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Alright, mortals, I'll try to tell you again how I became this powerful and beautiful.

It all happened when I was out camping by myself. I saw a meteorite fall to earth. It couldn't have been more than a mile. It took me ten minutes to get out there—but of course, that distance would only take me a microsecond now.

I saw the pink, glowing rock, lying there, waiting to be claimed. I reached out to touch it and...

I hung there in midair, infused by the power of that glowing energy. It caressed and swirled into my body, supercharging every single inch of me.

My skin grew perfectly smooth, my muscles tightened, my legs grew oh-so-lusciously long. I balled my fists up as I came from the orgasmic pleasure this space rock was giving me. I just knew that I could have compressed a lump of coal into a diamond with just my ecstatic grip.

I could hear my top groaning as my breasts grew larger, fuller, perkier, and then even larger still. My nipples scraped against the cloth of my t-shirt so deliciously as my breasts strained the fabric to beyond its breaking point. It tore apart with a large rip, exposing my glorious, naked chest for all the world to see. I pinched and pulled on my sensitive nubs, coming on the spot and blasting the crater even deeper with my superpowered squirt. It still makes me so horny, thinking about it now...

Hey. Hello? Oh, everyone came helplessly in their clothes until they fell unconscious already. Guess I'll have to start this story from scratch again next time.

Image submitted by Garth

Model is Nata Lee



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