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Apollo-san and Panamera-san

With His Majesty, who was strangely excited, in tow, we headed for Apollo, who was waiting for us at the castle gate.

When we arrived at the gate, there were more than a dozen large horse-drawn carriages lined up, filling the main street, which we had saved for a wider area. Around the carriages are dozens of adventurers, making it a population density that would be out of place in a famous tourist spot.

Apparently, the knights brought by His Majesty are waiting for us outside the castle gates. Even so, the main street of our Seat Village is still packed, which is frightening.

"Ah, Van-sama!"

Bell shouted from inside the merchant caravan. Behind him is Apollo.

"Welcome home!"

I waved my hand to greet him, and Apollo looked a little surprised and immediately got down on one knee and bowed his head. Seeing this, Bell also notices for the first time that His Majesty is standing behind me.

"E, excuse me!"

Seeing the two of them prostrate themselves, the other adventurers also look at each other and similarly drop to one knee and lower their posture.

I feel like a great man as I am being bowed down, but it is because His Majesty is behind me like a stand. So I turn around, and His Majesty nods at me hawkishly and waves one hand.

"Good. Make yourself comfortable."

As His Majesty announced this, Apollo was the first to stand up.

"Thank you. By the way, you are indeed the knights of the mighty Scuderia Kingdom. We thought we were in a hurry too, but we couldn't catch up with them at all."

"Hahaha! Of course, we did. It's one of our strengths."

Against the king of a major kingdom, Apollo spoke casually and chatted happily with him. Bell's eyes were more black and white at this. As one would expect from a large organization that does business with many countries. They are accustomed to dealing with kings.

"So, what brings you to Baron Van today?"

His Majesty asked, and Apollo looked at me with a wry smile.

"Well, I'm embarrassed to say, but we've finally decided on a policy for the Commercial Guild..."

As I tilted my head at his words, His Majesty laughed and nodded as if he was about to erupt.

"Hoh? In other words, the Commercial Guild has given up on Jiernetta Kingdom?"

"No, no...it's just that this time, we found the deal with Scuderia Kingdom so appealing that we were forced to put off the deal with Jiernetta Kingdom for a while..."

"Haha! It's tough when you have to care about so many sides! How about this, between you and me, the deal with Jiernetta Kingdom is not on the back burner, is it? There should be a substantial profit to be made in supplies, armaments, and seasonings for the battle."

And His Majesty reads behind Apollo's words. Well, there is even a term called "war special procurement. It is not difficult to imagine that a commercial guild with sales channels in various countries could make a huge profit just by distributing goods from right to left.

They would be selling logistics supplies to the invading Scuderia Kingdom and weapons and armor to the Jiernetta Kingdom.

Thinking about it, I remembered the existence of the black jade.

"...Apollo-san, by the way, do you sell black jade from the commercial guilds to Jiernetta Kingdom?"

When I asked this, Apollo shook his head from side to side and chuckles.

"No, no, we do not handle that one either. Unfortunately, that product is a monopoly of one country... and we still don't even know how to manufacture it."

As Apollo replied, His Majesty crossed his arms and snorted.

"I suppose that's the case. We can't let other countries know about such a useful weapon. I don't know how many resources and time it would take to manufacture them, but depending on the number, they could be the deciding factor in victory or defeat."

His Majesty muttered and narrowed his eyes. The tension in the place increased at his words.

Then, a new visitor enters with an imposing demeanor.

"Well, well, Your Majesty. Thank you for your patience."

It was Panamera who appeared, her beautiful blonde hair swinging. She was apologizing, but her eyes were filled with unshakable confidence. His Majesty chuckled at his so imposing demeanor and returned a nod of the head.

"Hmm. I originally sent the news before I left. I am rather impressed that you were able to reach Seat Village so quickly."

"We have been eagerly awaiting the news from you, Your Majesty."

"Hahaha! Viscount Panamera, you're the best! You're a bold fellow!"

Panamera replies with a wry smile, which puts His Majesty in an even better mood. With this exchange on my side, I turned my gaze toward Bell.

"How was it?"

I confirm this in a few words, and Bell speaks up, slightly perplexed.

"Ye, yes. We have passed through not only the royal capital but also two large towns to advertise and buy slaves. As a result, we have gathered merchants who want to own stores, former adventurers who would like to become knights, and mercenaries. Together with the slaves, we have two hundred prospective immigrants."

"Two hundred people? I'm going to ask the Bellrango Chamber of Commerce to go to the Royal Capital again because Espada will allocate additional funds for the project. I will ask for your help again. Well, for now, let's feed those who seem to be hungry. After that, show them to the big baths in turn."

"Yes, sir."

Finally able to receive instructions from me, Bell bowed as if relieved and left. It must have been quite a burden for him to stand in front of His Majesty.

I looked away from his back and then turned to Panamera.

"Viscount Panamera, it has been a long time. I wish you good luck in the next battle."

When I told him this, Panamera laughed as he let out a huff of breath.

"You can count on me, boy. By the way, do you have any new weapons? I don't mind if it's a prototype."

Panamera's eyes light up as soon as she sees him, and she urges him to come up with a new weapon. I smile back at her childlike expression and nod in reply.

"I've been thinking about it a lot, but it's not at the practical stage yet. For now, my brother Murcia will be participating this time, so we are preparing a new weapon for him..."

"Oh, I'd like to see it."

Panamera's eyes light up even more when he hears my words, and behind him, His Majesty clears his throat lightly, causing Panamera to look aghast.

"You've just arrived, and now you interrupted our chat. I think it's time we had a serious conversation as well."

As His Majesty said this, Panamera straightened her posture and bowed, as if she was afraid to do so. Well, her expression was not at all horrified, but she must have looked polite to the others.

"Well, since we have come all the way to Seat Village, let us enjoy the large baths, Baron Van. Can I use the large baths near the Lord's mansion?"

"Yes, that's fine. Camsin, can you take care of it?"

"Yes, sir! Yes, right away!"

Camsin responded in kind and quickly brought the young man who directed the guard at the gate. The young man bowed deeply and nervously, and moved to the presence of His Majesty.

"Here, this way, over here! Oh, please watch your step!"

"Mm. Baron Van, then. Take care of the knights waiting outside."

His Majesty said, and then followed enthusiastically behind the young man who was leading the way. Panamera's eyes sparkle in surprise at the sight of his back.

"...It is surprising to see that His Majesty has relaxed his tension so much. That's how much he trusts the security of Seat Village."

I looked up at Panamera, who nodded her head while tracing her own chin with her finger as she said this.

"Oh, Panamera-san, I'm very sorry, but I was asked to take care of His Majesty's Knights, so..."

"Hmm? Oh, just tell them where to camp. If the commander of the Knights and above can stay here, please show them the accommodations. Of course, I can stay here in Seat Village, right?"

"Yes, of course that would be alright..."

Panamera, who had simply told me the meaning of His Majesty's words, looked as if he wanted to quickly go to the bathhouse. I gave her an annoyed look.

Then, Panamera tilted her head curiously.

"...hmm? What's the matter, boy? You're being unusually fidgety."

I answered her question honestly.

"Well, Dee and Espada aren't here, so if there are 10,000 or so Knights gathered, I'd like Panamera-san to come with me..."

I was afraid to go to a field full of rugged, unsociable uncles. With that in mind, I made the request, but Panamera opened her eyes wide and looked at me. Then she started laughing loudly.

"Hahaha! What, boy! Are you afraid of the Knights? Where's your usual bravado! Are you suddenly worried because Dee-sama is not here?

Panamera was laughing hysterically while pointing at me, even though we were in public. Feeling myself blush at this, I try my best to deny it.

"No, no, because unlike our knighthood, other knighthoods are all stern people. They don't smile, and their eyes are scary."

When he replied, Panamera erupted even more and laughed to the point of tears.


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