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Chapter XII

The Reunion

Part 86

It was as if Anna, consumed by her thoughts of Kitty, existed in a realm oblivious to the searing agony that ravaged her freshly upgraded buttocks. Emerging from the depths of slumber, Annie's mind fixated solely on the well-being of her dear sweet friend. This marked Kitty's inaugural foray into the realm of plastic surgery, and apprehension gripped Anna's heart, intertwining with her every waking thought.

Despite a faint dizziness that clouded her senses and lower body muscles numbed by an unyielding grip, Miss Swanson summoned her resolve, navigating the clinic's corridors that led her to the sanctuary wherein Kitty rested. With utmost care, Anna eased open the door, her entrance cloaked in a shroud of silence. Her gaze was drawn, as if by an invisible force, to Kitty's bed, where the baby's bosom, transformed by round silicone implants, rose and fell with a beguiling rhythm. The sight held Anna captive, as if under a spell woven by the enigmatic dance of those enhanced contours. It was a moment suspended in time, a realization dawning upon Anna with a blend of disbelief and awe—Kitty's metamorphosis had finally transpired ...






Annas New tush is looking great. It will look even better in some tight leather or jeans