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In Search of Magical Tools

"Uh... okay, I understand what you're saying."


"Um. That's why you're so grumpy in [Nine Tails] mode."

"...I'm sorry. I'm afraid I'm going to cry when I get back."

"Your reasons are so cute..."

I was surprised to see Forna in [Nine Tails] mode sitting on the throne with an annoyed look on her face when I was called over. Don't ask me why Miu is overflowing with love. I don't want to ask what Miu is overflowing with love for, because I'm sure he's been trained too well. I mean, she could be like that outside of combat.

So I asked him about it, and he said...yeah...it was stolen, the [Magic Tools].

After the analysis was finished at the laboratory, they were going to mass-produce them at the factory. During the process, the shipment disappeared without a trace. At the time, there was a security guard in the carriage with the cargo, and they were taking the utmost precaution, but it really disappeared. I was surprised to hear that they were tightly restrained, but they vanished without a trace.

The beastman of the guard was a canine, but he didn't smell or hear any footsteps...he remembered the smell of Magic Tools, but when he disappeared, all the smell disappeared too...was he blindfolded?

Ojas was on his knees beside me. His tail and ears were also flattened. Oh no, I want to touch him, or rather, Arena is touching him.

"So, you mean you have no idea where or who did this, right?"

I thought so at first, too, because there were no traces of anything. Yeah, that's what I thought at first, because there's no trace. So I asked Lisalee and Blair if they had any ideas, and they were very cryptic.

You mean you know?

"Yeah...but they said that if they knew him, he would never do such a thing. The effects are somewhat different, so maybe not, he said."

Hmmm... the only thing I can think of is a copycat, but I have no idea why, and more importantly, what would he do with stolen Magic Tools? Sell them? Or mass produce them like Ladaria?

"Fortunately, we still have a pair of each in the lab. That's the only thing that could be saved... but hey..."

Forna then began to let a large tear form in the corner of her still slightly red eye. Hey, you didn't get into that state to hold back the tears, Forna-san.

"Because... because. You guys worked so hard to get it for me and gave it to me...and now...because of my fault... sorry, sorry...higu!"


"Forna, come here."

"I'm sorry. ~~~~~!"

I could see the fire in her tail was dying down after she started crying, so I sent her to Arena for a cuddle, and I told her that it was the thief's fault, not Forna's, so why don't you get your act together? You're the king of a country, you know.

"Why don't we go talk to Lisalee and the others again, Lord?"

"Let's check the carriages, too. We'll check the wagons and see if we can find any traces of them.

"Yes, I think Fairy Magic could do it."

I'm glad that the three of them are willing to do this, because I don't want to make Forna cry, and more importantly, I really want the toy referent board for a certain purpose.

"Well, let's go to the site..."


"Thank you, thank you~~~"

Oh, cry already, cry already. I can't take my eyes off him yet. I'm going to clean up your mess, and I'm going to get paid for it, okay? I'll pay you a friend's fee.


"So, we're at the carriage. How do we find out?"

"Miss Aidle, let's first check for residual magic. If there was magic, there will be traces of magic and the density will be high there."

"I see, let's give it a try."

I visualize the magic power with [Fairy Magic]. Hmmm... it's thin. At best, there is only a small amount of magic power left that a person could have emitted. So it's a skill.

"If it's a skill, [Concealment] is the way to hide. If you have the skill, you can muffle the sound of footsteps, but the smell is impossible, isn't it? It would be extremely difficult to get through the noses of dogs and beasts."

"That's right. Could they have been wearing some kind of Magic Tools to make them odorless?"

"But Arena, Quad. But Arena, Quad, you still can't erase the shimmering of the air, because it has mass. There is mass, you know. And the Magic Tools were tightly restrained, weren't they? And if they disappear at the same time as the restraining object, then..."

"...So, he has a magic box. Surely, then, the restraints don't matter. It can be put away by touching it, and there is no sound. So the culprit is a brave man, right?"

So we have a material witness. Hello again, wolf siblings.

"Oops, creative god!"

Are you doing something again, God of Creation?

"Something like that. Oh, Ojas is getting angry over there, you better go.


Seriously? What are you guys doing here when I called only the brave ones? Go back to your posts. Oh, Ojas is taking me away without a word. What's up?

"So, sorry to digress, but can you tell me what's going on? Lisalee, Blair."


Well, you don't look very cooperative. It's not like he has anything to hide. If we talk, Fairy Eyes will know if we're lying or not...so...let's scare her.

"Would you rather have the collar order me to hold an embarrassing past revelation contest, or to tell you everything now?"


So, here's what I got.

The boy's name was Oikawa Souta. He still seems to be a male brave who is less than 140 tall. Lisa Lee says, "He looks incredibly cute now". LisaLee, is that how you feel? Mika is a good match for this pervert...

He was a mascot character among his classmates, and no one disliked him. A beloved character...harmony is important, isn't it? I heard that he was also a timid but gentle person.

On the main topic, he was the only one among the heroes who had revealed the characteristics of his own holy sword. The ability is [disappearance]. He could erase his existence without leaving any trace. In turn, he is said to be unable to interfere with anything. All his attacks would be struck out, and he would become like a real ghost.

"So if I activate a skill in that state, the result is the same?"

"That's what he said. That's why we thought it wasn't him."

"He was still encouraging people after the invasion of Ladaria...we didn't want to doubt him."

You guys are more companionable than I thought. I wonder if meeting the wolf siblings has changed you a little? You didn't attack me the moment you saw me like you did before. I wasn't lying when I said that. So…

"So either there is another real culprit, or this Oikawa person was lying."

"...I don't know if it matters, but the other guys started hiding it because he told them about the Holy Sword's characteristics."

"What? What? Asahina made them hide it, didn't he?"

From what I've heard from Mika, Asahina was the one who suggested keeping it hidden. Blair said that it was just a pretext.

"That guy was threatened by some people to divulge it. Half-assed, because the more we knew about their characteristics, the better they'd work together. Half the guys saw what was going on, and Oikawa told them to tell him afterward, but..."

"You mean you didn't tell them."

Blair nodded. He said he told them, they betrayed him, and Asahina stopped them.

"Let me ask you, are those the guys who attacked Mika?"


"That's almost the answer, isn't it?"

If I'm not mistaken, they threatened Oikawa, and he did it, right? Well, I believe they were sent to a place called "Magic Academy City," right? Well...it's a place where you can't come out once you're in.

I don't know how long it would take if we had to go there to get them...

"Forna, how far is it from here to the magic academy city?"

Forna, how far is it from here to the magic academy city? Well, you head west from Galania, then north past Malta...I'd say about two months by carriage. If it's just horses, it would take less than a month."

That's a little more distance than La Veil Lad...a day's ride if we force ourselves on La Veil. Can we even get there?

What kind of country is it?

"Well, I think it's a city with a school. The houses, the people who live there, and even the stores are all run by students. It's like a [training school] for those professions. There is an adventurer department, and there is also a Magic Tools department. That's the main one, but there are a lot of different departments that are being established with support and tuition from different countries...I think."

Lisalee told me with a slight blush on her face, what's up? Did you want to go there and live the life of a student?

"No, no, no. No, I'm not! I just did a little research because I wanted to try some sweets that were only available in the old city!

"Oh, calm down. Nobody cares how much you weigh, okay?

What are you talking about?


Well, now we know where we're going, but the question is where to start. Shall we go? Go or don't go? I'm not sure. The prototype is still there, so it can be mass-produced. I know everyone in this world is dying to get their hands on it, but I don't think there's any need to get involved when the truth of the matter has already been established for the most part.

"It's just circumstantial evidence, so we have to go out there and find the actual object and prove that it's ours, right?"

"And if they say, 'We found it in the dungeon, too,' we're screwed. Even if there is a mark on the Magic Tools that shows it is ours, it would be the same thing if the other side noticed it and erased it.

In other words, we'd be crying ourselves to sleep."

"Ugh. ~~~~~~."

Forna looks like she's about to cry again, so I pat her on the head. But I wonder how I actually got it back...no, I did.

"You don't have to prove anything."


No, we can use the same method as they did. We know it belongs to us, so let's just take it back before they mass produce it, and then we'll just ignore the rest. If they try to confront us, we'll just say, "On what basis do you say that? and we won't be able to say anything. After all, they don't know how they got it back.

"So you're going?"

"No, I'm staying."

"You're not going?"

I'm not going. I don't want to spend my time there. I have things I want to do here.

So I'm going to ask someone else to go.

"Well, let's just take our time and see if we can get it back. Forna, we're going to Galania for a while. Forna, we're going to Galania for a bit, so you can start mass-producing."

"Yes, yes."

"What are you doing, Aidle?"

Arena asks with a soft object on my head, "Nothing, I'm just going to ask for a letter of introduction.

However, I am just going to ask them to write me some [Transfer Procedures].


"Arena, your uniform is a mini-skirt."

"...? I know, I know. Do you want to see it?"

"Oh, wait, I want to see a glimpse, not such an open view."

"I can't speak for Mika, Lord. You're just as perverted as I am."


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