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The Strongest Fortified City Plan 2

Dee blinks as he gazes sideways at the members of the Seat Village Order of Knights who are carrying trees into the central plaza at great speed.

"What are you going to build with all that wood being brought into the central plaza? The walls aren't finished yet, are they?"

I tell Dee that the situation is urgent, and since Dee had taken the initiative to secure the wood, I have to explain the story.

"Oh my! That's a lot of work...! But I feel that building the walls is more important...!"

While showing understanding of our situation, Dee still cannot remove the perspective of defense. It is a matter of course, but in this world of magical beasts, safety comes first. Nevertheless, not being able to take a bath cannot be overlooked.

"Yes, I understand what Dee is saying, but as far as today is concerned, I think our priority is to arrange our living environment. I'm going to install a ballista on top of the fort as a proper defensive facility, so don't worry."

"Mmm, that should be fine then... we have armored carriages! Then let's get the building materials ready!"

Dee changed her mind immediately after hearing my policy and went to help with the preparations. That was wonderful.

As I watched Dee's back as he drove off, Camsin opened his mouth with a look of anticipation on his face.

"Van-sama, you have gathered quite a bit of material, what kind of building are you going to construct?"

I think I see the word excitement behind Camsin as he asks this. He is expecting some kind of new building. However, they have already built a star-shaped fortress, a huge dwarven furnace, and a baroque-style building. Furthermore, I have built everything based on the Arc de Triomphe to the Gate Arc in a mischievous way. What more could I build?

As I was thinking about this, I suddenly recalled a place I had actually been to.

It was Kumamoto Castle, the strongest castle in Kyushu. I had also seen Osaka Castle and Nagoya Castle, but Kumamoto Castle was fresh in my memory because it was the last castle I visited.

A bespectacled man around the entrance explained to us that the stone wall with a warrior's return was 20 meters high, and that there were not only large and small towers, but also huge turrets. It is truly a fortress. It would take time to build a moat due to its location, but eventually a long moat could be built to make it the strongest fortress.

The moment the idea came to me, it was the right day. He immediately summons the earth magicians who are exhausted from building the fortress walls. Meanwhile, the knights of Seat Village continued to collect materials, and they had gathered a mountain of materials.

Standing in front of the stone and wood, I look at the faces of the soil magicians, who look slightly pale.

"Well, first, I would like to thank everyone who worked so hard on the first day of the event. Thank you so much."

When I bowed and told them so, the magicians looked a little surprised. They probably thought I was an unusual nobleman. However, since they are four-element magicians of a certain level, they must have been treated reasonably well by the other nobles. As proof of this, they don't act too humble.

"Then, I would like to ask you to make a mountain from now on for one last task. The scope is this entire square."

When he announced this with a smile, I felt the blood drain from everyone's faces.

Just two hours later, a stone wall had been built in the center of the square. By the way, the magicians were sitting on the ground. I felt sorry for them, so I asked Tyll to prepare a barbecue party. Since we had enough building materials, the entire Seat Village knighthood started to prepare for the barbecue party.


I muttered and looked up at the stone wall that looked like a huge building. The warped stone wall gives a tremendous sense of intimidation. In front of it was a huge steel gate, which was now open.

A passageway, which could accommodate a carriage, led into the stone wall, and inside the stone wall was a warehouse made of wood blocks. Climbing up the three-story warehouse, the rooftop is equivalent to the top of the stone wall. The rest of the building is covered with a stone floor and further surrounded by walls on all sides. It is, of course, a Japanese-style roofed castle. There is also a window with a door plate for protection.

Then the first floor was built to be as large as possible in the center. The final shape was rectangular so that it would resemble Kumamoto Castle. Since it is built on top of a 20-meter-high stone wall, it has enough height to look around, but it will still be large. After all, Kumamoto Castle must have been six stories high.

On the first floor, we built a dining hall, kitchen, and bathhouse for the soldiers stationed there, and on the second and third floors, we prepared several rooms for sleeping. A ballista was installed on the fourth floor, and spare arrows were made and placed there. We also placed a spear so that we can attack from the top of the stairs in case enemies invade the castle.

On the fifth floor are bathrooms and bedrooms for the nobles. The sixth floor is a keep for me. The view is so good that I am afraid to look down; looking down on the Jiernetta Kingdom side, I can see so far that the streets become lines and I can't see anything ahead.

"Okay! We made it just in time for the night! Let's have a barbecue party and go to bed today!"

I said with satisfaction as I looked back from the terrace portion of the keep and saw Arte and the others looking around the room.

Tyll and Camsin then turned around with stunned looks on their faces.

"...I'm tired of being surprised by the stones."

"I didn't expect such a unique fortress..."

As they shared these impressions, Arte looked around the room with a twinkle in his eye and turned to us.

"It's wonderful, Van-sama! I love this castle the best!"

"Oh, yeah? That's great."

I nodded and responded, pushed by Arte's momentum.

Something had hit him hard, and Arte looked around the castle with great excitement.


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