as the wounds were visibly receding in front of her very eyes. Soon, the aches and pains vanished, though she could still feel the phantom pain. Probably psychosomatic, she told herself. Not that it made it any less unpleasant.

Piper knew right then and there. She needed more serum. Much more. Fuck Peter’s tiny little fantasies; she never wanted to be hurt again. She wanted to be unstoppable.

Speeding back home at what she thought must have been at least 40 miles an hour, she smirked, brushed her hair back in place from her not-so-strenuous journey, and opened the car door. Turning over the engine, she completed her miles-long journey by moving the car a few feet into the garage.

She closed the garage door and stepped back into the house. Peter was snoring softly on the living room couch. Piper stamped up to him, placed a single hand on his shoulder, and flung him onto the floor, rudely rousing him from his slumber.

“Hhjffj! Ow!” Peter cried.

“My spot, Peter. You sleep on the floor.”

“Piper…” he was on the verge of tears.

“If you want me to be nicer to you, then I’ll think about being nicer to you. Is that what you want?” She grinned evilly. “I’ll treat you gently, but of course, I’d be too strong for you to handle in any way, shape or form. So if I don’t feel like having sex on any given night, well, we just won’t.

“On the other hand, I would really like some more serum, Petey. A lot more. Like we discussed last time. And I promise I’ll make it up to you…” she teased the outline of his flaccid cock in his tighty whities with her silky toes. He gasped as his arousal betrayed him. “I’ll become more powerful, more beautiful, more unstoppable.... Every bone in your body will shatter against me as I fuck you for my own pleasure. How does that sound?”

She was grinding her foot along his fully erect length now. A wet spot appeared around the tip of his penis.

“Or, like I said, we can play nice!” She withdrew her foot. “Your call!”

Peter’s face betrayed the conflict that was bubbling inside of him. After an eternity of indecision, he swallowed his emotions and slowly climbed up the stairs. Piper stretched her long, lean legs out on the couch and watched him stumble, giving him a bright smile and a cute little wave as he disappeared from sight.


Cleve Shivers

Damn! That is great! You got the pace right, but I would like her to come and go on cruelty. Maybe it is an adaptation she needs or something beyond the mean hulk so common in the genre

Bernard Phillips

I agree..This was a great idea for her too slowly show what she's capable of, but as I was reading it..my thought came to her being cruel and maybe using someone else's car for her own test..just my thoughts 🤔💪🔥😈


I’m also interested to see what she does out and about. Also how she’ll interact more at work. Especially if she gets a hold of some more serum 😉