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Van and His Ambitions

Ten armored wagons quickly pushed forward to the border with Jiernetta Kingdom and found the Royal Army of Scuderia doing restoration work around the fortress. Apparently, they had given up on the walls and buildings, and were cleaning up the debris on the ground and moving the corpses of enemy soldiers, horses, and dragons.

The battle must have been quite fierce. The shape and color of the ground has changed dramatically.

"Baron Van Nay Fertio has arrived!"

I called out to the soldier at the entrance of the fortress, and he ran toward me, shouting loudly. What? Should I follow him? Or should I wait for him?

While suppressing my feelings, I looked around to see what was going on, His Majesty and the other nobles appeared from the intact building at the back of the fortress.

"Oh! Thanks to you, Baron Van, we were able to capture the fortress without any danger!"

His Majesty, in a very good mood, walks in with his arms outstretched, throwing out words of welcome. And behind him were the smiling Count Ferdinand, Viscount Panamera, and Father, who looked as if he was chewing on a bitter bug.

Dee, Camsin, Arv and Roe in tow, bowed deeply to His Majesty.

"Congratulations on your victory in this important battle. We have been waiting for you, believing that Your Majesty will be victorious."

"Oh, oh. You are more auspicious than ever, aren't you? Are you angry with me for calling you twice?"

I had just greeted him politely, but for some reason, His Majesty had a strange deep thought in his head. I pasted a smile on my face and shook my head from side to side.

"No, no, I'm just honestly pleased with Your Majesty's victory from the bottom of my heart."

"Mmm...there's something strangely powerful about it, but I'll take your word for it."

With a slight drawl, His Majesty said so. How rude. I have little intention of appealing to my loyal subjects to receive land that is related to our borders. Come on, hurry up and give me this land.

As I looked at His Majesty, smiling with a radiant smile, Panamera behind me made a sound like a balloon deflating as he held back his laughter. He is totally suspicious. I hope you are not after this land. That's fine. In that case, it would be a head-to-head rock-paper-scissors duel.

While I was thinking about trivial things in a strange tension, His Majesty cleared his throat and looked around the fortress.

"I asked Baron Van to come all the way here for nothing else. As you can see from this fortress, it has crumbled considerably during the last battle. From now on, Jiernetta Kingdom will devote a lot of forces to seize this fortress, which is an important defense point. For that matter, it may even seek reinforcements from the central continent. Considering that, this fortress must be stronger than any other defense base."

His Majesty then turned his gaze to me.

"We don't know how fast Jiernetta Kingdom will return. It will be a dangerous site... but this is a matter of the utmost importance to my kingdom, Baron Van, will you take care of it?"

"Ha! I will risk my life to build the strongest fortress!"

The answer was immediate. I made sure His Majesty finished and immediately gave my approval. I must have gotten a hundred loyalty points.

"...Oh, oh. I didn't think you would take on the job so easily. I will definitely remember your dedication."

His Majesty seemed to be unable to hide his surprise at Van-kun's extremely high level of loyalty. After saying that, he nodded lightly and turned back to the nobles who were waiting behind him.

"You heard him, all of you! From now on, half of you will remain here to restore and strengthen the fortress! The achievements and rewards will be announced later at the royal palace! Is that alright?"


When His Majesty announced his future plans, everyone responded in unison. They had already decided on their roles, and each of them started to move quickly.

With this situation by their side, His Majesty and Panamera approached us.

"...So, what are you planning?"

His Majesty asked, to which Van-kun, the loyal retainer, shook his head from side to side and replied.

I am willing to work hard for His Majesty's sake.

"Yes, that's a little embarrassing! Tell me honestly. You are the one who expresses troublesome things as troublesome. I'm sure you hate battlefields in particular."

At last, His Majesty said such a thing with a shudder. How rude. Poker face is Van's special skill.

Well, how should I answer? As I was about to answer, Panamera opened his mouth with a hint of a smile.

"Perhaps there is something you wish to ask of His Majesty. Therefore, I believe that he is showing his loyalty in this way."

Panamera said, and His Majesty nodded in understanding.

"So that's how it is. But it's so out of the ordinary that you're going out of tune, Van, you can say what you want to say as usual."

His Majesty raised his eyebrows and said something like that. With those words, I had no choice but to reveal my feelings honestly.

"Your Majesty. I'll build a citadel here and give it to me."

"Oh, oh... you're more honest than I thought."

I did because you asked me to be honest, but His Majesty raised his eyebrows again and made a subtle face. Panamera, on the other hand, smiled wryly and pointed at the fortress city.

"Why is a self-confessed war hater so obsessed with this fortress? The boy should understand how fierce a battlefield this place can be."

Van, in his super naïve state, replied honestly.

"It is to get something rare from the central continent. In order to do so, we must definitely ask His Majesty to occupy the Bay Area of Jiernetta Kingdom. I hope that I can help you in the shadows by making this place an impregnable fortress city."

Cakes, crêpes, curry and rice... I smiled unconsciously as I pictured what I wanted in my mind. I don't know how I misunderstood it, but His Majesty and Panamera narrowed their eyes sharply and smiled ferociously like ravenous beasts.

"...I see. I was wondering how to move those who seek neither rank nor fortune, but it was easy enough."

"For the boy, was his quest to see things he had not yet seen more important than not bearing the brunt of the war?"

They each nodded in agreement, as if they had misunderstood something slightly. No, no, Van-kun just wants to eat good food. The new thing is the ingredients or the seasonings.

I looked up at their faces with this thought, and they nodded deeply with a terrific smile on their faces.

"...What kind of new weapons can we make?"

"I'm looking forward to it, Your Majesty."

They laughed at each other as they said this.

"No, no, I am not an arms dealer. I'm the lord of a small village in the middle of nowhere."

I hurriedly told them so, but they laughed out loud and didn't take it well.


El Caso Es

Yo heads up. I don't think this is in the territory defense collection I had to use search. Up to 186