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As Max's offer hung in the air, Yana hesitated, her mind racing with conflicting thoughts. She glanced down at the donut in her hand, a symbol of breaking away from her strict regimen, and then to Mei Lin, seeking guidance.

"Mei, I don't know," Yana murmured, her voice tinged with uncertainty. "I'm married, and this isn't something I usually do...  especially when my husband is a stubborn... jackass... you know..."

Mei Lin observed Yana thoughtfully, noticing her fidgeting with the donut. "Mommy, when was the last time you did something just for yourself? You've always been so wrapped up in what others expect of you."

Yana bit into the donut, her lips, noticeably provocative from the cosmetic enhancements she had chosen against her husband's wishes, stretching into a hesitant smile. She was still getting used to her transformed appearance, her plump lips and the added curves from her breast implants - choices she made for herself but had caused friction in her marriage.

"It's just a friendly milkshake, mommy," Mei Lin continued, her tone encouraging. "It's not about defying your husband or breaking rules. It's about living a little. You've changed so much on the outside, but you're still holding back on the inside."

Yana considered her words, feeling the weight of her new body, a testament to her willingness to break norms and pursue what she wanted. Yet, emotionally, she was still bound by the same old fears and hesitations.

"You're right," Yana finally conceded, a newfound determination in her voice. "It's just a milkshake..."




😍😍😍 Enjoy the holidays SN!!


BTW! Nobody said how he assesses Yana's abs


She looks lovely with that new tan