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[Another Viewpoint] An Unexpected Visitor

[Jiernetta Soldier]

A strange group of two people appeared at the top of the hill. Upon receiving the report, the Second Knights, who were in charge of the watch, climbed the ramparts in a panic.

"Don't tell me they came through the Wolfsburg Mountains?"

That was the first thing that came out of my mouth when I heard where they had been summoned. The surrounding guys were thinking the same thing, nodding with serious faces.

"Our knights didn't come back, did they?"

"I don't see any wyverns, but how did those guys get through the mountains?"

"Are they good adventurers? But still, two people..."

The others were saying these things as they climbed the ramparts and went to check the situation. When they arrived at the site, most of the knights were already there. The upper part of the wall was designed to be wide enough for soldiers to stand in three rows and ready their bows. So many soldiers were rushing in to check the situation that they filled the place.

"Hey, hey, what happened to the formation? If you gather without thinking about your positions or anything else, the captain of the army is going to blow you away."

Though he was taken aback, he ended up becoming one of the group. He stood tall to get a view of the outside from between the heads of the soldiers in front of him.

Sure enough, there were two figures on the hill. A large man and a child. They were wearing armor, but they did not look like adventurers. However, they were not scouts of the knights, either. A child like that could not have passed through the Wolfsburg Mountains.

But then, who were they? he felt as if he had seen a ghost. Everyone was feeling the same uneasiness, and not a single whisper could be heard even though there were so many people gathered there.

Then they heard footsteps running toward them, making a sound like metal clanging against metal.

"What are you guys just standing there? A suspicious person has just appeared...!"

Steyr, the Knight Commander of the Second Order, yelled as he came running with a desperate look on his face, holding his helmet under his arm. Everyone's backs seemed to straighten up at the sound of his gut-wrenching rage. Steyr, with his beard swinging, put on his helmet and stood at the edge of the ramparts, weaving his way through the soldiers in the front ranks.

Then he blinked at the two figures standing on the hill. But, as one might expect from a Knight Commander, he quickly regained his composure and stood at the edge of the hill. He quickly regained his composure and opened his mouth to the two men on the hill.

"...I ask you! This is the westernmost and most important stronghold of the Jiernetta Kingdom! What is your business here?"

I inquired in a clear voice. The two people on the hill heard it and looked up. Then the kid opens his mouth.

"Well, I am Baron Van Nay Fertio of Scuderia Kingdom! I'm here today to build a fort...Oh, should I not say my name? Is this going to cause me trouble later on?"

No way. He was the head of a noble family. The child claiming to be a baron looked up at the man standing next to him after saying his name and gave him an uneasy look. To which the man lightly shook his head to the left and right to deny it.

"No, Van-sama's name will be known to Jiernetta soon anyway. Sooner or later, that's the difference."

The man laughs as he says this, and the child named Van slumps his shoulders and lets out a sigh.

"It can't be helped... let's leave it at that."

Van said that much with a sigh and looked up again. In the face of the enemy's huge fortress and large number of knights, he doesn't look timid at all. What is it with that kid?

Even though he knew who he was, he still felt more anxious.

Van made no pretense of caring about our feelings and opened his mouth.

"Well, I'll start the greeting over! I am Van Nay Fertio, Baron of Scuderia Kingdom! I'm here today to build a fort on top of the hill! I will leave after I build it! I will be back soon! If you have any questions, please visit Seat Village in Scuderia Kingdom later! Then we will start building!"

As soon as Van says this, there is a vibration that spreads across the ground with a rumbling of the earth. As the soldiers were confused by the rumbling, a huge wall rose up out of the ground with a sound like a heavy rock being rubbed against the ground. The rumbling intensifies, and before they could even comprehend what had happened, several walls of rock appear on top of the hill.

"...! It's earth magic! Archers! Rain arrows from the sky in arcs!"

Steyr, realizing the situation, immediately gave the order, and the archers responded immediately. However, everyone could see that ordinary bows and arrows would have no effect.

The hilltop was a good distance away, and a huge wall of earth was already standing tall enough to look up at. It was obvious that the height of the walls had been exceeded.

As expected, the arrows that had been sent skyward could not go over the wall, and were repelled, dropping to the ground.

"Damn! You have carefully prepared...! Then black balls, prepare black balls! They can't see our movement because they built such a big wall! We're going to destroy it right now!"

Steyr shouts and flies his orders, running down the ramparts.

"Oh, the Commander is getting impatient."

"Of course I am. A fort is being built at a time when I'm on perimeter watch, of all things. If the fort is completed in a way that the other party can defend it for a long period of time, I could lose my head, you know?"

"This is no time for foolishness. If they build a fort at that distance, we'll be in danger too. If they build a fort at that distance, we'll be in danger, too."

Listening to this unnerving conversation, I checked the situation from the top of the ramparts. I understand their impatience, but with earth magic, it would crumble in five or ten minutes at the most. Even if they had built the wall in the meantime, it would be easy enough to bring it down quickly.

If that is the case, I feel it would be better to quickly release fire magic or something when the earth magic loses its effect.

With these thoughts in mind, I watch from the top of the castle wall as the cavalrymen gallop from the gates on horseback.


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