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Astonishing Report

I must have fallen asleep due to extreme tension and fatigue.

When I woke up, Claire had approached the statue I had knocked down and was examining it.

"It's getting dark, isn't it, Sis?"

"Yes, let's go home today."

Claire seemed to realize that I was awake.

I checked to see if I could use the sword that the statue had used instead of the wooden sword. It seems that the sword is not made up of the same parts as the statue, and although it is a stone sword, I could lift it. But it was too heavy. Nope, unusable.

The moonlight shining through the ruins was fantastic, but also eerie.

Claire and I returned from Magic Circle to our secret base. As we hurried through the forest, we found our mother and father armed to the teeth. Dad was dressed like an adventurer, wearing medium armor made of leather and metal plates, with a sword hanging from his waist. Mom was also dressed as a traveler, carrying light armor and a long spear.

"...You're safe."

Dad and Mom both greeted us with relieved faces. Apparently, they were anxious because Claire had never come home until the night before. They were just about to go to the forest to look for us.

I think there were only a few times when we didn't come home until nighttime. At that time, I slept over at our secret base. ...Did they think we slept over together?

"Hey, are you hurt?"

Dad rushes over to me. I remember that there was blood all over my armpit area.

"Claire fixed most of it, so it's not that deep.

I was uncertain if it was a serious injury when it was not completely healed after being healed by magic.

I'm fine, but my dad supported me until we entered our house.

"I apologize for asking you to watch over our place."

It seems that Dad had asked the Sister to stay, in case we might come home in different directions. He was also concerned that we might come home injured, so the Sister from the church was staying at our house.

"No, no, I'm glad they are okay. Or rather, she is injured!"

"Oh, Claire fixed it for me, so it's not as bad as it looks."

Once I was made to sit in the chair, the Sister used healing magic on me. The little bit of wound that was left was completely healed. Magic is amazing!

I heard that even if the wound was healed, but the lost blood won't come back, and the rapid recovery drains strength.

"So, what happened?"

When she was done with her business, the Sister told me to eat well and get a good night's sleep, and then she returned to the church. As Claire and I started to eat the supper that Mom had reheated, Dad started to interrogate us. Mom sat aside without saying a word.

The Magic Circle of the Secret Base, was connected to an abandoned building where we had moved. I told them everything: that I had found two gold coins, and that the Living Statue attacked us.

"This is what we found in the place where I defeated the Statue."

When I fell asleep, Claire seemed to have found something, a bluish glass ball on the table. I wondered if it was a drop item from the statue.

As soon as Dad saw it, he gulped.

"Did Mina really defeat this all by herself?"

"Yes, I was too weak to move..."

"Oh, right. Dad, my wooden sword was ruined. I'm sorry."

I also put the remains of the wooden sword I collected on the table.

"How did a wooden sword end up like this?"

"The wooden sword couldn't damage the statue, so I used magic power through it."

"...Theoretically, it might make it a little harder, but that's about it, right?"

"I put attributes on it."


Dad didn't seem to understand. He looked at me as if saying, "What are you talking about?".

I think I've gotten used to that kind of look in the past two weeks.

I'm not an endangered species, even though I'm considered one of the weakest among the advanced jobs, and I think former adventurers know that, right?

You see, in [SeveChro], Magical Warriors were the weakest and most advanced job class. That was when it was still in the game system.

"...Can you use that here?"

He apparently thought it would be quicker to see it in person. Dad unsheathed the dagger at his waist and placed it in front of me.

"Well, I'll give it a try."

I pulled the dagger from its sheath. I let the magic flow through it, and it went through easily. The most obvious thing to see is flame, right? I'm not good at it because it's different from my main attribute.

"[Fueco Spada]!"

Flames covered the dagger as if clinging to it. The person who used the [Magic Sword] doesn't seem to feel the heat.

"Ah, it's done."

"Hey, Sis, weren't you using flames when you were fighting?"

"That was a wind sword, but I thought it would be easier to see if it was flame."

When I was speaking with Claire, my father and mother looked at me wide-eyed and gasped. Did I do something wrong?

"...Mina, anyway, Dad has never seen that skill before."

Dad and Mom had stopped moving, so I was eating dinner while talking to Claire in idle chatter when Dad came back.

"I see."

...I don't understand it myself, it's probably a difference in common sense.

I'm certain this world is at least based on [SeveChro], but I guess I should look into the differences. I don't care if it's in front of my family, but I don't want to do something weird in front of strangers and have them avoid me.

"To begin with, it's very difficult to pass magic through matter. It would take even a first-rate magician several years to pass magic power through an empty space. And even if you can do it, it doesn't mean that you can pass magic through any substance as you wish."

"But Claire could use the Magic Circle for transfer, right?"

"Magic Circles were used to channel magic into matte. What you thought about instead is the opposite way to do it."

I see. Magic Circle is used when magic power needs to flow into matter. Maybe that's how the Magic Stone in the Magic Circle works as well.

"Dad doesn't complain about what Mina can do, either. It's what got us both home."

"That's right, Dad, it's not her fault. I'm the one who asked her to explore in the first place."

"It's just that you shouldn't use this technique so carelessly."

"Why not?"

Claire is angry for some reason.

"Judging from the size of that glass ball, the one Mina defeated was a B-class monster. ...No matter how weak it was, it won't be below C class when if it was able to move."

Ah, a common adventurer's rank setting...I don't know how strong they are when they say they are B class. There was an adventurer's guild in [SeveChro], but I'm not interested in it because the experience and money they offered were said to be so subtle that I might not have even entered the building because of it.

"Even if it was class C, it should have been impossible for a single wooden sword to destroy it. I think even Dad would have judged that Mina was just telling some random adventure story if Mina came back without showing her injuries."

"If she's just strong, it won't matter, will it?"

"No, some might try to trick her into signing a contract she doesn't like, or even enslave her to steal her skills. At a minimum, at this time."

Oh, there is slavery in this world. I doubt that was in [SeveChro].

"I understand what you're saying, Dad. I don't want to force myself to use it, either, and I'll try to use it as little as possible."

"Mm, I think it's normal if people think you are using a Magic Item if they only see it for a moment, but it would be better if you don't use it in public places."

I put out the flame of the dagger I had been holding in my hand, which I had forgotten to put out and left burning, and put it back in its sheath. I wonder why my father looked a little relieved as soon as I put it out?

I couldn't shoot the dagger repeatedly because it would break if it were a wooden sword that a minor could hold. I tried it with my dad's dagger, but I don't think it would hold much even if it were made of metal. Should I tell him that it might break because it's deteriorating?

"What about the ruins, Dad? We haven't checked them all out yet, either.

"I will discuss this with the village head. I'll let you know when we go out to explore, so don't go without permission."


I wonder if my father will be the one to go exploring? I wish I could accompany him since he went that far to explore.

"You two keep the gold coins. The engravings are different from the ones used in town, so I'll check with my acquaintances when Dad goes to town."

"Dad, I don't mind spending for our home, you know?"

"Me too."

If Claire says so, I have to agree with her. I have to agree! I said it twice because it was important.

"I'm glad you feel that way, but you may want to use it eventually. Well, if I'm really in a bind, I'll borrow from my daughter."

Dad said with a grin. I'm glad I have a dad who knows what he's talking about.

"And I'm glad you're back safe."

Dad hugged me and Claire. Mom laughed and said, "Oh my".

It was late at night and I was complaining that the blood on my stomach had dried and was hard to take it off, so Dad got some water from the river and boiled a bath for me.

That day, Claire and I took a bath together and slept in the same bed.


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