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Jana and Mei Lin chirping was interrupted by a sudden voice that commanded attention despite its owner's unassuming stature. A compact but impressively built bodybuilder, stood at the doorway, his presence filling the room despite his height.

"Hey ladies, sorry for disturbing,"  his voice tinged with an easy confidence. He held out an open pack of donuts towards Jana, a playful smirk on his face. "But damn, it was really impressive out there!  Personally, I'd give you first place. Great work Yana. Thought you might need these for a carb kick!" 

Jana, taken aback by his sudden appearance, managed a shy smile. She was not used to this kind of attention, especially not from someone as prominent in the fitness community as he was. Next to her, Mei Lin chuckled, a spark of amusement in her eyes. "Well, look at that, Jana. Looks like your hard work's getting finally noticed. Don't just stand there, say thank you. It's not every day a state champ hands you donuts."

"Uh, thanks...???" 

"Oh pardon, I'm Max" - he held out his hand.

"....Thanks, Max" - Jana managed, her voice a mix of surprise and gratitude. "This is a bit unexpected".

Max shrugged, his smile widening. "Life’s too short to always play by the rules, right? And hey, after all that discipline, you deserve a little treat. How about I take you for a milkshake? There’s a great spot nearby, perfect for post-competition indulgence."




Renewed membership recently to view. I like this series and dig the direction this is going. More please!