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Chapter XII

The Reunion

Part 87

... Anna stood rooted, her eyes locked upon the serene visage of her slumbering kitten. The passage of time seemed to stretch indefinitely as she drank in the sight before her, the allure of Kitty's newfound sexuality radiating like an ethereal aura. Yet, despite her internal struggle, Anna could not resist the irresistible temptation that surged within her. Overwhelmed by an irrepressible impulse, her hand reached out, succumbing to the forbidden allure of touching her friend's surgically enhanced boobies...

... As the weight of slumber receded, Kitty's eyelids fluttered open, drawn to attention by the searing sensation of a red-hot stone coursing within the depths of her chest. Consciousness, sluggish and hesitant, lagged behind, leaving her in a state of uncertain bewilderment. The world around her appeared as a haze, the boundaries of her surroundings blurred and elusive. Yet, amid the disorienting fog, one truth pierced through her foggy consciousness—her chest, once familiar, now bore the burden of unimaginable weight, as though several tons had been surreptitiously added to her very being... The enormity of this transformation, like an unseen hand, eclipsed her senses and shattered the equilibrium of her perception... 

Attempting to make sense of the perplexing heaviness, Kitty's senses sought solace in the touch that accompanied her pain. Her gaze shifted, her eyes narrowing in focus, revealing Anna's manicured red clawed palm, gliding with gentle precision over the protective bandages that enshrouded her newly altered breast. The delicate contact of Anna's hand, a paradoxical juxtaposition of care and sexual desire, merged sensations of comfort and pain within Kitty's awakened awareness...






Anna's first baby 🥰🥰🥰