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Hey babe! Yeah, it's me! You don't recognize me?

I don't blame you. Just look at my face and my hair! I've been transforming, day by day, for the last week! I guess I was just a late bloomer, hmm? 18 years and 1 week old, and I'm a totally changed woman! And I do mean woman.

Yeah, my eyes are so bright now! No, I'm not wearing makeup! This is how I look now, honest! Here, feel my skin.

You okay? You're breathing really hard. I can hear your heart pounding too. Yeah, my ears can pick up the tiniest sounds now.

My favorite so far is actually my hair! Yeah, these aren't extensions! They grew from my old shoulder length down to here! Look how beautifully blonde I am!

Yeah, my breasts have been getting bigger too. All of me is just becoming... more. I can't wait to see what happens tomorrow morning.

I'm actually thinking of opening a farm and restaurant service, with some perks...

Image submitted by Garth

Model is Kaylyn Slevin

Note: This is now my mental image for Kay's Fine Dining and Full Service!



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