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Maybe I should just make it?

I had a lot to complain about as soon as I entered the mountain.

First, the mountain road was bumpy. In some places, we had to walk right along the side of the cliff. The road itself was narrow, being just barely wide enough to fit a carriage.

Since the mountain paths had been heavily populated with Magic Beasts, there were few places for the knights to navigate, so it could not be helped.

I silently endured the pain in my butt, but after an hour or two, I suddenly realized something significant.

"...Does this mean I have to feel like this on the way home too?"

I muttered, and Till, Camsin, and Arte, who were riding in the carriage with me, grimaced.

"I'm really feeling thankful for the city roads..."

"I don't like how the bumpy road slows down the line of marching..."

"My butt hurts..."

Hearing the opinions of the three of them, I nodded deeply.

"Okay. Let's build a road. At the very least, it should be big enough for two wagons to pass side by side."

"What? Now?"

Till's eyes twinkled as I declared, and Camsin raised his eyebrows nervously.

"Is everything all right? His Majesty wants Van-sama to come all the way here on his fast horse..."

"It's going to take two or three days, even just to get there."

Arte agreed with Camsin's words.

But my ass is at its limit.

"Don't worry! I'll make it in a hurry, so it won't be any longer than it is now!"

With that, I stood up and looked out of the carriage.

"Stop for a second!

"Yes, yes!"

"Stop, everyone!"

When I gave the order, the knights quickly stopped. I can sense some confusion, but I think the knights are becoming a very good group of knights as they quickly follow the orders. It's a motion that makes it hard to believe that most of them used to be villagers or hunters.

While I was nodding my head in deep emotion, Dee, who was in the carriage in front of us, immediately came toward us.

"What's going on, Van-sama?"

Wary of my surroundings, Dee confirms why we stopped marching. Nodding to that, I got out of the carriage.

"The road is too bad, so I'm going to pave the mountain road to make a beautiful road."

"What? Now?"

Dee looked surprised, while Till and the others looked worried as they got out of the carriage.

"Don't worry! We'll make it as fast as we can, so we won't be late! I'm sorry, but could you guys split up and cut down the trees on either side of the trail?"

"Mmmm! I don't know what is going to happen, but yes! We'll get the job done right away!"

"Thank you. Then, please cut down the trees beyond where the people in the front row are. Everyone, except for the tree cutters, please be on the lookout."

"Yes! Let's get to it!"

With that, I watch Dee's back as he runs off, then look at Camsin.

"Camsin, you go with me, Till and Arte wait for me in the carriage, and Arte, I'm sorry, but I might need you to use the doll if we get in trouble."


"Leave it to me."

Arte seemed to be gaining confidence in her own magic, looking into my eyes and nodding.

Smiling at them, I head to the front of the line.

"Van-sama, what are you doing?"

"Is something wrong?"

I sometimes get such a call, to which I reply lightly, "I'm just making a path". Everyone was looking at each other with a scowl, but when we reached the front row, I could already see them cutting out the trees. It seems that men who used to be lumberjacks or stone cutters were selected from among the knights. The strong men are chopping down trees and laying them out on the side of the road.

"How do you like it, Van-sama! Is it good like this!?"

I wondered when he had prepared for this, as Dee, naked in the upper half of his body, cut down a large tree with a large sword and looked at me. That sword was not meant for cutting trees, but well, with it being a Van-kun's signature sword, it should be able to cut down a tree with ease.

However, the equipment of all the members of the Knights was not suitable for cutting down trees. After confirming this, they quickly gather the materials.

"There's nothing wrong with the method, but let's prepare something for the purpose. Everyone, lend me your shields for a moment."

"Ye, yes!"

I ask, and the knights nearby put their shields down at my feet in a rush. Most of the weapons and armor were specially made by Me, but only some of the shields were specially made for the knights, and the rest were ready-made shields purchased from the Bellrango Trading Company. The number of knights has been increasing, so it is not possible to provide them with my signature equipment.

"It's a pretty high-end item, but I can make a better shield later."

With that excuse, I started turning the shields into axes. It has a sharpened cutting edge and a unique balance with the center of gravity at the top. Because it is designed to cut trees that do not move, the blade must be easy to swing with a lot of force. The rest is width for chopping down trees, sturdiness, and an overly decorative design to satisfy Myself.

"Maybe I went a little overboard."

Saying this, I prepare twenty axes, and Camsin applauds me openly, but Dee's brow wrinkles.

"...Mmm. Another great design. However, I think it's a little ominous."

"It's a little scary..."

I received subtle feedback from both of them. It's true that I couldn't think of anything to make, so I made a burly axe that could be named the Minotaur's Axe, but there's no need to be so scared of it.

"Oh, it's lighter than it looks."

"What? Really?"

Dee laughed as he picked up the axe, swung it with one hand, and immediately went to chop down the tree. Somehow, everyone stopped moving to see what Dee was up to.


With a wind-swept sound, Dee chopped down the tree. Or rather, he cut it. It was a sharp blow that could truly be called a slash. The axe slips through the body of the tree as if it were cutting through the air.

After a moment's pause, the tree slid and shifted, and eventually fell. The cut was clean and straight, even from a distance.

"That's a good cut! However, my big sword is still easier to handle!"

"No, no, in Dee's case, if you are against humans, you can cut them like logs regardless of your weapon. I'm starting to think it doesn't matter if the weapon is good or bad."

I tell him so, but Dee is laughing so hard with the axe on his shoulder at the moment that he probably didn't hear my words.

Nevertheless, the axe seemed to be moderately sharp, and the other knights were able to cut down a tree after two or three swings.

While working with the knights who were cutting down trees in the blink of an eye, I decided to quickly make a path.


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