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Seat Village Display

Perhaps surprised, Daddy hardly spoke at all. In contrast, Brother Murcia was looking around the building as if he were a country bumpkin who had just arrived in the city for the first time.

"As I explained earlier, this is a town built for adventurers and peddlers who have increased rapidly with the discovery of the dungeon, and this central street has stores for armor, clothing, daily necessities, etc., as well as restaurants, inns, and so on. For example, the three-story building there is one of the Inns."

"...This whole building is an inn? So is the Mary Chamber of Commerce putting that much effort into it...?"

Daddy looked up at the Xsara Hotel as he muttered something. Apparently, he thought that the Mary Chamber of Commerce had invested in building it.

"No, no, the Mary Chamber of Commerce also has a store, but half of the stores in this area are owned by the Bellrango Chamber of Commerce and each has its own owner. Individuals are basically starting their own businesses with little money to start with, basically by borrowing money from me."

When I correct him, Daddy ponders for a few seconds with a difficult look on his face.

"...Show me Seat Village."

"As you will."

I don't know what conclusion he came to, but I go along with Daddy's wishes for now.

"Wow, it's remarkable...I didn't know Van's territory was so developed..."

Brother Murcia muttered as we walked, and Dee shook his shoulder and laughed.

"What do you say! If you're surprised by the adventurers' town, you'll be shocked when you see Seat Village!"

"Eh, really?"

Dee said something unnecessary, and brother Murcia exclaimed in surprise. No, no, the adventurer's town seems to have more of an impact in terms of appearance, but why raise the bar?

Slightly uneasy, I lead Daddy, Brother Murcia, Stradale, and the others on a tour.

We stop in front of the wall and water moat, where a ballista is set up. It is not aimed directly at us, but the sound of an arrow being loaded rings out as if to indicate that it can be fired immediately.

"...They're not aiming at us."

Dee confirmed in a low voice, but I pretended not to hear her and raised one hand. Then Dee loudly issues an instruction.

"Open the gate! Lower the bridge!"

His voice rang out, and not long after, the drawbridge came down. Then, the gate opens heavily. After silently watching the scene, I looked back at Daddy and the others.

"Welcome to Seat Village."

I announced with a smile, and Daddy wrinkled his brow and tugged his chin.

"Van, that big tower..."

"That's the Origo tower. On the other side is the Grape tower, which allows us to keep an eye on the perimeter. Of course, there are ballistas facing in all directions, and there are always more than a dozen Knights on the ramparts to be on the lookout."

"By the way, the walls have a very particular shape. Does that mean something?"

"It looks like a star when you look at it from above. The pointed parts are not connected to each other except for a drawbridge on the top of the roof.

So, when attacking this village, attacking the spire is the first step, and then you have to break through the water moat and the walls."

"...That is indeed a pretty solid defense. As I recall, I heard that that those ballistas even felled a flying dragon with a single blow..."

"It can take down a wyvern or even an armored lizard with a single blow. The skill of the person in the group who controls it has also improved, so it no longer misses its aim. By the way, the range is over one kilometer. It can also fire two consecutive shots."

"An, an armored lizard? You're kidding, right?"

With such conversation, we continued on our way through Seat Village. The only one asking questions is Murcia, while Daddy and Stradale are silently following along.

The bathrooms in the Seat Village have been rebuilt into large baths, and the boiling water is circulated using the power of the Dwarven furnace, but the size of the bathrooms is inferior to the large baths outside.

It lacks impact. The lord's mansion has remained unchanged since it is somehow just the right size, and I wondered where I should show him around.

While I was thinking about this, Espada, who had been silent so far, coughed and pointed to the back of the village.

"Van-sama, I was wondering if you have guided them to the dwarves' furnace and the lake yet."

I nodded in agreement.

"I see, I have not. Since it's a good time, I'll show you around there as well."

As I replied with a laugh, I heard Daddy muttering quietly behind me.

"...Dwarves, you say?"

I heard the voice and stole a look, but Daddy's eyes were already directed at the smoke rising at the back of the building.

"Those famously people hating dwarves are living in Van's territory?"

"They are a bit stubborn, but they are good people."

I lightly reply to Brother Murcia's surprised voice and resume my tour. As we passed through the side of the lord's mansion and went deeper and deeper into the house, a large furnace appeared before us. Even this was much smaller than originally planned, which was frightening. Incidentally, when smelting Orihalcum, the materials and fuel will be piled up near the top of the furnace.

Seeing the large furnace and blacksmith shop, Daddy and the others froze, their faces drawn upward. With this scene at our side, we peeked inside the forge. In the midst of the tremendous heat, blackened Habel and the others were happily swinging their hammers.

"Oh, look! Can you guys make this?"

"Shut up! Shut up! I'll learn how to hammer a katana in no time!"

Habel's work was more like a slim falchion!

Perhaps it was because they were talking amidst the sound of swinging hammers and hammering iron, but Habel and the others were talking in shouted voices and laughing loudly. They really seemed to be enjoying themselves.

"Hey! I'm here for a little visit!"

When I called out, Habel and the others turned around.

"Oh, Van-sama! How do you like it? Is it looking a little more like a katana now!?"

Saying this, Habel held up a black, single-edged sword. The glistening, dull sword has an impressive presence. However, I am uncertain whether it is a sword or not.

"I think it's an excellent result. It still needs to be thinner and more warped, though."

"I can't imagine making it any slimmer! It will be too easy to bend..."

Habel looks at the sword he struck as if distressed. Seeing this, the other dwarves laugh while holding their bellies.

"Told you so!"

"How many times do you have to fold the steel plate over! Yours must have been folded three or four times!"

"Shut up! It's about the shape, the shape! I folded it five times! It didn't get any tougher by making more folds!"

"Ten folds would've made it sharper!"

"You make it and then show it to prove your point!"

And so, a shouting match ensued. I thought this was getting out of hand, so I picked up the sword that Habel and the others had created, which was randomly placed in a jar. Of course, I chose one that was not freshly struck, so it was not hot.

The Dwarven sword was much more impressive than the one that came from outside. The sword in my hand was a long sword with few ornaments, and I felt that the iron sword was heavier than Mithril.

With this in mind, I looked at Habel with the long sword.

"I'll have some of this!"

"Oh! That stuff around there is second-rate! Take all you want!"

"Habel, you bastard! That's the one I made! Well, you can have it!"

Chuckling at Habel and the others' noisy voices to no end, I take the sword the dwarf created and head outside. Apparently, they had reached the entrance, and Daddy and the others were looking at us as if they could not believe what they were seeing.

"They are bustling about like this, making weapons and such."

When I said this with a wry smile and showed them the swords, everyone's eyes were drawn to them. Dee and Stradale's eyes were especially serious, while Daddy's face was grim, most likely due to his status as a Lord.

"...This is the finest quality weapon I've ever seen."

Dee mentioned it with a snarl, and Stradale nodded silently, and Daddy listened to them with a bitter look on his face.


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