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Hello Peeps! Hope everyone had a wonderful new year. Things have been pretty good so far. Been adjusting to my new job and im getting energy to make stuff happen after work now. But as a concrete plan, I want to catch up and have a solid plan for this year. 

The number one goal is to get caught up and take care of all of you awesome guys. Im behind on rewards and thats my number one goal to get taken care of, then to work on consistent polls. After that I want to dive into my passion which is story telling and world building. I have so many ideas with my characters, and the tales Iv'e had booked up for years. I want to bring those to life, and have more character interactions with the homies too =3. Investing time to drawing out my characters lore and developing them is my major goal, and of course I want to share that with you guys and include  you all!

I deffo know Terri and her adventures are a gateway to me doing slice of life things. Technically it is fan art too, and I love the Digimon franchise to pieces. I have a lineup from a Veemon, Taomon, of course Terri and Percy, and 2 flavors of guilmon. I have a few concepts to fill out the story as well and I like the idea of having her help a mon of the week with their journey to finding their place in the world.

As for Lacy, Blaze, and my OC cast I have too many ideas. I want to dig into the world they live in and work towards a comic telling their story. I have had these chars since I was young and It is high time I show you guys what they are all about.

So what does this mean for you yall? Consistency! I want to bring you guys content you want to see, but more importantly I want to make your dollars worth it. I haven't invested in myself and my skills in a long time. Animating is the first time I really tried something new and now im HUNGRY to improve and reach new heights. My old flame of progressing is lit again. But what would you all like to see more? Be honest, and be brutal. Tell me what I can do for you. You all have paved the way to me being in a stable place in life. I want to know how I can serve you <3




That's quite a bunch planned! Can't wait to see it come to fruition.

Commissar Spuds

Looking forward to seeing it all. I know it'll be great! Can't wait to see the story of your cast, you've told me some before but, now...I'LL GET TO SEE IT!!