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"Now, the battle of extermination!  We'll give chase!  Don't care about the soldiers or the civilians!  Kill them all!"

He gave the final order, which was tantamount to a victory battle cry. The soldiers, who had felt the victory firsthand, let out an angry cheer, raised their swords, and began to charge.

I raised the edge of my mouth, pointed my palms at the wyverns holding onto the edge of the ramparts, and shouted.

"Give the order to the puppet sorcerers!  Wyverns, go to where the enemy is fleeing and drop the black ball!  Watch out for fire magic and be sure to maintain altitude!"

That was the end.

As I was about to watch the wyverns fly away, something inexplicable suddenly happened.

The wyvern at the very front fell from the ramparts with a spray of blood. I was speechless as the wyvern's head detached from its body like a toy and fell without effort.

Immediately after, a heavy crash sounded from somewhere, and with a sound that cut through the wind, one wyvern fell from the ramparts, followed by two more.

I don't think they lost their balance.

The wyverns all fell to the ground in a way that made it impossible for them to land on the ground.

"What... what happened...?"

Just as he muttered this, another wyvern fell to the ground headless.

The wyverns, controlled by the puppet sorcerer, were unable to take evasive action on their own. They can only start moving when the puppet magician gives them instructions.

Therefore, it is impossible to react on the spur of the moment.

What, what is happening! What is happening?  Why is Wyvern's head...?

I yell at the nearby adjutant, but he just shakes his head with a pale face.

Damn you, you're useless!  Incompetence!

I open my mouth, gnashing my teeth in gut-wrenching anger.

"Hurry up and send those wyverns flying!  If it's in the sky...!"

Just as I gave that instruction, I heard another sound similar to an earth tremor and a whoosh of wind. The wyverns then fell from the castle walls like a joke.

By now, the number of wyverns dropped exceeded 30% of the total number.

It happened in the blink of an eye. How could this be so stupid?

And then another wyvern is decapitated.

I wanted to cover my face, but this time I saw it.

I saw a thin figure swinging a sword.

"Enemy!  There is someone on the ramparts with a sword!  Get out of there quickly!"

The figure was dressed like a woman, but it didn't matter. Whether the enemy is a swordsman or a first-rate adventurer, if they fly into the sky...!

Perhaps my prayers were answered, and the wyverns flew up one after another.

"Good!  All right, all right!  In the sky!  Attack the top of the ramparts from the sky!  This enemy is far more troublesome than the Marquis of Fertio!"

As soon as I shouted that, as if on cue, that sound echoed through the air.

Just when I thought I heard the wind howl, I saw four wyverns falling headfirst down.

"Baa, silly!!!?  What the hell!  Where is the enemy!?"

My second-in-command replies to my words with a panicked look.

"To the right!  That is a new enemy that was not on this battlefield!"

At these words, I reflexively look in the direction the adjutant is facing. Then, I saw something in that direction. It was something like a huge wall.

"...Change target!  We can't just run back like this!  The Marquis de Fertio's knights are in full breakaway position!  There is no chance of a pincer attack!  Smash that spearing bastard with all your forces! !"

I shouted angrily, my voice turning inside out, and I maneuvered my horse to reverse.

I'm not sure about the mysterious wall, but the enemy's formation is small and compact. No doubt there are no more than a thousand of them.

"Let's trample them down!"

I shouted from the pit of my stomach and raised my sword.


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