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Happy new year guys!!!!

This was a collab with my amazing friend squig to usher in 2024!

I just want to thank you all for this year. It has been a rollercoaster mentally and physically. This year was very harsh in the start. Events really challenged my pursuit of art and through the incredible support of you all I was able to not only make it through, but flourish. I feel like my confidence as a creator has come back. Something I severely missed. I questioned a lot over the years if what I was doing was worth it, and if I should continue and this year I hit a breaking point. But you guys helped me push through my doubts and showed me that my work is loved and appreciated. That i'm loved and appreciated. That is the greatest gift I was given this later half of the year.
You guys have made all of this possible, and now im not struggling financially. New job is treating me well, new place is fantastic, and oh yea NEW CAR. I finally have a car that has AC after 7 years of not having it in Florida, and its much safer than the one I have been driving.

The future is bright, and I can firmly say that the future is bright. Special shout out to Luwfin! He encouraged me to open a server and was key to making it exist in the first place. It is amazing to have yall in there conversing and hanging out, it makes me happier than I can describe to have that space for friends and supporters.

Some more special shout outs also go to Sheepy, Lilibur, Plus, Spuddy, and Mush! You guys have been just the best friends that I can ask for. You heard me out in my lows, supported me through the worst times where I had my back to the wall, and the most important to me is that you were true friends.  You guys helped me see that my characters and art are something I should be proud of, and it gave me back my lost confidence. I couldn't ask for better friends. Love you guys to pieces and words don't do justice to how much it means to me that you guys had my back.

To each and every one of you that support me. Thank  you, I know I have not been the most consistent through these trying times. But 2024 I want to be my best year yet. I want to improve and strive for much higher quality art, learn to animate much better, and work on comics and telling stories. THE THIRST TO DO MY CHARACTER LORE IS STRONG!!!! I will be cooking this year, and I can't wait to take you guys on a ride ^ ^ Happy new years you guys. Much love, be safe celebrating, and welcome to 2024~



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