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[Another Viewpoint] The Problem grows

[King Dino]

Reports came in that the adventurers and the knights had clashed, and the march had come to a halt. We had just been resting at a base called Container, which Baron Van had built, but we had no choice.

"We had expected such a thing, but it is troubling to see the march halted. So, which Knights are in trouble with the adventurers?"

I confirm this with the chief of the thousand who came to report. He is a serious man who took the knight examination from an ordinary citizen, became a knight, and became a commander after learning more than anyone else about formations, tactics, and formation methods. There are few examples of ordinary citizens who have risen to the rank of chief of a thousand. Because of his seriousness, he will give us an objective report from a properly neutral standpoint.

A knight always takes the shoulder of his fellow knights.

As I waited for the report with this in mind, the chief of the thousand opened his mouth, wrinkling his brow even more than usual.

"These are the knights of Baron Aego of Eastern. About ten of them are in trouble with the adventurers."

"Hmm. Are any of them injured?"

"Many. It seems that a brawl broke out in the not very wide space, and more than fifty people are currently undergoing medical treatment.

The chief of the Thousand reported calmly. I involuntarily raised one hand at that.

"Wait a minute. Fifty people? I don't think they would, but they didn't kill any adventurers, did they? Even if they were so formidable, why would knights fight and cause such injuries?"

I asked back, unable to understand. Even if the knight corps of the Eastern Barons is not well-trained, they should be constantly training for battle. In a multi-person battle, there is a big difference between knights and adventurers. The only adventurers who could go head-to-head against knights would be the top-ranked ones.

However, the chief of the Thousand shook his head from side to side.

"Unfortunately, all the injured are knights and squires of the Eastern Order. The three adventurers who fought all had no noticeable external injuries and are currently waiting in a room at the base."

"...Are you saying that the knights and fifty of their squires were beaten unilaterally? Don't tell me there was a top-notch four-elemental magician among the adventurers?"

Unexpectedly, my voice hardened. Were the Eastern Knights too weak? Or were the three adventurers unusually strong? Either way, it was a serious situation. The leadership and strength of a Knight Order are the key to national defense, which in turn leads to the security of each city.

If they were inferior to ordinary adventurers, it would be a big problem.

Perhaps it was because I was thinking about this that my tone turned into a questioning one. The chief of the thousand also took on a stern expression and pulled back his chin, as if caught in the act.

"It seems that there was a wind magician who could use it reasonably well, but sorcery was only used to stop the movement of the target. The problem would be the weapons used by the other two."


Tilting his head, the chief of the thousand pulled out a severed iron sword from under his cloak. It is a widely used straight sword. It was thick and could not be easily broken.

However, the sword had been neatly cut in half.

"...Is this sword the same as a large sword that fights against dragon species?"

I asked, half knowing the answer, but the chief of the thousand shook his head from side to side.

"No, it is a normal-sized sword. Rather, I thought it was a lightweight kind because of its slenderness. The skill of the adventurers was honestly much that the knights could not win, but more than anything else, the terrible sharpness of this weapon was the reason for their defeat. If the knights exchanged swords, their weapons would be destroyed unilaterally, and their shields and armor would be cut to pieces regardless of their strength. If the adventurers had not taken it easy on their opponents and used a peak strike, all fifty of them would have died."

"...Baron Van's weapon, huh? I was planning to put it away as a treasured sword, so I hadn't checked its sharpness, but I didn't know this weapon was that good."

With that, he pulled out the Orihalcum sword at his waist. The chief of the thousand gaped at it.

"Is that magnificent sword made by that child?"

"Yes, it is. I had it made right in front of me."

As I said this, I held up the sword and slashed it at the shield I placed nearby. A high-pitched metallic sound is heard, followed by the sound of a piece of the shield falling off.

The thousand captain was stunned. I would have looked the same way.

"It's as if a steel sword reappeared when there were only bronze weapons. No, rather, it was more like the difference between bronze and Mithril."

I muttered to myself in dismay and looked again at the sword I was holding. It was superbly crafted, as always. There is not even a single chip on the blade.

"I see. I now understand why large Magic Beasts have been successfully defeated so many times. That is frightening."

The fact that the march has stopped is a big problem, but knowing once again the astonishing performance of Van's weapons, I can't help but smile.

"...Your Majesty. What do you think of the punishment?"


With that being said, I change my mind. A Knight Baron is a part of the nobility, even though it is the lowest rank. Also, Knights are under the command of nobles above the rank of Baron, and are a symbol of authority. They cannot go unpunished.

However, adventurers are based in Seat Village, and some seem to be on good terms with Van.

This is a problematic situation. This is a problem that cannot be easily decided unless there is a clear reason.

"...So, let me ask you about the key reason for the clash."

When I confirmed this, the chief of the thousand wrinkled his brow deeply. Apparently, it was a difficult question to answer.

"Answer quickly. I won't be angry with you."

After a sigh, he clears his throat and finally answers.

"The knights said that the adventurers suddenly attacked them when they mentioned that this base built by Baron Van was defective."

"...What? This base is defective?"

After saying this, I couldn't help but look around inside. But from what I could see, there didn't seem to be a problem.

"This base should have been assembled by Count Venturi's Knights, who are leading the way, to check the situation. As soon as the adventurers have assembled it, it is up and running. If it really was defective, then Count Venturi's Knights would be responsible for not being able to figure out how to do so."

I inform him with a raised eyebrow. To which the chief of the thousand nodded.

"I see. However, I suppose the responsibility also falls on Baron Van, who provided a stronghold with a problem when His Majesty could have taken a break. It is a great achievement to have created such a novel base and to have prepared so many of them for a longer marching route, but if you had provided one that could collapse on its own..."

"That would be a harsh criticism."

When I preemptively mouthed the answer, the chief of the thousand kept his mouth shut. So this is what is hard to say. Certainly, if this base called the Container were to become unusable, morale would be greatly affected. Furthermore, it would cause problems with the marching schedule, and there is a possibility that they would run out of portable rations.

"We will investigate carefully. Also, use a fast horse to tell Baron Van to come here."

"Yes sir!"


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